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General Information

Project Charter

Weekly Meeting:  Wednesdays, 3-4pm CET (Zoom Link)(Subscribe to Community Calendar to stay up to date)

Slack Channel 

Project Leads:

Agenda Next Meeting

March 19, 2025 Agenda

  1. Compliance statement
  2. Introduction
  3. Status ongoing work
  4. TBA 
  5. Next meeting

Meeting Notes

March 12, 2025 Agenda - Cancelled!

  1. Compliance statement
  2. Introduction
  3. Status ongoing work
  4. TBA 
  5. Next meeting

March 5, 2025 Agenda

  1. Compliance statement
  2. Introduction
  3. Status ongoing work
    1. No specific work has been done during the past week. 
    2. EU Workshop wrt interoperability standards has been set to March 20 (Nils Lagerqvist to participate from Volvo Cars)
  4. Introduction to VISS Ulf Bjorkengren VISS-VISSR-overview.pptx
  5. Next meeting

February 26, 2025 Agenda

  1. Compliance statement
  2. Introduction
  3. Status ongoing work
    1. Plan of next presentations: 
      1. ACEA representative: Ulf B has asked for more info. Thomas Spreckley (Volvo Cars)/ Ted Guild (Geotab)/ Achim Henkel (Bosch) to contact ACEA Fleet reps. Nils (Volvo Cars) to contact Volvo Cars Legal. The ACEA proposal (seems to go back to as early as 2022). This was discussed in the EC’s Motor Vehicle Working Group (MVWG), no source contact from ACEA available . Question: who can present ACEAs standpoint/ projects et c in this area in a Wednesday work meeting, 
      2. SAE/ ITC: Thomas S & Ted & Achim to present findings for commercial vehicles (add link): March 12
        1. https://www.sae-itc.com/

        2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OKjlefi6_gGIKYvbZIHdF8Syabj_7AvsiksKBXmT9mc/edit?tab=t.0

      3. Christina Rux Nils Lagerqvist contact Philippe Favreau from Ampere to ask about possibilities to do a presentation
  4. Introduction to VSS Sebastian Schildt 
  5. Next meeting

19 February 2025 Agenda

  1. Compliance statement
  2. Introduction
  3. Additional feedback from information sessions
  4. Plan the work
    1. Short-term
      1. Start writing COVESA statement about recommendation by OEMs to EU about interoperability standards
        1. who: project managers start writing, presenting updates in work meetings
        2. tooling: GitHub
    2. Plan presentations for next meetings (Wednesdays, 3-4 pm, CET)
      1. General intro to VSS: Feb 26th, ask Eric Jaegervall/ Adnan Bekan/ Sebastian Schildt about who can present
      2. General intro to VISS 3.0: March 5, Ulf Björkengren
      3. ACEA: Ongoing work in this area, promoting/ recommending VSS and interoperability standards? 
      4. French initiative PFA Platform Automobile
      5. Japanese initiative: Ouranos https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2023/0429_001.html
      6. Mobility Data Space
      7. FMS
      8. Consent management: 
        1. Using VSS in consent mgmt: Aiden Auto

12 February 2025 Agenda

Presentation by Nils Lagerqvist and Christina Rux about the scope and plan for this new project:

Please join slack channel and subscribe to the weekly meetings (link above)

28th January 2025 Agenda

  • Participants:
    • Nils Lagerqvist (Volvo Cars)
    • Christina Rux (WirelessCar)
    • Adnan Bekan (BMW)
    • Paul Boyes (COVESA)
    • Richard Fernandes (GM)
    • Stephen Lawrence (Renesas)
    • Steve Crumb (COVESA)
    • Swen Schisler (Endava)
    • Ted Guild (Geotab)
  • Agenda:
    • Charter
      • Agreed
    • Lead Responsibilities
      • Chairs to create agenda, run and record meetings moving forward 
    • Next steps
      • Kickoff/Information meetings (Feb 5 and Feb 12) to the COVESA Community
      • Start work/create outline for initial deliverable and how to iterate toward due date of May 1:  "A report from negotiations with the EU Commission that Vehicle Signal Specification and Vehicle Information Signal Specification may be used to implement the EU Data Act and its future legislation" Sonia Biswas Christina Rux Nils Lagerqvist 

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