GENIVI invites you to learn more about a recent GENIVI deliverable on hypervisors and virtualization in a vehicle context through an upcoming webinar, “Hypervisors in the vehicle: A standards-based approach to virtualization”.  The webinar will be held on 13 February at 1700 Central Europe Time (11:00 am US EST) in partnership with Automotive World.  Attendees of the webinar will hear from Tero Salminen, Senior Director Product, Virtualization at OpenSynergy and GENIVI Technical Lead Gunnar Andersson, about the benefits of standardization in the use of in-vehicle hypervisors.

Hypervisors and virtualization solutions are prevalent in IT and have found their way into many vertical industries.  Some hypervisor solutions are also being deployed in vehicle systems, but do these deployments allow the flexibility and interoperability that standards-based approaches typically offer for other software in the vehicle? Is there a need for a more standards-based approach for deploying hypervisors in the vehicle that has the potential to ensure that automotive requirements are met, to reduce risk and concerns among adopters of virtualization, promote portability, and to minimize system integration effort?  These and many other questions will be answered during this informative webinar.

To register for this webinar, please visit the Automotive World webinar site.  And stay tuned to other GENIVI webinars in coming months hosted by Automotive World. 

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