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  • Walk through ongoing topics in  “Backlog/Kanban Board”.  Each Pillar should have a work product their group is working toward and status.
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting
  • Date for next monthly report discussion

Meeting notes 2023-07-18

  • VSS Japan-friendly timeslot (15.00 24th July JST, 8.00 24th CEST, 23.00 23rd Pacific)
  • Digitial.Auto PR access (review by TST 29th)
  • Data Arch (Stephen)
    • PR in Playground - working on example
    • Would like to look at commercial vehicle guidelines
    • BMW continuing with knowledge layer connector

Meeting notes 2023-07-11

  • Automotive API with AUTOSAR
    • Ulf and Steve attended meeting.  A doc will be sent to VISS and VSS for review at some point
  • Hugo doc theme Learn deprecated.  ReLearn or Hextra are suggested as path forward. 
    • Projects should update as they can
  • Commercial Vehicle EG approved.  
    • Comments in charter should be addressed and cleaned up.
  • AOSP and VSS 
    • Insurance elements proposed for VSS

Meeting notes 2023-07-04 CANCELLED!

Meeting notes 2023-06-27

  • Paul: Daniel Alvarez and Dough/Cariad met and they seem to be aligned
  • API Standardization Charter
    • Proposed to work as part of CVi meeting
