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  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting notes 2023-07-18

  • VSS Japan-friendly timeslot (15.00 24th July JST, 8.00 24th CEST, 23.00 23rd Pacific)
  • Digitial.Auto PR access (review by TST 29th)
  • Data Arch (Stephen)
    • PR in Playground - working on example
    • Would like to look at commercial vehicle guidelines
    • BMW continuing with knowledge layer connector

Meeting notes 2023-07-11

  • Automotive API with AUTOSAR
    • Ulf and Steve attended meeting.  A doc will be sent to VISS and VSS for review at some point
  • Hugo doc theme Learn deprecated.  ReLearn or Hextra are suggested as path forward. 
    • Projects should update as they can
  • Commercial Vehicle EG approved.  
    • Comments in charter should be addressed and cleaned up.
  • AOSP and VSS 
    • Insurance elements proposed for VSS

Meeting notes 2023-07-04 CANCELLED!

Meeting notes 2023-06-27

  • Paul: Daniel Alvarez and Dough/Cariad met and they seem to be aligned
  • API Standardization Charter
    • Proposed to work as part of CVi meeting

Meeting notes 2023-06-13

Meeting notes 2023-05-30

Meeting notes 2023-05-23

  • Regular checkins between HIM/Commercial Vehicle Information Specifications
    • e.g. Overlays vs HIM
  • Common Vehicle Interfaces
  • Naming
    • Avoid similar names/acronyms if possible
  • Central Data Service Playground
    • BMW close to knowledge layer contribution
  • Insurance use cases
    • What is required?

Meeting notes 2023-05-16

Meeting notes 2023-05-02

Meeting notes 2023-04-11

  • FMS
  • AMM
    • DEg slide update

Meeting notes 2023-04-04

Meeting notes 2023-03-28

Meeting notes 2023-03-21

  • Data Expert Group Working Session - Status Update
    • How do we want to handle it
    • Ford/Blackberry presentations
    • 1. What has been done since last AMM

      2. What is the focus/being done at this AMM

      3. What is the focus until next AMM

    • Agenda
      • Intro: 5 minutes (Erik)
        • Way of working
      • Erik Jaegervall : VSS+methods, VISS, ... (10 min)
      • Stephen Lawrence : Architecture, Playground (10 min)
      •  Adnan Bekan : Vehicle API, AUTOSAR, CVI (10 min)
      • Questions & Discussions: 10 min
        • Pillars and leads - need for reorg? To be continued to be discussed at wrap up at end of AMM
    • Label: Shall it be "working session" or something else ("technical presentation"?)
    • Material to be ready at latest Thursday before AMM for review
    • AP: Paul to create google drive folder
  • Data Expert Group Review and Wrap-Up
    • Just informal?
  • VSS session wednesday (Pierre Pierre) possibly to be moved to Thursday morning (replacing the 9.00 open source session), AP: Paul to check with PP

Meeting notes 2023-03-07

  • Decision to cancel meeting March 14th due to collision with RemotiveLabs spotlight
  • Walkthrough of
    • Decision: Make project public (all has read access), if possible make Stephen/Adnan/Erik admin, give regular DEG participans write access
    • AP: Paul to make it public
  • Also where have issues
    • Make them public, review who has write/admin access
    • Paul: What gets into a DEG repo apart from issue
    • Stephen: Could be diagrams

Meeting notes 2023-02-29

  • Central Data Service Playground now very close to minimum viable product
    • Operational: As we spin up things like online documentation makes sense to both leverage existing experience with say VSS and to do it in a consistent way with what exists to ease overall maintenance, e.g. similar operational patterns.
      • Any existing artifacts we can leverage?
      • Tips, e.g. CI?
    • Review: Will be increasingly asking people to try, review and give feedback.
    • Wider eco-system: Will be considering examples and connection of "lego" to other parts of Covesa eco-system.
  • Discuss Covesa approach to images in Docker Hub
    • Need to understand what is required to upstream and maintain images of Covesa tech in Docker Hub
    • Any group experience we can leverage?
  • Something related to VISS project transfer from W3C?
  • Bosch open source pages mentions VSS -
  • ChargeX
  • How to "refactor" meetings
    • Not many subject or participants lately
    • Change to bi-weekly or on need basis (cancel if no agenda)?
    • Paul: Board wants to see the big picture, that is the topic of this meeting
    • Erik: Please propose topics for future DEG meetings
    • Erik: Possibly revive the backlog at
  • AMM
    • DEG Update -message, discussion topics,
    • Proposal from Carina

Meeting notes 2023-02-15

  • VISS governance
    • If we want to handle VISS as a "standard", do we need a stricter process for merging changes and releasing new versions (compared to for example VSS)? Like formal review period, formal vote in TST?
  • AMM Agenda
  • AMM Agenda - proposal from Carin
    • With regards to planning for AMM agenda there was one idea / wish I had on the agenda that I'd like to run by the three of you... Many of the VSS sessions at AMMs are (and should be!) related to quite nitty gritty development by the working group. However; at  the session I've been I've heard the repeated frustration from developers, mostly at OEMs, for how to match signals from proprietary ones to VSS in an efficient way. I've brought up the idea with our developers that it would be interesting with a brainstorming session at AMM Gothenburg or co-problem ideation for generating different potential solution paths for how to work efficiently /methodology / tooling /AI tests etc. The feedback from RemotiveLabs engineers was "we'd like to participate in such a sessions (we have ideas and even tickets for this internally ), but currently we are not equipped /prepared to lead such a session". For your information, we are planning to join the meeting in Gothenburg with 4-5 people (2-3 of which engineers i.e. you don't have to put up with only me and Emil this time hahah )...  so I guess what I'm trying to do is propose to you guys if you like the idea that COVESA VSS chairs sets up a slot for this? (i.e. RemotiveLabs not involved more than anyone else who joins). Then anyone can take 5 minutes to explain an idea / proposals but to be a session where experiences and ideas are shared to connect further. Does this make sense? I think it would complement the other types of VSS sessions.

Topic Backlog:

  • Catena-X - shall we approach them? Do we want to collaborate, and if so how.
    • Discussion January 2024?
    • TODO: Identify possible alternatives from technical/organizational perspective

Meeting notes 2023-02-08

  • Introduction
    • Rachel Dismuke - Abalta
  • AMM
  • Stellantis Deep Dive
    • Feb 14th, ask paul if you want to join

Meeting notes 2023-02-01

Meeting notes 2023-01-25

Meeting notes 2023-01-18:

  • Catena-X
    • Paul: We want at least an organizational connection to Catena-X, I need to names to reach out to
    • AP: Erik to check internally at Bosch on whom from Catena-X to contact.
  • CES
    • SDV Alliance (COVESA, SOAFEE, AUTOSAR, Eclipse SDV)
  • AMM
  • Data Service Playground
  • VISS/W3C
    • VISS (w3c automotive group will cease to exist), will be taken over by COVESA

Meeting notes 2023-12-14:

  • Cancelled due to FMS meeting?!

Meeting notes 2023-12-07:

  • CV BoF?
  • Next meeting
    • CES Jan 9th-12th
    • Next meeting Jan 18th!
    • AP: Paul Boyes to remove all cancelled meetings

Meeting notes 2023-11-09:
