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Comment: 5th June minutes. Future agenda items


Historical note: the minutes for the previous project, the CVII Tech Stack, can be found here: CVII Technology Stack meeting notes

19th June 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • uProtocol Simulator update with GM team

12th June 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • Knowledge Layer connector example proposal discussion from BMW

5th June 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • uServices mocker integration discussion with GM team
  • Time permitting or uServices discussion does not proceed: Knowledge Layer connector example
  • AoB


  • Playground Kanban stand-up
    • Steve has made the 0.1.0 release. Currently working with COVESA marketing to publicise
  • uServices Mocker discussion
    • Halim set the big picture. Mocker in question is the Eclipse uProtocol Simulator. Mocker seems a good fit for the concept of the Playground.
      • From project The up-simulator is a user-friendly web tool designed to make developing uProtocol services and Apps on PCs easy. Its intuitive interface empowers users with features such as Publish-Subscribe, RPC invocation, and the simulation of COVESA Vehicle Services. With a focus on a user-friendly graphical interface (GUI), users can easily navigate through the development and testing phases of uProtocol Apps, ensuring a smooth experience from start to finish.
    • GM engineers demonstrated the simulator for uProtocol and vsomeip traffic.
    • Halim: whilst the simulator supports uProtocol and uServices it can be used to simulate pure SOME/IP traffic.
    • Steve: as the simulator already exists it seems to be a question of how the 'tool' would be integrated and connected to other components to add value. Is it containerised?
    • Simulator is implemented in Python, but not yet containerised.
    • Halim suggests that GM containerises the simulator and that is then used to guage wider interest. This seems like a sensible way forward.
    • Halim: there will be a company stop in around a month for a summer break, so I would like to push the GM team to make some progress in the next two weeks. Let's plan for a progress update from the GM team in the Data Arch call for 19th June.
  • Knowledge Layer Connector example
    • Ran out of time. Pushed back to next week
    Mocker discussion
    • Draft plan:
      1. GM containerise the mocker
      2. Consider getting image into a docker repository (easy pull down)
      3. Publicise image availability and guage interest
      4. Consider how to image could be utilised in the Playground. Is it a 'core feature' or an example for instance?
        1. Halim: Mocker is not tied to either uProtocol or uServices. It can be used in a pure vsome/ip mode.
    • Plan for progress update from GM team in 19th June meeting.

29th May 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • Knowledge Layer connector
  • GM uServices mocker meeting next week
  • AoB
