Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.
Meeting Notes 2025
proposal 2025-03-17
Meeting notes 2025-03-10
- Participants:
- Invitation to follow up hands on session to "deploy an app to faurecia/harmann store" this friday, March 14 (Florian H., BMW):
- Will be published open source, presentation of the results in the next COVESA session
- Invite will be shared in the minutes and in the community calendar
- Potential participants: BMW, Cariad, Allianz, Paradox Cat
- Goal: Release an App with COVESA SDK to Appning/Harmann Store
From 09:30 - ca. 15:00 CET
Quartett mobile GmbH
Walter-Gropius-Straße 17
D-80807 München
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Meeting ID: 353 911 788 063
Passcode: t4L7o8vh
- AMM agenda working on/aligning:
- Work streams:
Meeting notes 2025-03-03
- Participants: Valtech Mobility, Appning by FORVIA, Ford, Forvia, BMW, Ford, GM, Elektrobit, Tietoevery, RemotiveLab, Paradox Cat
- AMM agenda
- Multiple proposals received for talks
- Looking for live demos (push, emulator, ...)
- Push notification
- Pull request was merged link
- Instructions in the readme, as well as sample app link
- Live demo by Viktor Mukha @ Paradox Cat
- Entertainment
- HAYU (NBCUniversal’s reality TV streaming service)! invited thos Thursday March 6th 5PM-6pm CET ==> Join us!
- Detail in COVESA's Slack link
Meeting notes 2025-02-24
- Participants: Forvia, Allianz, 2net, RemotiveLabs, ParadoxCat, , GM, Gracenote, Appning by Forvia, Mavi, Valtech Mobility, Tietoevry, Paradox Cat, Bosch, Ford, Endava, BMW
- Push notification
- Marketing / blog post: need update
- Pull request
- Changes proposed by Appning were reviewed by Simon, that requested some changes
- Will be reviewed this week by Appning,
- Hosting:
- Decision: Public, on Maven
- Structure: one SDK / feature vs 1 SDK for all features
- Decision: 1 SDK for all features in the short term (pro: BMW)
- When adding more features, will be reconsidered (pro: Appning)
- How to release
- Decision: use Github action
- Appning to create an issue to expose push notification as a jar
- Owner: will ask Simon
- Covesa SDK requirements:
- Need input from Paul
- Covesa SDK now mentioned on the aosp-dev.org website! => https://aosp-devs.org/code.html?mwg_rnd=8777906
- Entertainment
- Now a monthly meeting
- Meetings notes need to be updated
- Monthly meeting now
- AMM: Presentation Appning x app challenge?
- Start a discussion on requirements for a COVESA SDK in general?
(e.g. on https://github.com/COVESA/covesa-aosp-sdk/discussions or on a subpage on this WIKI?)- ==> Need nput from Paul ?
Meeting notes 2025-02-17
- Participants: GM, FORVIA, Appning by FORVIA, BMW, Bosch, FORD, Elektrobit, Endava, Paradox Cat.
- AMM coming in May:
- Update what we have done.
- Feedback from different members.
- Very open to inputs: business track. If executives want to talk, welcome.
- Projects / next steps 40min-1h
- Technical sessions (different work streams). & call for participants – welcome, mostly on 14th of May.
- Push Notifications revisited
Meeting notes 2025-02-10
- Participants: COVESA, csimmonds, GM, RemotiveLabs, BMW, FORVIA, Ford, Appning by FORVIA, Endava, Valtech Mobility, Allianz, Tietoevry, Paradox Cat, Renesas, mavi.io
- info: https://aosp-devs.org/
- Data Workstream summary. see 2025-02-06 Meeting Notes
- AMM Berlin in May planning, ideas:
- table / bench for AMM to show what we have achieved so far.
- demos in technical track - what has been achieved with emulator, data, push notifications
- data PoCs on different headunits?
- FORVIA app challenge lessons learned?
- Participants:
- Updates on workstreams:
- Push Notifications - is the branch merged? - latest on marketing actions?
- Emulator - see 2025-02-10 Agenda proposal and COVESA AAOS Emulator Requirements
- Data Workstream
- AMM Berlin in May planning
EU data act: weekly meeting date still in discussion, status 2025-02-05:
Weekly Meeting: in discussion (Zoom Link)(Subscribe to Community Calendar to stay up to date)
Image Removed
see meeting link, charter is already there: EU Data Act Project - Wiki Front Page - COVESA- for AOSP idea of participation in APAC meeting, see calendar:
- Push Notifications
- documentation is in readmes sample/client on codeberg.org and on Unified Push Website,
re-check if this is enough:https://unifiedpush.org/
Viktor still testing the SUNUP distributor, then merge can be done (see below).- status on uses-feature tag talked about in AOSP-weekly: COVESA AOSP Weekly 2024#14thOctober2024-MeetingNotes:
- PS regarding "uses-feature" tag:
The idea is to let the app store on the car - or the OEM - check if an app has a dependency on a distributor app. (bearbeitet)
→ Simon: You can use `org.unifiedpush.android.connector.NEW_ENDPOINT` or `org.unifiedpush.android.connector.MESSAGE` for instance
- Emulator - see Meeting notes 2025-02-10 and COVESA AOSP Emulator Requirements
Meeting notes 2025-02-03
- Participants: BMW, COVESA, Bosch, RemotiveLabs, FORVIA, FORD, Appning by FORVIA, Tietoevry, General Motors, Elektrobit, Endava, Allianz, Paradox Cat
- 5-5:30 pm (CEST) General Topics:
- 5:30-6:00 pm (CEST) Emulator workstream COVESA AOSP Emulator Weekly