Meeting Minutes
22 January 2025
Data Exchange Platform
15 January 2025
- CES highlights - AI, AV, Automation
- CV blog
- Change of chairing - addition of Kai or Achim and potential continuation from Thomas? Check in with Paul re Ford
- Review work topics/level set
- EU Data Act project in DEG coordination
- Similar strong interest in data exchange platform proposal
- update next week and prototype planned for next AMM
- will need assistance on legal aspects
- Video - black box
- Privacy concerns
- internal (DMS, assessments not clips)
- anonymization
- varying capabilities
- applicability to aftermarket - same legal requirements
- ACEA FMS to formalise further (draft MOU being circulated) and next meeting 6 Feb
- CVIS breakout on hold until HD OEM appear - Thomas shares update on Volvo Group effort and possible interest/collaboration
- Upfitting on pause, awaiting Ford engagement
- SAE ICT coordination - also hoping to get assistance on J1939 licensing/fair use clarification
- COVESA AMM in Berlin, ear;y May
- possible hydrogen truck being in showcase, interest in CV and surfacing data. internal architecture is extensively VSS - including hydrogen specific signals
14 January 2025 - insurance signals
- Review work topics
- publish insurance and fleet data campaigns - Ted, started staging in December, no progress over holidays
- video data - produce a presentation or paper to VSS group on what insurance/fleet would like to see for video data, expand on notes - draft Stefan, input/review Ted and others
- AOSP data - attend, ensure use cases covered for:
- data collection - prioritise signals and fidelity from data campaigns
- consent capture - inform operator owner has granted permission for data collection - immutable
- web based so people can change prefs from phone or laptop
- driver coaching - necessitates need for in-vehicle data and processing
- hours of service (HOS - US/Canada regulation for HD trucks), similar in EU but dedicated hardware at present
- Promotion, outreach and lobbying
- TSP and Insurance companies - review earlier list and assign, plan to do so in a few weeks as draft campaigns are available for review
- Schedule and informative workshop during regular call time
- ACEA members pushing EU commission towards VSS for Data Act - would be helpful for data consumers to weigh in - Ted to reach out to Nils Lagerqvist *Volvo cars
- EU data act - besides lobbying
- Swen's data exchange platform
- Propose our data campaigns as priority - benefits for OEM who want to control/limit data flows
- CES presentation by MOTER
18 December 2024
- EU Data Act DEG project proposal - shared goal of using VSS from OEM cloud to interested/approved first and third parties
- CV blog input
- Insurance and fleet campaign representations in YAML - quick tour, will be staged in github
- Video continued - intent to wrap up notes and provide as input (paper or presentation) to VSS group
- Miro continued (depending on attendees)
- Happy Holidays, next meetings 14 January 2025 (insurance) 15 January (CV)
17 December 2024 - insurance signals
- Insurance campaign representation in YAML
- EU Data Act DEG project proposal
- short call
11 December 2024
- Scope of FMS collaboration - TBD, awaiting proposed liaison agreement from ACEA in Q1 2025 (4 or 5 February)
- Thomas and Ted drafted this high level work statement upon request: The FMS to VSS mapping solves the problem of hardware coupling found in J1939 implementations. This J-standard is typically used as a backbone for many Northbound Telematics use-cases with Heavy commercial vehicles. This mapping will enable an abstraction layer for the new FMS on-board API.
- Invitees for ACEA discussion: Kai Hudalla (Bosch), Steve Crumb, Paul Boyes, Ted Guild, Wally Stegall additional Bosch: Micha, Achim, Mouham
- Licensing (COVESA MPL2) needs to be clear in MoU/liaison agreement - still awaiting response from SAE - nudged last week
- Also FMS API part of existing CV charter
- CV blog pending, will share on slack channel for input
- Add week of 6 January as off week due to CES
- Miro board exercise
- Data exchange use cases input - not for this week, early next year. Discussions advancing with Eclipse, MS, others. Will reach out to AWS Fleetwise - Thomas to introduce Swen
- Video conversation continued and next steps
10 December 2024 - insurance signals
- Continue review of ADAS spreasheet, Obstacle Detection and Adaptive Cruise Control merged and now part of VSS
- Ted and Thomas to work on YAML overlay of latest development version of VSS and insurance signals spreadsheet, also fleet data campaign
- MOTER to focus on VHAL mapping later this year
- Short call
4 December 2024
- Holiday schedule (no meetings weeks of 23, 30 December and 6 January for CVIS, insurance signals and CV)
- Tracking deliverables
- need for accompanying implementation documentation on parameters of campaign, guidelines in general
- roadmap when available - define when possible
- diagram in miro ecosystem/marketplace, aosp and other in-vehicle apis, campaigns
- End of year nudges (SAE ITC, HD OEM, EV bus OEM, Stellantis, Japanese OEM in two regions...)
- Camera discussion - meta data, use cases and provide input to VSS group
Camera count (#)
Resolution, FPS rate of camera
Lens of camera (important for later analysis on videos)
f-stop, manufacturer, identifier (sn) - video used as evidence in legal disputes
Last calibration date - need to be done upon repairs, sometimes not done so worth tracking
\either in workshop or in-vehicle, remotely
Error/status before and after crash event
Selection of camera (internal, external front, back, left side, right side, surround view)
**Stream versus buffer (clip)
relates to consent/privacy - willingness to share with specific party in certain events
stream - higher bandwidth and cloud storage costs
review how video is being handled in Android Automotive
interest in object detection/identification - in-vehicle analysis and send observations instead of video similar to DMS in VSS
Definition of conditions for camera feed to be stored (trigger events to be configurable- e.g. accident critical event or specific situation e.g. “pedestrians close to the vehicle. Time to collision below threshold”)
Configuration of duration of video buffer - of seconds before and after an event
Configuration of post processed video (e.g. privacy mode – anonymization of license plates, faces, reduced resolution)
Live feed transmission or store video locally for later retrieval
Configuration of context data (e.g. sensor data, time stamp) to be stored with a video triggered by a trigger event
- Check-in on ecosystem use cases
3 December 2024 - insurance signals
Review of SAE ADAS descriptors and capabilities, compare to insurance signals, MOTER add VHAL to insurance signals spreadsheet, Ted to complete "In data campaign spreadsheet" (column c of ADAS sheet)
Ensure VSS captures both warning (singular or levels) and intervention within same or adjacent signals (review required of VSS)
Insurance interest in video should be shaped and shared with VSS EG as COVESA intends to address need for video and other data streams
27 November 2024
- Ecosystem/marketplace - Swen - request for input in general and use cases in particular
- SAE J1939 permission and SAE ITC collaboration
- Question of where diagnostics should take place whether to map J1979 DTC to VSS or defer to ISO/ASAM SOVD
- Sampling alternatives, client preferences and server (VISS) capabilities
- Blocking issues for data campaign release: 7 alternative sampling, 9 naming convention, 4 representing calculations (defer for v1.x.x)
20 November 2024
- CVIS - awaiting HD OEM
- FMS to send Expert Group opinion on VISSv3 needs in December and next meet in January
- Intent to formalize relationship between ACEA and COVESA - MoU with scope of collaboration - action on Armin (FMS)
- J1939 / VSS mapping
- CSV format - full mapping with FMS J1939 but no direct references by Bosch, some gaps
- Inquiry to Peter Winzell (Volvo cars) on his AI+heuristics mapping approach
- SAE ITC meet and J1939 request
- Intent to establish detailed collaboration between SAE ITC and COVESA CV EG before AMM (Berlin 12-15 May 2025)
- ACEA unaware of licensing or other agreement w/ SAE to cite/use J1939
- Inquiry to ATA TMC RP1230, can send to VDV, others?
- Potentially don't need - fair use clause of copyright
- Insurance update
- HIM experiment/discussion
- contrast with overlay for data campaigns
- API support of protobuf - performance needs by ACEA/others
- have to resolve in VSS and/or VISS calls - CV wants for FMS and RP1230 support in-vehicle (<10ms)
- gRPC Kuksa to be open sourced
19 November 2024 - Insurance Signals
- Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Detection - advanced use cases based on driver interactions
- SAE ADAS definition alignment
13 November 2024
- FMS & J1939
- Track deliverables on main page of wiki
- Consent update
- ISO 20078 (Ext Veh and Neutral Server - blockchain based consent management)
- getting adoption in EU by OEMs and TSP (Caruso)
- draft coming from Volvo Car, Wireless Car on EU Data Act based effort
- marketplace charter coming from Endava
- FMS Update
- Volvo Group and Daimler joint EU venture should rely on open standards (COVESA) and common middleware (Eclipse SDV)
- COVESA/FMS collaboration formalizing further, discussion has been drawn out - request sharing slides in COVESA
- HD OEM from ACEA to participate
- Additional signaling as spelled out in CV charter, interest in Hierarchical Information Model (support additional data models - driver, trailer)
- Some pieces already done
- J1939 to VSS mapping, rFMS covered, some gaps for FMS to be prioritized
- in NA seeing similar with Cummins/Microsoft/ETAS led effort which also will work within SDV, COVESA and ATA TMC
- Publishing pre-release data campaigns
- Pending issues to clarify 1 licensing, 7 alternative sampling, 9 naming convention, 4 representing calculations
- CVIS tooling vs VSS Overlay - Ted and Ulf to experiment on representing data collection campaigns in November
16 October 2024
- recap of 9 October call
- Cancel next week's call, conflicts with ACEA FMS sync
- Update on deliverables
- review charter scope and activity
- how to track - table on group page with status, stakeholder/driver
- MS/Cummins Workshop debrief
- SDV for trucks - increased awareness of COVESA in general and CV activity in particular
- more southbound into the vehicle and SDV "core stack" proposal
- Regular coordination - monthly cadence
- Azure - DTDL/ontology for VSS and interest cloud ecosystem
- engage MS further, Stefan and Swen have interest/contacts
- Insurance to release basic data campaign by EOY
- naming conventions for campaigns
- promotion - blog, linkedin and outreach to group contacts
- recruiting additional stakeholders
- want others in fleet space, will do a pre-release of fleet campaign as well - hoping to
- increased interest in ADAS systems data from insurance sector - Stefan to share video of recent event
15 October 2024 - Insurance breakouts
- Recap of 8 October meeting
- Android Automotive and VHAL for third party data collection
- learned at workshop last week some HD OEM are pushing "sufficient" data according to Platform Science
- Insurance perspective - depends on motivation of OEM and their intent
- Data collection in AOSP from previous AMM - Aiden
- AOSP in COVESA - app ecosystem with more an infotainment angle initially (eg Zoom, Spotify)
- Consent essential for eg insurance apps, IBM interested, EU centric contingency in COVESA pushing for it, some other OEM hesitant on taking up here
- Extend recurring call - cadence and time/day of the week
- Agreement to extend
- TG unavailable 5 November
- ObstacleDetection / Adaptive CruiseControl PR and VSS discussion
- Next batch of signals from spreadsheet workspace
- Large number of remaining undefined in VSS are observations - Sensoris or similar - let's invite Daniel to a call
- Promotion
- nearing completion of basic insurance data campaign guidelines - expect before end of the year. advanced campaign can progress while we promote basic
- want OEM (target BMW, GM, Volvo and Ford) discussions
- regulatory awareness or endorsement
- other trade associations, stakeholders and insurance regulator
- Recommend reading
2 October 2024
- AMM debrief
- workshop
- "Marketplace" Ecosystem emph on privacy and consent
- Formal standardization of API[s] that expose VSS
- VSS/VHAL needs/interest from CV contributors - UX to driver and additional/alternate data sampling besides OEM cloud offerings
- Being taken up by COVESA AOSP group
- Besides mapping, VSS services (VISS) being demoed by Volvo cars and BMW at previous AMM in AOSP
- SDV relation to hardware requirements (HDV)
- Panel on vertical industries
- Presentations on ecosystem, CV and insurance needs - (
- Cummins/MS workshop - next week (Seattle in person, Paul, Wally and Ted)
- regrets from Ted next week on both CV (Thomas to chair) and Insurance calls
- Volvo/Bosch workshop - next week on VSS APIs (Thomas in person in Lund, Ted remote)
- Consent/ecosystem BoF to be launched - Swen
- CVIS enagement
- EU HD OEM deliberating
- Reach out to NA HD OEM at Cummins/MS Workshop - Cummins on ECU firmware definition and Ford on Upfitting
- FMS/COVESA sync mid-October (conflicts with CV call on 23 October)
1 October 2024 - Insurance breakout call
Ted to prepare the PR
11 September 2024
- AMM -
- Specific CV agenda items to inquire about: eg BMW * dumbing down ASAM OpenXontology for Obstacle Sensors and Object Type definition (bike, pedestrian, vehicles - Sensoris/HERE)
- Ecosystem
- Cummins/Microsoft Workshop Open Telematics Framework - in Seattle October 8, 9
- VDV-238 and CARB - EV bus signals for municipalities managing bus fleets
4 September 2024
- AMM and post AMM presentation plan
- Ansgar on panel
- Shankar and I - cross industry demand - John Ellis
- Shankar presentation on insurance needs - send deck for input (Stefan and Ted) and addition to AMM agenda
- Philippe, Ansgar and myself on Ecosystem as part of CV track -
- Swen (Endava) on Thursday / dry run today
- aiden VISS demo, relation to CV
- regrets from Ulf but confirmation from aiden
- Insurance update and PR response
- Future proofing signals versus contemporary representation of mainstream vehicles
- Basic data sampling campaign as primary focus - ADAS/AV advanced a secondary
- meta data on data quality - not in VSS but could be in CV data campaigns
28 August 2024
- Workshop or not - 11 or 18 Sept, fallback is pack into AMM CV tech track
- shifting to latter, review on main wiki page
- Cohesive Cloud Architecture slides
- Insurance breakouts during regular call break
- Start of alignment with Open Telematics Framework
- CVIS update
21 August 2024
- Planned agenda - defer due to summer slowdown attendance
- Insurance breakouts during regular call break
- Workshop or not - 11 or 18 Sept, fallback is pack into CV tech track
- Cohesive Cloud Architecture slides
31 July 2024
- Reminder, no meeting next two weeks
- Available if people want to further work on any area
- Set date for kickoff workshop Proposed 11 or 18 September - meeting with Ford co-chairs today
- FIDO getting involved in COVESA, meeting with them next week
- Privacy architecture discussion
- EU Data Access Act, EUDI - Self Sovereign Identity
- Taken together with GDPR, to sell a connected vehicle in the EU one will need to capture consent to collect data, must make it available, and optimize the user experience most likely in a way where the identity/authentication provider is not siloed
- Workshop agenda input/update
24 July 2024
17 July 2024
10 July 2024
- Recap of last week
- Stefan's issue and signals
- Reviewing individually offline
- Going to VSS call in coming weeks
- Update on Curve logging in Eclipse SDV Fleet Blueprint demo - data PR merged and demo works
- Discussion on necessity of time series and absence of a timestamp in VSS
- Time more a function of API or data-broker - when is the data collected, broadcast, event based?
- COVESA Board decision on Expert Group proposal expected later today, potentially a new co-chair from Ford
- Expert Group kickoff/Workshop planning see main page
- Summer slowdown - plan on 7 and 14 August off
3 July 2024
- Insurtech use case
- Moter to propose initial set of signals for data collection campaign
26 June 2024
- Update on CV Expert Group proposal to COVESA Board
- Scope, additional signaling in break out group, additional verticals (EV and Insurance)
- OEMs interested, Ford willing to co-lead
- Challenges and hesitation from OEM to enable
- Need for consent management/opt-in, privacy
- Potential elation to AOSP group - UX for capturing consent, push notifications for insurance/fleet driver coaching, remote routing suggestions for fleet. Data collection more likely to take place in TCU or be done by OEM and made available to third parties in the cloud
- Plan is to continue work as incubator group and work on marketing, materials to hold a kick-off workshop in early September before AMM
- Insurance data campaign coming together and to be made available at future CV call
- Diagrams for information architectures to support a more robust ecosystem will be on a subsequent call as well
- We have previously explored consent and privacy in CV BoF, should incubate and ensure alignment before forming a separate Expert Group for it and other ecosystem topics
19 June 2024
12 June 2024
29 May 2024
22 May 2024
- Charter outreach - confirming participation intent for scoped items
- (OEM, insurance) - suggestions
- Input on group name given scope and previous confusion\
- Fleet, Commercial and [Insurance] Expert Group
- Volvo car playing with curve - Bosch's demo from AMM being redone and recorded
- Insuretech alignment on VSS marketplace vertical (Fleet, EV and Insurance) (MOTER and possibly Allianz)
- Reviewing FMDG for overlap, will work on insurance data sampling campaign (basic and advanced)
- Commercial Vehicle Information Specifications (HIM and VSS overlay) - separate task force under Expert Group
15 May 2024
8 May 2024
- AMM debrief
- Charter Scope
- Upgrade from BoF to Expert Group
- Common Data Sampling Campaigns
- Fleet Management Data Guidelines (VSS marketplace)
- EV Range Prediction (Ford, Geotab)
- Insurance (MOTER)
- Other?
- Organize and align signals lists for specific campaigns
- In-Vehicle API (VISS)
- ACEA FMS (Bosch)
- ATA TMC RP1226 (Bosch, Morey)
- Additional / Hierarchical Information Models (Ulf HIM)
- DTC and fault codes
- Control Unit firmwares' version numbers
- Trailer (Great Dane, Volvo Group)
- Tractor to trailer interface (wired, WLAN, other)
- Upfitting (refrigeration, salt spreader, plow, sirens) - (Ford, Bosch)
- HD truck/bus not adequately represented already in VSS
- Driver Profile*? (limit scope, coord w/ AOSP, CVI, other)
April 2024
- Link to AMM CV track agenda/slides
19 February 2024
12 February 2024
- HAL4SDV - EU projects
- Eclipse SDV example towards SDV Alliance as a demonstrator
- 3 potential projects worth open sourcing regardless of whether accepted in this program
- Cloud2cloud - create a test server w/ VSS, CV guidelines on data points - cloud platform agnostic
- in-vehicle edge
- v2c serialization (see PR from Adnan, transmission
- Endorsements now on the landing page, encourage participants to provide ones as well
- Use case[s] for limited PoC
- Group vitality, wide variation in attendees from week to week
- A few OEMs have wandered in and out, one willing to pilot with Geotab but not part of COVESA and don't think they want to be out in the open
- How to improve outreach?
- Need to put the different aspects of CV activity on the table and see which people want to work on building out more
- Schedule discussions with appropriate people from Stellantis, GM and Ford
5 February 2024
- Endava introductions, engineering company
- Endorsements for landing page
- AMM PoC and Tech track
- 3-5:30 on 17th and can spill over onto Thursday
- mapping from RP1226, already done for rFMS.
- Use case for PoC
- Looking for input from Wally on use case and availability of data from TMC fleet
- Feedback on Business case to sell OEM
18 & 25 January 2024
- RP1226, aligning other efforts
4 December, 2023
- FMS - goals:
- Agreement to use VSS in the cloud, leverage existing mapping for translation
- Follow CV BoF recommendations - what signals are collected and how they are sampled
- What is missing in current FMS? OEM only focus of FMS - lacks perspective of fleet customers' data needs
- What are we missing in CV BoF recommendations? - likely takeaway - ongoing coordination on signals/sampling
- EU regulator influence on data access - saw article @link? about passenger vehicle OEMs considering FMS
- FMS has transport protocol but not focused on data being sent - unsure if passenger car OEM will coordinate on this level as much as EU HD OEM
- ISO 21434 Neutral Server/Extended Vehicle - has a transport but not a common data model - any relation with FMS?
- SDV Hackathon on Fleet Management
- various things connected to LinkedIn, common hashtag #
- work done in a private github repo - avoid legal issues
- 6-7 challenges, Rust eco-system, effort to combine different container solutions** - at least 3 different ways to handle containers currently in SDV
- Elektrobit container management
- RedHat System D approach
- 4 teams chose fleet management challenge
- created a dashboard, MQTT in the background to inject data into the system
- group looking at profiles - more useful for rental vehicles (relate to ELD in NA?)
- sourcing data for testing
- group wanted to perform analytics and extended range of signals being collected by FMS forwarded - unsure what they added
- Fleet Management Blueprint setup was straight forward, allowing developers to start using/adding onto it instead of wasting time
- Configuration for sampling campaigns - Node Red was used for rapid prototyping
- was too large a topic to solve in a short hackathon
- emphasis was to understand FMS forwarder (Rust component of SDV Fleet Blueprint) and extend it
27 November, 2023
- Preview landing page
- VSS needs to be emphasized more up front
- Requesting review, promotion and endorsements
- Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
- EU HD truck and bus telematics standards - OEM only group*
- Uses J1939 (rFMS/J1939 mapped to VSS)
- Technical deep dive set for 14 December, 2023 (2h), FMS leadership and reps from the 6 HD OEM
- Commercial Fleets are a mix of different classes of vehicles, rest of which do not use J1939
- Goal is to convince them on the importance of higher level abstraction
- Prove VSS abstraction can be moved to vehicle edge
- Questions raised by FMS:
How would FMS Standard look like in a COVESA API? (AutoSAR collab update on Thursday, also Bosch CV Blueprint - Eclipse SDV)
What are your plans to extend the COVESA VSS with commercial vehicle data? (HD specific branches can be added to VSS, much already there. VSS accepts contributions, want HD OEM SME to provide)
What is the status of development of the COVESA vehicle API? (update from AutoSAR)
Do you have a demo available? (yes, Bosch to present)
- What to present/demo and which goals to emphasize?
- Like FMS group to participate in CV to advance guidelines or at least some of their member companies
- Tech demo ready
- Higher level pitch based on what we've used - shorter version of AMM presentation (15 min max) ACTION ITEM: Ted to condense deck and share with Thomas by email, group on next call
- Anchor on VSS, including mapping
- provide links for follow up, wiki with its slide decks and recordings, landing page and github
- YAML of sampling campaign overlay
- Revisit top issues introduced last week
20 November, 2023
13 November, 2023
Reaction to previously presented conventions, introduced
How to handle alternate sampling conventions
06 November, 2023
Tooling & .csv converter topic
- no comments or offers for support so we continue here between geotab and etas
- Carlton explained again the background of why J1939 is a good std to abstract into our guidelines using the VSS data model
- potentially missusing overlays or need another DEG discusion required
- explained about the wishes from the fMS standards group that SAE J1939 causes them issues/cost due to being so closely copupled to CAN and HW
> (melissa request) Create an overview of what data is actually relavent for each additional field we are proposing for VSS overlay
> do we define our own DSL (data sampling Language) for measuring the data or do we want to change VSS
-currently DEG (data expert group) is discussing this topic and thinking that they need to have a way to managed this for specific vehicles
J1939 questions
- Some OEMs even considering replacing CAN with IP in the future
how do we get VSS to become protocol agnostic
- Melissa asked if we want to do something with the data >
- How do we do "plug and play" HW > can the CV BoF be a place that we also focus on this aspect of CV upfitting etc
- Suppliers & Tiers will need to focus on the lower level abstraction (ford opinion)
Cummins focus:
- Cummins to support for the FMS topic > we really need to focus on the fleet beenfits aspect
UNECE1516 direction = Operations: Warranties status & SW updates for all makes/models/components could be highly beneficial
- Should there be some sort of standard defiend in the control layer for updates etc in COVESA
23 October, 2023
- AMM debrief
- recap of AMM, encourage viewing of recordings especially for consent management
- Interest in consent management and agreement more of a tangent, not essential for commercial fleet vehicles but for other sampling efforts
- EV range prediction - additional data sampling campaign interested in using the same conventions as commercial fleets
- ETAS SDV Blueprint
- Business track
- Landing page in progress
- Alignment with other efforts
- Mobility Data Space - related to Catena-x
- ITXPT - similar to VDV, has a certification program - ensures compatibility across offerings - in our charter scope as a possible deliverable
- Issues
- Sampling configuration directives in use by participants, preferably open standard/convention
- VSS Tools and overlays - after we have mockup YAML
11 October, 2023 at AMM
- (recordings and slides pending)
- Business track
- Technical track
25 September, 2023
- COVESA AMM track (2h tech track, plus a bit on business) - title, abstract, presenter name
- Overview/recap and example sampling config
- EV range prediction and start of representation in sampling config
- Consent management AiDEN
- EV range prediction artifacts
- Map provider needed - Google, HERE, OSM - Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)? / W3C Spatial Data on the Web
- Represent sampling - time, distance, event, other. SOSA/SSN (ontology and too complex)
- Privacy/Consent - ambitious but we have a number of pieces and opportunity
- Explicitly which data points will be collected (CV BoF in VSS)
- How they will be used (again CV BoF. use cases are the start of purpose for GDPR). We will use constants for names of use cases as some pertain to multiple signals in order to avoid being too repetitive, side benefit is this can be useful for localization (accommodating descriptions in other languages)
- Who is collecting the data and how to revoke consent, who is easy and can add entity name or URI to the VSS overlays in CV BoF and same for revokation interface URI. Would need to research if there are any standards around consent and revokation APIs or if this is something AiDEN is willing to propose.
- A common interface in the vehicle to interact with driver to capture consent - AOSP activity in COVESA and if generalized enough can by used on QNX and other OS instead of Android specific but worth going for the lower hanging fruit of an Android solution.
- AOSP activity with decent energy at COVESA, CV BoF also off to a good start
- VSS/VHAL mapping in AA prototype was completed, interest in making VSS more central/prominent in AOSP
- Some OEM are reluctant to provide rich data to the head unit and AA, that's fine we can simply capture consent and the data sampling campaign can be triggered to act on that on a TCU
- AiDEN's platform includes consent management for Android Automotive platform, it impressed as being well thought out, intuitive, crisp UI that well informs the individual
- We would need to convey consent was captured either by current driver (who could remain anonymous), owner and driver was informed that consent is explicit and immutable by operator, data will be collected and their recourse if they disagree is to contact owner and not operate the vehicle. What is sent to the data back end would need to be defined. In W3C Auto Working Group a PhD student and his prof have come up with a "sticky policy" to capture this, maybe too complicated for OEM who would prefer to keep it simple.
Strong industry need to handle privacy, has EU OEM tied in knots
- Open issues from Github
11 September, 2023
- Ford EV Range Prediction Team presents
- Recording, Slides
- Research performed at Ford under an EU grant to come up with Correction Factors (CF) based on in-vehicle observations and various external factors (weather, road conditions, altitude changes etc)
- Data sampling campaign can utilize the conventions for collecting EV specific data that is being proposed in the CV BoF
- Discussion on merits, interest to prove out
- Resources (algorithms, data collection techniques used, etc) can readily be opened as the EU research is intended to be public
- Agreement to align efforts
- Github repo created, issues created
- Desire to switch from bi-weekly to weekly cadence
28 August, 2023
- Introductions
- Attendees: Thomas Sprechley (ETAS), Paul Boyes (COVESA), Pierre Pierre Blais (BlackBerry), Ted Guild (Geotab), Sven Jeroschewski (Bosch), Sri Palacharla(GM), Melissa Morris(Ford), Richard Fernandes(GM), Jeff Reid(Google)
- How we'll work
- Spreadsheet as an initial convenience
- All deliverables and issues should be in github, repo requested
- Major announcements to group mailing list, conversations and heads up in slack
- Outline or proposed work
- Open to additional topics to explore
- Additional signal sampling campaigns that can follow these conventions, speaking with EV range prediction this week
15 August, 2023