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  1. Can you clarify something you wrote in the section about GDP 10. There you say you skipped GDP for Genivi 10 in favor of going directly for Genivi 11. My understanding is that you mean you skipped formally releasing GDP for Genivi 10, in favor of releasing it for Genivi 11, but GDP for Genivi 10 was developed and there is support for it in the GDP git rep, for example 457a648 is the last commit before support for Genivi 11 started. Is that correct? I just think that readers not so familiar with the day to day work may think GDP for Genivi 10 does not exist. Of course whether it is officially supported is a different matter.

    1. Unknown User (toscalix) AUTHOR

      Hi Stephen Lawrence, the clarification is a good one.

      GDP 10 will not be released but GDP Master integrated all the pieces needed for a GDP 10 release. The delivery team did not go through the stabilization and release processes but integrated the base system for GDP 11 instead. Now we are going through what we call release process (stabilization, validation, deployment, plublishing, documentation, maintenance...) for GDP 11.