Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.
Meeting Notes 2025
Agenda proposal 2025-03-17
Meeting notes 2025-03-10
- Participants:
- Invitation to follow up hands on session to "deploy an app to faurecia/harmann store" this friday, March 14 (Florian H., BMW):
- Will be published open source, presentation of the results in the next COVESA session
- Invite will be shared in the minutes and in the community calendar
- Potential participants: BMW, Cariad, Allianz, Paradox Cat
- Goal: Release an App with COVESA SDK to Appning/Harmann Store
From 09:30 - ca. 15:00 CET
Quartett mobile GmbH
Walter-Gropius-Straße 17
D-80807 München
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 353 911 788 063
Passcode: t4L7o8vh
- AMM agenda working on/aligning:
- Work streams:
Meeting notes 2025-03-03
- Participants: Valtech Mobility, Appning by FORVIA, Ford, Forvia, BMW, Ford, GM, Elektrobit, Tietoevery, RemotiveLab, Paradox Cat
- AMM agenda
- Multiple proposals received for talks
- Looking for live demos (push, emulator, ...)
- Push notification
- Pull request was merged link
- Instructions in the readme, as well as sample app link
- Live demo by Viktor Mukha @ Paradox Cat
- Entertainment
- HAYU (NBCUniversal’s reality TV streaming service)! invited thos Thursday March 6th 5PM-6pm CET ==> Join us!
- Detail in COVESA's Slack link