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Agenda July 25th (Virtual),  14:00 -18:00 CET / 8am - 12pm ET / 5am - 9am PT

  • Welcome and introduction (10 minutes)
  • Round the table - how do you use APIs today?, what are your general expectations
  • BMW Idea: OpenAPI/AsyncAPI presentation
  • Gunnar: Update on IFEX and VSC
  • GM/Halim: GM collaboration and contribution to Vehicle Services
  • Discussion on work-areas for the interface pillar. Target is to identify the work-areas and how important they are considered by participating organizations. Some possible work-area proposals below
    • Common IDL
      • Is there a value in agreeing on a "common IDL format" (existing or new) that could be used for describing services?
      • If so, why? Some possible reasons:
        • Foundation for a common catalog
        • Foundation for implementation of reference cliensts/servers/SDKs
        • Simplifies translation/mapping between other IDLs,
    • IDL translation capabilities
      • What type of translations are of interest?
      • What do you need? Just a specification (like ARXML to Protobuf), or actually also tooling?
      • What are you willing to work-on?
    • Common service catalog
      • Do you see a value in a common catalog for services (like for example FOTA, diagnostics, ...)?
      • Do you think it actually is feasible? What is needed for success? The catalog part of VSC has so far not really been any success!
      • Do you see any candidate areas where chances of success is bigger than for others?
    • Reference implementations
      • Do you think COVESA shall be active doing reference implementations for Client/Servers/SDKs? Or is that better handled by other downstream projects (like W3C and Eclipse SDV)
    • VSS relationship
      • Shall COVESA define one or more APIs (using the "Common IDL") for accessing VSS data?
        • As a real API definition, or just as requirements on an API definition. Potential requirements include:
          • Support for atomic read/write/subscribe of multiple signals
          • Support for both "south" (the one providing values or actuating requests) and "north" (the one reading values and requesting actuation) i.e. support both for reporting actual value and for setting wanted value.
          • Metadata to be provided (like timestamp)
          • Error codes or scenarios - why was an actuation not fulfilled?
      • If so, focusing on thin API (like VISS and KUKSA.val) or fat (one method per signal)
      • Need for possibility specifying services that references VSS-signals, for example service to set 3 VSS signals in a single call
    • Relationship to COVESA-AUTOSAR Vehicle API discussion
  • Target: Agree on what is feasible to focus on in the short term
    • What is possible to achieve until Spring AMM
  • Way forward
    • F2F September - next to ETAS connection?
      • If so - time and agenda
    • Session at AMM (Monday?)

Can join

Erik, Adnan, Stephen, Tim, Ted, Paul, Gunnar, Halim Ragab

Can not joinUlf,

Notes from Ulf


As I am missing the Interface Pillar Alignment meeting next week I would like to provide some comments that I would have liked to be brought up at the meeting.

So if you see an opportunity to bring it up I would appreciate it. If you do not find a suitable opportunity I will not hold you to it .

It is Ok for me if you think it could be added to some page related to the meeting.




  • I think that if VSS is discussed, then HIM should be part of that discussion. HIM is a superset of VSS. It is backwards compatible with VSS, as shown in the Common Rule Set and the Resource Data Rule Set in the HIM documentation https://covesa.github.io/hierarchical_information_model/.
  • HIM provides two significant additions in comparison with VSS, a structured model for handling of multiple trees, AND the ability to represent not only “signal data” but also “service data”.
  • The “service data part” provides support for definition of a “common catalogue for services”. An example is shown on this link https://github.com/COVESA/hierarchical_information_model/blob/master/examples/HIM_Service.v1.0.0.him.
  • Ford is interested in participating in populating a “common catalogue for services” using the HIM model.

VISSv2 evolution:

  • The existing VISSv2 uses VSS as the data model. It lends itself very well to being evolved to use HIM instead. This combination would provide a comprehensive interface standard for both signals and services.
  • The VISSv2 reference implementation (https://github.com/w3c/automotive-viss2/tree/master) now has support for using gRPC for the transport of protobuf encoded VISSv2 messages. This could be added to the VISSv2 evolution specification, which then very well could become the “common IDL format” (= the protobuf part).
  • Ford is interested in participating in driving the work on evolving VISSv2 to use HIM instead of VSS. Which can be hosted by either W3C or COVESA.
  • Ford is also interested in participating in a reference implementation of the evolved VISSv2 spec. Which can be hosted by either W3C or COVESA.
    • (Could start from VISS ref impl, target protocols could be as for VISS; gRPC, Websocket, mqtt, HTTPS, current programming language is Go, could be different.)

September Session

Candidate date and place is Sept 26 Stuttgart-area (before ETAS connection, Bosch/ETAS can most likely arrange a room)

Sept 26th, Stuttgart
Can join in person

Can join virtually

Can not join

Full workshop at AMM

AMM is Oct 10-12th, possibly on Monday 9th

October 9th, Troy
Can join in person

Can join virtually

Can not join

General Discussions Below

Open Issues:

  • 4 Hour Online Workshop:  July 21? 24? 25?
  • 4 Hour Online Workshop:  Sept?
  • F2F at AMM 
  • Number of days/date?  1 or 2?  18th or 19th?  18th allows for some to participate 1/2 day.  Due to conflict with Board meeting, they will not be able to attend on the 19th.
  • Need a place/room.  Ford has some but requires a Ford employee to be present.  Currently no Ford employees are available to attend in person.
  • Who can attend in person?  Do we have enough people?

Workshop Purpose

  • Achieve consensus and alignment at a high level on the purpose/why of the following Interface Pillar projects. 
  • Drill into interface definition, translation and exchange and emerge with a focused collaborative plan for execution with near term wins


There are 4 projects/initiatives in the DEG Interface Pillar that have emerged over the years with varying level or agreement by members.  Common agreed service and interfaces specifications that align around a common data model have become increasingly important to the connected vehicle ecosystem, as such, they have become central to COVESA.  These common interfaces and data model are critical to enabling the future.  It is time to come to agreement and align this pillar and projects in the industry.


IFEX - general interface description and transformation technology

Vehicle Services Catalog - service/API descriptions for vehicles in a standard catalog

Vehicle API - expose vehicle data as defined and described by COVESA's Vehicle Signal Specification to a  variety of agreed upon touch-points in and out of the vehicle 

W3C VISS - service for accessing vehicle information, signals from sensors on control units within a vehicle's network.

VSS - vehicle data model.


Data Centric Architecture 

Data Expert Group Architecture Diagram


The above projects fall into these four topics:

  • Service Capabilities - what does the service do?  For example, adjust seat, adjust hvac, play media, monitor driver, etc...
    • VSC 
  • Service Catalog - a list of service capabilities
    • VSC
  • Interface definition, translation and exchange
    • IFEX
  • Data servers (pub/sub, get/set service and data model they serve) 
    • VISS
    • Vehicle API

High Level Proposed Agenda Items: (Please Comment/Propose Items)

9-10am - Overview of Interface Pillar and Purpose of Current Projects

10-12am - Drill into the requirements of interface definition, translation, and exchange

12-2pm - Execution planning for interface definition, translation, and exchange

2-5pm - Drill into requirements of Service Capabilities and Catalog



Cologne, Germany

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