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This page is about the weekly meeting in Data Expert Group (Thursdays 16.00 Central European Time)

Quick link: https://covesa.my.webex.com/covesa.my/j.php?MTID=m53088c6ddb5734b991fe3a2311b4ae7

If it does not work check COVESA Common Meeting Schedule

NOTE: Meeting is sometimes cancelled on short notice. We typically communicate that here and/or in the COVESA Slack channel for Data Expert Group. If no-one shows up within 5 minutes the meeting is likely cancelled!

Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome and Compliance statement

Welcome to the COVESA Data Expert Group

Before we begin, we would like to make clear that COVESA is committed to compliance with the antitrust laws in all of its activities, and that it expects all participants to similarly comply with the antitrust laws.  We will not engage in--and members must refrain from--any discussion of, or understandings regarding competitively sensitive topics. If you have any doubts regarding whether a matter is appropriate for discussion, please consult with your antitrust counsel.

Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.

  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting notes 2024-10-17

Meeting notes 2024-10-10

  • Stephen: Where to put diagrams
  • AMM: Wrapup
  • European data Act (Volvo - Wireless Car)
    • Paul working with Magnus
  • API Standardization
    • Will be reviewed at next TST
    • Erik: Think it would be good to be more specific on whats to be done in the short term - actual deliverables.
  • Capabilities
    • Stephen: JasPar has a workgroup related to vehicle API. Might be one way to involve the Japanese OEMs

Meeting notes 2024-10-02 Cancelled!

Meeting notes 2024-09-19

Meeting notes 2024-09-05

Meeting notes 2024-08-22

  • Workshop Tuesday, Sept 24
    • Proposed Agenda Topics
      • Top down requirements for scaling VSS to adjacent domains
      • VSS role in Data-Centric Architectures
      • Standardization
      • API Design with VSS
      • Enabling and Realizing Cross Cutting Use Cases

Meeting notes 2024-08-08

  • Erik on vacation rest of month
  • Workshop Tuesday
    • Erik: Heard that NXP will be the venue
  • Proposed AMM VSS Topics (for the AMM 202409 Technical Track Planning "Data Expert Group - VSS" sessions)
    • VSS - What is new in VSS 5.0
      • In this session we will present what is new in VSS tools 5.0 and discuss how the changes in vss-tools may affect you.
    • Requirement Management for the COVESA VSS Project
      • At the moment we do not have any formal requirements for the VSS syntax, catalog and tooling.
        We also do not know what requirements and expectations downstream projects as well as COVESA members have on the VSS project.
        In this session we propose a methodology for how to collect and manage VSS requirements.

Meeting notes 2024-08-01

  • Workshop Tuesday
    • DEG-related topics (2-3 hour, morning)
      • VSS Roadmap (Daniel points, collect requirements)
      • CVI-roadmap/relationship, playground relationship
        • What work products would be useful
      • What is needed for adoption
      • AI influence - how will it affect VSS/CVI/Architecture - interfaces
        • Could be used to identify usecases we need to cover within COVESA
      • GM/Ford input - how do they want to influence/contribute to the work, what do you expect from COVESA
    • API workshop (2.5 hour, afternoon)
    • AP: Create agenda until next week
    • NXP has venue for 40 person
    • Bosch has space
    • To be decided before next meeting
      • Paul to figure out and decide on where
  • AMM Planning
    • AP: Erik and Adnan to propose content for VSS/DEG slots
      • May be replaced with other sessions

Meeting notes 2024-07-25

  • Topics for the workshop day before the AMM
    • Catch 22
      • No-one will come if we do not have interesting topics
      • But no reason to have a workshop on interesting topics if no-one will come
    • Erik: Try to have an agenda (or decide to cancel by August 8th?)

Action points

  • Bring up the discussion on the CVI meeting (Erik & Paul)
  • Bring up in VSS meeting (Erik)
  • Erik to propose rough agenda for next meeting
    • 9.00 - 16.00 (1 hour lunch), or 10.00 -17.00
    • Location not decided yet, not at AMM site  (Possibly The 5th Novi)

Meeting notes 2024-07-18

  • VSS Japan-friendly timeslot (15.00 24th July JST, 8.00 24th CEST, 23.00 23rd Pacific)
  • Digitial.Auto PR access (review by TST 29th)
  • Data Arch (Stephen)
    • PR in Playground - working on example
    • Would like to look at commercial vehicle guidelines
    • BMW continuing with knowledge layer connector

Meeting notes 2023-07-11

  • Automotive API with AUTOSAR
    • Ulf and Steve attended meeting.  A doc will be sent to VISS and VSS for review at some point
  • Hugo doc theme Learn deprecated.  ReLearn or Hextra are suggested as path forward.   https://themes.gohugo.io/ 
    • Projects should update as they can
  • Commercial Vehicle EG approved.  
    • Comments in charter should be addressed and cleaned up.
  • AOSP and VSS 
    • Insurance elements proposed for VSS

Meeting notes 2024-07-04 CANCELLED!

Meeting notes 2024-06-27

  • Paul: Daniel Alvarez and Dough/Cariad met and they seem to be aligned
  • API Standardization Charter
    • Proposed to work as part of CVi meeting

Meeting notes 2024-06-13

Meeting notes 2024-05-30

Meeting notes 2024-05-23

  • Regular checkins between HIM/Commercial Vehicle Information Specifications
    • e.g. Overlays vs HIM
  • Common Vehicle Interfaces
  • Naming
    • Avoid similar names/acronyms if possible
  • Central Data Service Playground
    • BMW close to knowledge layer contribution
  • Insurance use cases
    • What is required?

Meeting notes 2024-05-16

Meeting notes 2024-05-02

Meeting notes 2024-04-11

  • FMS
  • AMM
    • DEg slide update

Meeting notes 2024-04-04

Meeting notes 2024-03-28

Meeting notes 2024-03-21

  • Data Expert Group Working Session - Status Update
    • How do we want to handle it
    • Ford/Blackberry presentations
    • 1. What has been done since last AMM

      2. What is the focus/being done at this AMM

      3. What is the focus until next AMM

    • Agenda
      • Intro: 5 minutes (Erik)
        • Way of working
      • Erik Jaegervall : VSS+methods, VISS, ... (10 min)
      • Stephen Lawrence : Architecture, Playground (10 min)
      •  Adnan Bekan : Vehicle API, AUTOSAR, CVI (10 min)
      • Questions & Discussions: 10 min
        • Pillars and leads - need for reorg? To be continued to be discussed at wrap up at end of AMM
    • Label: Shall it be "working session" or something else ("technical presentation"?)
    • Material to be ready at latest Thursday before AMM for review
    • AP: Paul to create google drive folder
  • Data Expert Group Review and Wrap-Up
    • Just informal?
  • VSS session wednesday (Pierre Pierre) possibly to be moved to Thursday morning (replacing the 9.00 open source session), AP: Paul to check with PP

Meeting notes 2024-03-07

  • Decision to cancel meeting March 14th due to collision with RemotiveLabs spotlight
  • Walkthrough of  https://github.com/orgs/COVESA/projects/1
    • Decision: Make project public (all has read access), if possible make Stephen/Adnan/Erik admin, give regular DEG participans write access
    • AP: Paul to make it public
  • Also https://github.com/COVESA/data-expert-group where have issues
    • Make them public, review who has write/admin access
    • Paul: What gets into a DEG repo apart from issue
    • Stephen: Could be diagrams

Meeting notes 2024-02-29

  • Central Data Service Playground now very close to minimum viable product
    • Operational: As we spin up things like online documentation makes sense to both leverage existing experience with say VSS and to do it in a consistent way with what exists to ease overall maintenance, e.g. similar operational patterns.
      • Any existing artifacts we can leverage?
      • Tips, e.g. CI?
    • Review: Will be increasingly asking people to try, review and give feedback.
    • Wider eco-system: Will be considering examples and connection of "lego" to other parts of Covesa eco-system.
    • https://github.com/COVESA/cdsp
  • Discuss Covesa approach to images in Docker Hub
    • Need to understand what is required to upstream and maintain images of Covesa tech in Docker Hub
    • Any group experience we can leverage?
  • Something related to VISS project transfer from W3C?
  • Bosch open source pages mentions VSS - https://opensource.bosch.com/
  • ChargeX
  • How to "refactor" meetings
    • Not many subject or participants lately
    • Change to bi-weekly or on need basis (cancel if no agenda)?
    • Paul: Board wants to see the big picture, that is the topic of this meeting
    • Erik: Please propose topics for future DEG meetings
    • Erik: Possibly revive the backlog at https://github.com/orgs/COVESA/projects/1
  • AMM
    • DEG Update -message, discussion topics,
    • Proposal from Carina

Meeting notes 2024-02-15

  • VISS governance
    • If we want to handle VISS as a "standard", do we need a stricter process for merging changes and releasing new versions (compared to for example VSS)? Like formal review period, formal vote in TST?
  • AMM Agenda
  • AMM Agenda - proposal from Carin
    • With regards to planning for AMM agenda there was one idea / wish I had on the agenda that I'd like to run by the three of you... Many of the VSS sessions at AMMs are (and should be!) related to quite nitty gritty development by the working group. However; at  the session I've been I've heard the repeated frustration from developers, mostly at OEMs, for how to match signals from proprietary ones to VSS in an efficient way. I've brought up the idea with our developers that it would be interesting with a brainstorming session at AMM Gothenburg or co-problem ideation for generating different potential solution paths for how to work efficiently /methodology / tooling /AI tests etc. The feedback from RemotiveLabs engineers was "we'd like to participate in such a sessions (we have ideas and even tickets for this internally ), but currently we are not equipped /prepared to lead such a session". For your information, we are planning to join the meeting in Gothenburg with 4-5 people (2-3 of which engineers i.e. you don't have to put up with only me and Emil this time hahah )...  so I guess what I'm trying to do is propose to you guys if you like the idea that COVESA VSS chairs sets up a slot for this? (i.e. RemotiveLabs not involved more than anyone else who joins). Then anyone can take 5 minutes to explain an idea / proposals but to be a session where experiences and ideas are shared to connect further. Does this make sense? I think it would complement the other types of VSS sessions.

Topic Backlog:

  • Catena-X - shall we approach them? Do we want to collaborate, and if so how.
    • Discussion January 2024?
    • TODO: Identify possible alternatives from technical/organizational perspective

Meeting notes 2024-02-08

  • Introduction
    • Rachel Dismuke - Abalta
  • AMM
  • Stellantis Deep Dive
    • Feb 14th, ask paul if you want to join

Meeting notes 2023-02-01

Meeting notes 2024-01-25

Meeting notes 2023-01-18:

  • Catena-X
    • Paul: We want at least an organizational connection to Catena-X, I need to names to reach out to
    • AP: Erik to check internally at Bosch on whom from Catena-X to contact.
  • CES
    • SDV Alliance (COVESA, SOAFEE, AUTOSAR, Eclipse SDV)
  • AMM
  • Data Service Playground
  • VISS/W3C
    • VISS (w3c automotive group will cease to exist), will be taken over by COVESA

Meeting notes 2023-12-14:

  • Cancelled due to FMS meeting!

Meeting notes 2023-12-07:

  • CV BoF
  • Next meeting
    • CES Jan 9th-12th
    • Next meeting Jan 18th!
    • AP: Paul Boyes to remove all cancelled meetings

Meeting notes 2023-11-09:

  • FMS
    • Meeting 14th Dec, driven by CV BoF
    • We need to monitor what impacts it will have on VSS catalog
    • Erik: Would be good if CV BoF could bring back to VSS a few possible changes, so we can discuss how well it fit to current VSS.
    • Ted: Data sampling campaign and how it can be represented is a possible topic
  • SDV Alliance Demonstrator
    • Trying to show pieces from COVESA/SDV/SOAFEE/AUTOSAR
  • Ford/Alan has created a PR with VSS extensions, see https://github.com/COVESA/vehicle_signal_specification/pull/685
    • We will need to discuss how to consider the extensions
    • If "official extensions" we need to agree how they shall be used in standard catalog and how tools should use them
    • If "inofficial", like a profile, we need to find a way on how to document profile extensions to VSS syntax
  • Ted presented
  • https://github.com/orgs/COVESA/projects/1
    • Erik: Start regular cleaning of it, possible quarterly, make sure at least Erik/Adnan/Stephen is present
    • AP: Erik to find a date for a cleanup before new year, taking one of the regular meetings,

Meeting notes 2023-11-02:

  • FMS
    • Meeting Dec 14th (15-17 CET), 6 heavy duty truck manufacturers in EU, only OEMs
    • Idea: VSS could replace parts of FMS
    • Prep meeting?
    • Paul: How do we handle this? What does this mean?
    • Erik: Maybe we need a new format to support more extensive signal desxriptions
    • Erik: We could discuss possible cooperation methods, like:
      • Every discussion handled in vss project meeting, FMS has no role
      • VSS refers to FMS standard, "FMS" owns the definition
  • Chargex
  • Vehicle API
  • https://github.com/orgs/COVESA/projects/1

Meeting notes 2023-10-26:

  • Vehicle API
    • AUTOSAR says: They will work in WG-CLD, everyone needs to be member
    • Paul: Good if they use VSS; but not really open
  • Demonstrator (Fab4) - AUTOSAR-SOAFEE-COVESA-Eclipse SDV
    • Work on finding a meeting slot in progress, candidate slots:
      • 2 November 1600 CET / 1000 US ET / 0700 US PT

        3 November 1600 CET / 1000 US ET / 0700 US PT

        6 November 1700 CET / 1100 US ET / 0800 US PT

  • VSS-VHAL Mapping
    • COVESA has a mapping in "paused" state
    • Bosch has interest
    • Bosch has also a repo (https://github.com/eclipse-kuksa/kuksa-android-sdk) for direct access to VSS signals as an alternative solution
    • Adnan: Would be good if Bosch could show how KUKSA could be use to access hw-related data for Bosch components
  • Common vehicle Interfaces
    • First define blueprint, guiding principles, rather than agreeing on tools
  • VSS release
    • 5.0 + 4.1
    • Static UID handling, official pull request (for 5.0) in progress, small demo next VSS tuesday meeting
    • Erik: If we think 2 weeks to merge UID, then 2 weeks release prep that means release candidate end of november, final release 2 weeks after.
  • Simulation/Replay using VSS
    • There is interest in starting a group/BoF
    • Jeff: Interested to see how we fit into VSS, plugin to connect optimization tool to read VSS signals.

Meeting notes 2023-10-19:

Meeting Notes 2023-10-05:

  • AMM
  • Common vehicle interface meeting
    • Tomorrow round w Google, in a few weeks with Apple

Meeting Notes 2023-09-28:

  • AMM
    • Agenda
  • Blackberrry/Ford presentations
  • Summary of interface pillar discussions
  • AUTOSAR collaboration status (Vehicle API)
    • Joint meeting WG-MT & WG-CLD today, VSS model representation discussion

Meeting Notes 2023-09-21:

Meeting Notes 2023-09-14

  • Ford proposal discussion
    • Adnan: Would good be discuss with their system architect - how it would affect real project use and deployment
    • Adnan: versioning/governance?
    • Erik: Should we identify topic-areas and questions, and share VSS background for those areas, as input to dicussing alternatives and way forward with Ford
    • Paul to share presentation/recording
    • Erik: Could we use a wiki page to collect questions.
    • https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/WEXvkRfiFMfYCA_wNS9jjEK5sEw1iLkdkNVR2jw3lV6q0Q6yaIt-8z-2e9TlwBdj.mDeosF2rEQfdd7nM?startTime=1694523800000
      Passcode: #+wbA5dy
    • Adnan: Lets discuss in DEG and come back with answers/alternatives
    • Erik/Adnan: We will setup a date for internal discussion when we have read the presentation
  • Catena-X (https://catena-x.net/en/)
    • They have expressed an interest to talk to DEG, reserve time at normal meeting?
    • Paul: We both do a short presentation for each other
    • Tim: Would like to know more about start/goal/roadmap
    • Erik: Will check with them on suitable time to discuss
  • Copyright (https://github.com/COVESA/vehicle_signal_specification/pull/643)
    • Paul: Steve suggest to discuss with OSO Gerald Spreitz, is a board level decision
    • Paul: Will set up discussion with Gerald, and I will inform TST
  • AMM
    • Check out official event site, that it seems to be ok
    • Propose change/additions as needed

Meeting Notes 2023-09-07

Meeting Notes 2023-08-17

Meeting Notes 2023-08-10

  • F2F meeting for service API and tooling.
    • Notes
      • Adnan: preference mid of november
      • Sebastian: ETAS would be able to organise event
  • AMM
    • Notes
      • Sebastian: Shall we extend half a day with session?
      • Paul: we have chance to go for Monday/Tuesday/Friday.
      • Paul: Submit idea for AMM until end of august.
  • Service capabilities, name.
    • Notes
      • Adnan: Vehicle API Hub for SDV
      • Ted: Vehicle Defined Interfaces
      • Sebastian: General Vehicle API
      • Sebastian: Common Vehicle Interfaces
  • How VSS is used?
    • Notes
      • Ulf: Last AMM we presented Kuksa and ViSS.
      • Paul: Others as well could provide input. How to motivate?
      • Adnan: We also have to understand what is the need. Companies should start explaining.
      • Sebastian: challenge is not lack of material, but a way how to present this.
      • Stephen: We have documentation, we just have to do the work.

Meeting Notes 2023-07-27

  • Information: Erik on vacation August 1st -Sept 1st
  • VSS review Monday Jul 31, 2023 ⋅ 3pm – 7pm (Central European Time - Berlin)
  • Diagram/Document Storage (Stephen)
    • There has been some discussion before, but with the rise in reuse of our materials as shown last week we need to move towards a solution to encourage reuse. I'll be creating a git rep for the Data Architecture/Infrastructure work, but there is the bigger picture of the Data EG, AOSP and Covesa as a whole. Illustration where does someone go to get current Covesa Data Expert Group scope diagram?
    • Erik: There have been discussion in the past, possibly use github rather than wiki. I created a draft (restricted access) at https://github.com/COVESA/data-expert-group some time ago
    • Halim: Could generate from git
  • Interface/API way forward
    • Adnan:
      • Have one stream on IFEX, clear goal to define scope of IFEX.
      • One part on catalog/operations, also covering the service API. Discussion can start happening. Try to skip the "catalog" name
      • Need to find a catchier name, start looking at proposals
    • Stephen: Putting in context is useful
    • Adnan: With IFEX i could glue things together
    • Adnan: Would be good if Halim could collect some areas that would be use to describe
    • Adnan: Unsure if IFEX is mature enough. We need to have a definition of "final result"
    • Erik: Even if we trust IFEX concept, we should define the "input format" or "output format" that shall IFEX needs to work with
    • Adnan: Contribution to a Data Expert Group blogpost would be very welcome. Inform Adnan if you are interested.
  • Way forward:
    • Paul: Maybe use VSC timeslot ys for regular meetings
    • Halim: We can start w Monday schedule, decide on other afterwards. Fridays would be better.
    • Adnan: Paul to drop Doodle poll
    • Pual: next meeting on this topic Monday 31st 19.00 CET 10AM Pacific (VSC timeslot and link)

Meeting Notes 2023-07-20

  • Agenda 25th
    • Info from Ulf (pasted to Data Expert Group Workshops - Interface Pillar Alignment)
    • Adnan: Will GM and Aptiv participate
      • Richard Fernandes (GM): Planned that Halim will partipcate
      • Tim Welsch: Aptiv: yes
    • Promote/Reminder (Paul?)
    • Cancellation of VSS next week (Can Paul do it?)
      • AP: Erik to check with Paul
  • September meeting
    • Seems feasible for Bosch/ETAS to have it next to ETAS connection, we can discuss more on Tuesday

Meeting Notes 2023-07-13

  • Online discussion July: 
  • Data Expert Group Workshops - Interface Pillar Alignment
  • Paul: Per our discussion last week, I propose that we have an online workshop from 14:00 -16:00cet / 8am - 12pm ET / 5am - 9am PT on July 25th.  Would that work for everyone?

    • Erik:ok,
    • Ulf: Not so ok (vacation that week and some days before), maybe, week after would work
    • Adnan: It would work, can ping colleagues next week
    • Stephen: Would be OK
    • Tim: OK
    • Ted: OK
    • Erik: Maybe we shall go for 25th, even if some cannot join, there will always be some people that cannot join.
    • AP: Check with Gunnar (Erik can do)
    • Erik: What would be agenda for 25th, it is only 2 hours
    • Adnan: Align what people are expecting, what do they like see at end of succesful projects. We can go through active activities.
    • Adnan: Erik you could describe what you from Bosch would like to see, we can do similar from BMW side.
    • Decision: Have virtual meeting 25th, Erik to check if Paul want to send out invite.
    • Stephen: Important to align what people are expecting, possibly keep it technology agnostic.
    • Adnan: Two goals
      1. Aspect of common catalog
      2. Tooling for translationUse them as base for the discussion
  • September meeting
    • F2F if enough persons are interested. Candidate is Sept 26 Stuttgart-area (before ETAS connection, Bosch/ETAS can most likely arrange a room)
    • AP: All check if the can join in person, virtual, or not al all
  • AMM
  • Stephen: AUTOSAR Vehicle API things will be started again
  • Vacation planning:
    • Adnan off 1-4th Aug and 19th Aug - 3rd September
    • Erik off 1st Aug - 3rd September
    • Stephen possibly off 26th-28th, nothing more in August
    • Stephen as backup chair for this meeting when Erik and Adnan is off.
    • But anyone can act as chair, but good if you have wiki write-access

Meeting Notes 2023-07-06

  • F2F
  • Notes:
    • 2-3 hours online session, Week of 17-21st July? or 24-27th? Erik and Adnan to sync and propose based on result. (board 19th and 20th)
      • Paul 24th and 25th preferred
    • F2F-date; Or Monday (October 9th) at AMM?
      • Erik: If doing it AMM we should maybe have a virtual session in (early-mid) September as well
    • Adnan: Want to have the (small) european group F2F in september, larger follow up at AMM.
      • AP: Erik and Adnan to check internally on reasonable dates for a September F2F.
    • Setephen: We need to have different lanes; IFEX/IDL is one, catalog another one. We need to define trhe lanes and make sure all are discussed.
  • Vehicle API way forward

Meeting Notes 2023-06-29

  • F2F
    • Decision needed
    • No room
    • Paul: Possibly not the required mass of people
    • Adnan: These dates proposed due to board meeting, makes coordination simpler
    • Adnan: Ask people on how they want to contribute to the work, and then plan session
      • Each party adds 2-3 bullet points
    • Erik: So sync first, then agree on date?
    • Paul: Wants to know what everyone wants to contribute
    • Erik: Would it be better to aim for early September, to be able to decide on date on venue in advance
    • Paul: Will check for a hotel conference room, if not feasible reschedule for later, possibly at a member site
  • HIM
  • Design Pattern
    • Moving along, hopefully finished next week

Meeting Notes 2023-06-22

Discussion Topics

  • F2F - Data Expert Group Workshop Face to Face: July 18-19, 2023 Cologne, Germany - Interface Pillar Alignment
    • Current status; dates, venue, participants, ...
      • COVESA Board 19-20 July
      • Alignment w AUTOSAR/SOAFEE/COVESA 18th
    • Discussion (FTI Paul Boyes )
      • Participation list updated. Will Ford/Ulf participate?
      • What is reason to let DEG and Board meeting overlap
      • Would having the DEG discussion on Monday be an option?
      • Lets continue discussion in Slack
  • Ted: Should we have a JSON viewer to allow easy navigation of the catalog.
  • Stephen: DEG Git repository - reluctant to create a big DEG Architecture repo. We need somewhere to put the markdown. Maybe "data-arch-doc".
    • Will prepare a proposal

Meeting Notes 2023-06-15

  • Discussion Topics
    • Stephen presented Design Pattern / Data Architecture documentation proposal 
    • HIM & IFEX
      • Ulf: Service taxanomy can possible be shared, but serves partially different purposes.
      • Ulf: HIM gives a possibility to describe procedure signatures, similar to how VSS describe signals, which then can be used by interface design like VISS
      • Ulf: I think we need a RPC model
      • Adnan: Service definition could reference other models, like referencing VSS position
      • Gunnar: Are you talking about abstract service/function definition, or more specific that can be generated to real service implementations/stubs
      • Adnan: I see VISS like an API definition, IFEX more as an IDL that be converted to a lot of things
      • Gunnar: If there is VISS API that supports RPC, it could be generated from IFEX
      • Gunnar on IFEX:
        • Hierarchical namespace
        • A concept "interface" that specifies methods, properties, ... A combination of things we intend to expose that we can use to define a callable API
        • Namespaces of methods often related to software architecture, possibly we could have multiple hierachies.
      • Gunnar: We need to identify what is missing
      • Adnan: Has studied IFEX VSS proposal, wants something more standardized compared to Franca, like Yaml/JSON-based. A framework that allows to import multiple inputs, like ARXML, Android, and generate to various formats.
      • Adnan: Possible technical track on next board f2f-meeting, (Cologne 19-20 July, SOAFEE/AUTOSAR 18th)
      • Gunnar: How we can support AUTOSAR in IFEX

Meeting Notes 2023-06-08

  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
    • HIM&IFEX to be discussed June 15th

Meeting Notes 2023-06-01

  • Discussion
    • "Ulf/HIM proposal" (Hierarchical Information Model)

1. Decide on name for the evolved data model.
2. Create a new COVESA Github repo based on the new name.
3. Decide on a directory structure that can accommodate rule set definitions for multiple domains and multiple information types.
4. Create a rudimentary README on the top level giving a high level description of the new data model.
5. Move the VSS "rules definition" (the documentation) from the VSS repo to an appropriate directory on this new repo.
6. Create a rule set for services that that meets the requirements from the "passenger car domain" (VSS).
7. On the VSS repo, create an initial service tree based on the rule set from the bullet above. Continue to evolve it in parallell with the existing VSS tree.
8. Analyze the impact on VSS-Tools that the above has, take action on the insights from that.
9. Try to influence the W3C automotive group to evolve VISSv2 to support the new data model.
10. If successful on the above bullet, create a new COVESA project that will develop a POC containing a technology stack based on the evolved W3C interface and COVESA data model.

      • Discussion:
        • Ulf: Could be soft started as VSS subproject
        • Ulf: Do not see HIM file as input to vss-tools, it is the server that consumes it, it still work with initial trees
        • Erik: Suggestion:
          • Let Paul create a HIM repo (M/W/X)
          • Ulf to start working with repo, describe motivation, idea, and suggested increments/roadmap and basic architecture
            • Describe what problem we intend to solve, why do we create it.
          • Then let DEG discuss at regular interval, keep VSS meeting informed
          • When mature we can discuss how to involve more people
        • Decision: OK for Paul to create repo
        • Discuss relationship to VCS when we have the parts above ready
    • Adnan: SDV and Eclipse

Meeting Notes 2023-05-11

  • Welcome and Compliance statement

Welcome to the COVESA Data Expert Group

Before we begin, we would like to make clear that COVESA is committed to compliance with the antitrust laws in all of its activities, and that it expects all participants to similarly comply with the antitrust laws.  We will not engage in--and members must refrain from--any discussion of, or understandings regarding competitively sensitive topics. If you have any doubts regarding whether a matter is appropriate for discussion, please consult with your antitrust counsel.

Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.

  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
      • API project - see 

        VSS Meeting Topics and Meeting Notes

      • S2S-api_COVESA_V1.pptx
      • Discussion:
        • Paul: What do we want to explore needs to be defined. Start with a call with member - what do people want.
        • Erik: We need a realistic roadmap - what are people prepared to do? what can we achieve until next AMM or within next 12 months
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting Notes 2023-05-04

  • Welcome and Compliance statement

Welcome to the COVESA Data Expert Group

Before we begin, we would like to make clear that COVESA is committed to compliance with the antitrust laws in all of its activities, and that it expects all participants to similarly comply with the antitrust laws.  We will not engage in--and members must refrain from--any discussion of, or understandings regarding competitively sensitive topics. If you have any doubts regarding whether a matter is appropriate for discussion, please consult with your antitrust counsel.

Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.

  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
      • AMM Lessons Learned
      • Next AMM October 10th-12th, Troy, Mi, USA
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting Notes 2023-04-20

  • Welcome and Compliance statement

Welcome to the COVESA Data Expert Group

Before we begin, we would like to make clear that COVESA is committed to compliance with the antitrust laws in all of its activities, and that it expects all participants to similarly comply with the antitrust laws.  We will not engage in--and members must refrain from--any discussion of, or understandings regarding competitively sensitive topics. If you have any doubts regarding whether a matter is appropriate for discussion, please consult with your antitrust counsel.

Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.

  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting Notes 2023-04-13

  • Welcome and Compliance statement

Welcome to the COVESA Data Expert Group

Before we begin, we would like to make clear that COVESA is committed to compliance with the antitrust laws in all of its activities, and that it expects all participants to similarly comply with the antitrust laws.  We will not engage in--and members must refrain from--any discussion of, or understandings regarding competitively sensitive topics. If you have any doubts regarding whether a matter is appropriate for discussion, please consult with your antitrust counsel.

Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.

  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting Notes 2023-04-06

  • Welcome and Compliance statement

Welcome to the COVESA Data Expert Group

Before we begin, we would like to make clear that COVESA is committed to compliance with the antitrust laws in all of its activities, and that it expects all participants to similarly comply with the antitrust laws.  We will not engage in--and members must refrain from--any discussion of, or understandings regarding competitively sensitive topics. If you have any doubts regarding whether a matter is appropriate for discussion, please consult with your antitrust counsel.

Open and Royalty-Free
Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.

  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • AMM
      • AP: Erik to remove "negative" part, check with Gunnar for actual plan
    • Repository - best practices
      • Paul will start describring the process.
    • Friday agenda
      • 9.00-14.00
      • Paul to create confluence page
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting Notes 2023-03-30

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Antitrust
    Before we begin, we would like to make clear that COVESA is committed to compliance with the antitrust laws in all of its activities, and that it expects all participants to similarly comply with the antitrust laws.  We will not engage in--and members must refrain from--any discussion of, or understandings regarding competitively sensitive topics. If you have any doubts regarding whether a matter is appropriate for discussion, please consult with your antitrust counsel.

    Open and Royalty-Free
    Further, COVESA aspires to be an open and royalty-free organization. The discussions and contributions made during this session are governed by the COVESA Intellectual Property policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please review it in detail prior to making any contribution that reads upon a patent.

  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • EV Charging Repo
    • AMM
    • Compliance
      • Was typo (see organe above)
      • IPR policy rework in progress
      • Link to text good so we have a "master" that we can copy and add to invites
      • Shall be read at start of meetings.
    • EU initiative
      • Workshop next week
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting 2023-03-23

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • AMM
    • Encourage colleagues to register to AMM
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting 2023-03-16

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • AMM
      • Agenda walkthrough
      • Vehicle API session?
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting 2023-02-23

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • Struct support - VSS and APIs
      • Example: Struct support in VISS not explicitly stated, likely not complex, need json representation
      • AP: Erik to bring it up to VISS
      • Adnan expressed concern on struct usage
      • Ulf: guidance to be added to documentation.
    • Atomic read/write of multiple signals
      • Topic brought up by Bosch - recommendation/required for APIs?
    • Stream Support
      • Events or Video/Audio?
    • VehicleAPI
    • AMM
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting 2023-02-09

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • Adnan presents Vehicle diagram with zones and ethernet backbone
      • Which integration points do we want to handle
      • COVESA scope
        • Between zones
        • Zones to HU/TCU/COMPUTING
        • Communication from HU/TCU to Mobile/Cloud
        • For use-cases, what do we see as COVESA requirements
    • Vehicle API
      • We can move forward internally.
    • Workshop Feb 15th -16th - Data Expert Group - Workshop 2023 - Q1
      • See page
    • AMM
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting

Meeting 2023-02-02

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting 2023-01-26

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?

Prioritized topics

    • Workshop Feb 15th -16th
      • Agenda
        • AMM Topics
        • Release Planning
        • Way forward - Best Practices and Howtos
        • Vehicle API
        • Data Expert Group Retrospective
          • What has worked well
          • What has not worked well
      • Ted: Create a poll, find people who can lead the topics
      • AP: Paul to put it on COVESA calender
      • Paul: Focus on ws shall be data expert group
      • Confluence page created
        • AP: All to propose subjects on confluence page until next week.
        • Next week create rough agenda
    • AMM in Porto, Portugal, 25-27th April (Tuesday-Thursday)
      • Possibly assemble data expert group the day before or after for workshop
      • Ulf: Could be Tuesday morning, AMM typically starts at noon
      • AP: Everyone to check when they likely will/can arrive/leave, to find suitable slots
      • Stephen: Board meeting might be on Tuesday morning
      • Paul: Board meetings Tuesday and Thursday mornings, according to Steve
      • Ulf: Then better to have our meeting Monday morning.
      • AP: Paul to create confluence page for planning
    • VSS Schedule
    • Sign-offs
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
    • Workshop and AMM
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting 2023-01-19

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting 2023-01-12

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • Online Workshops (Paul, https://github.com/COVESA/data-expert-group/issues/4)
      • See notes in issue
      • Paul presented ideas:
      • Ulf: Often difficult to find information on homepage, it should be possible to find a page for each project from home page. Then we can start to fill out.
      • Paul Boyes : To create a poll for date
      • Stephen: Next week data architecture meeting will discuss topics for a workshop
    • Spring AMM planning
    • Presentation to board concerning VSS
    • COVESA-AUTOSAR charter - move to *.md repo (idea from Stephen)?
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting

Meeting 2023-01-05

  • Compliance statement - TBD
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • AUTOSAR -COVESA Collaboration
      • Erik has updated charter with proposed deliverables, to be reviewed by Sami from AUTOSAR Cloud WG Group
      • Initial comments from Sami received, see https://github.com/COVESA/data-expert-group/issues/2
      • Erik/Paul/Adnan to have meeting w Sami next two Fridays, in preparation for next steering group call
      • Ulf to present vehicle API proposal at the internal meeting Tuesday next week
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting 2022-12-15

  • Compliance statement
    • TBD: Discussion ongoing on what needs to be informed at start of the meeting.
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • AUTOSAR sync meeting tomorrow
      • Erik: Discussion last Friday w Erik, Adnan, Sami, see notes
      • Stephen: What was decided on board meeting
      • Paul: Likely continue with/without AUTOSAR, lets see tomorrow
      • Erik: What does really exist in AUTOSAR, only specs but also implementation
      • Stephen: In Adaptive reference implementation of drivers
      • Stephen: Good mentioning VISS, but not be to prescriptive
      • Stephen: Good to have simulator for if AUTOSAR is black box
      • Stephen: Does not necessarily need to be Linux, could be any RTOS, does not matter for architecture
      • Erik: But matters for PoC
      • Ulf: Do not think the VehicleAPI shall be VISS, it is too complex, shall be thin. But VISS shall be easily be integratable on top of it.
      • Ulf: API abstracts details, Data Mapper shall not be too interesting from COVESA perspective.
      • Ulf: AUTOSAR might come with input to VSS catalog
      • Erik: Has scope of PoC been discussed?
      • Paul: No!
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Info: Cancelled meeting due to New Year
    • Meetings cancelled: Dec 22nd, Dec 29th
    • Sync on available participants for Jan 5th on Slack just before, cancel if needed
  • Information
    • Paul is going to propose big blocks related to roadmap handling. We shall say where we want to be for next AMM (Europe late April- early May).
    • Stephen going on vacation tomorrow
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting

Meeting 2022-12-08

  • Compliance statement
    • Discussion ongoing on what needs to be informed at start of eah meeting.
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized topics
    • Monthly report to Board
      • Currently handled informally by Paul
      • Paul can publish the slide he use for reporting, so DEG members can add/review as needed
  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Cancelled meeting due to New Year
    • Meetings cancelled: Dec 22nd, Dec 29th
    • Sync on available participants for Jan 5th on Slack just before, cancel if needed
  • Information
    • Workshop being planned for architecture pillar
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting

Meeting 2022-09-29


Erik, Paul, Adnan, Joby, Stephen, Ted, Ulf


Tim Grieshammer

Proposed Agenda

Minutes of Meetings

  • AMM Schedule
    • General overview planned right now for 09.00-10.20
    • Agreed to reduce to 50-60 minutes
    • Adnan to prepare draft slides until next week, will synch with Erik
    • 1 hour session for DEG leads at end of day

Meeting 2022-09-15


Erik, Paul, Joby, Stephen, Ted


Tim Grieshammer

Proposed Agenda

  • Working model (at least until AMM)
    • Agree on what shall be discussed in expert Group Meeting vs. subproject meetings (VSS, VSC, security, CVII, …)
    • Meeting frequency, time and dates
  • What do we want to achieve until AMM
    • Identification of current activities that falls under data expert Group (What are they doing? How active are they? What has been delivered/contributed last 6 months? Roadmap for next 6 months)
    • Identification of a limited number of gaps/inconsistencies that needs to be prioritized by the Data Expert Group – e.g. what shall be our main focus until next AMM  
    • Proposal from my side:
  • AMM presentations and sessions – see https://wiki.covesa.global/display/WIK4/Data+Expert+Group+Working+Internal+planning+page+for+COVESA+AMM+October+2022
  • If time permits, sync on status of all activities belonging to Data Expert Group

Minutes of Meetings

  • Keep weekly meeting at this slot.
  • All pillar leads to prepare 1-2 slides on what current/recent activities and plans on what to do going forward (e.g. until next AMM). Can be more or less detailed. Either already now present detailed ambition until next AMM, or state that detailed ambition will be discussed during AMM or after AMM.
    • If possible, send to Erik in advance
  • Next week discuss:
    • Quick review of slides mentioned above, any gaps/inconsistencies, e.g. projects falling between the pillars.
    • AMM sessions - does plan need to be updated?

Meeting 2022-08-30

  • Adnan Bekan
  • Erik Jaegervall
  • Joby Jester
  • Krishna Koppolu
  • Paul Boyes
  • Sebastian Schildt
  • Stephen Lawrence
  • Ted Guild
  • Thomas Spreckley
  • Tim Grieshammer

Walk through overview of Data Expert Group with question and answer

  • Discussed mapping of existing activities to group (see diagram in Charter above).  Explained goal is not to disrupt current activities
  • Discussed distinctions between Security, Privacy, and Personal Privacy.  Work to be done.
  • Discussed ideas for desired next steps.

Identified and confirmed the following leadership:

Discussed October AMM schedule.

Next Steps/Action Items
  • Coordinate next meeting Erik Jaegervall 
    • Topics:
      • Way of working and deliverables
      • 6 month roadmap
      • AMM Presentation
      • Additional Group Co-Chair
  • Communication plan Paul Boyes 
  • October AMM Scedule
    • Create working copy for group Paul Boyes
    • Group to provide input and detail as to their thoughts @everybody
  • No labels