Planning for the Data Architecture and Infrastructure workshops at the 2023 Spring AMM in Porto.
Timing: Data Arch - 2 hours Thurs AM (9-11)
Add your inputs here. Please add your name.
Data Arch session timings:
- Tues PM: "Data Arch Intro (currently called "Data Centric Arch" in schedule)" (Primary: Steve/Christian, Adnan secondary)
- Weds PM : "Deployment Scenarios" diagram discussion (Adnan/Erik/Steve)
- Thurs AM: 9-11am Data Arch Workshop (all)
- Thurs AM
- Different Data Domains (which means also models) (Proposer: Christian)
- Storage / Persistence (Proposer: Steve/Felix)
- Cleaner version of storage pic which includes high level topics to tackle down
- Persistence classification/Realm (Felix)
- Storage backend (Steve)
- Topic B
- Topic C
- Outcomes (focus is advancing the work)
- Fri
- Proposals:
- Christian: Different Data Domains (approx 20-30 mins)
- Presentation on BMW experience.
- (placeholder from Steve until Christian replaces with details) Starting from using personal data as example of different data domain and moving to data middleware.
- Steve: m/w may be handy bridge towards follow on discussion of persistence
- Felix: Persistence
- (placeholder from Steve until Felix replaces with details) Presentation on classifying different persistence options
- Steve: Persistence
- Data Server to Data Store connection, including high volume data
- Data analytics using TS DB features
- e.g. using DB User Defined Features (UDF) for analytics allows the same processing logic in-vehicle and the cloud
- etc.
- Goal: collective idea of high level outline of some topics to tackle down. We wonder if X, results should Y.
- Steve: Deployment Scenarios
- Pick one of the Deployment Scenario diagrams (from Miro set) and work on taking it to the next level. What are the requirements, logical components etc?
- Paul: Would be useful to understand what the group wants from the scenario discussions. Requirements, PoCs etc.?
- Steve: That is a way to approach the scenarios top-down. Derive how to approach the scenarios.
- Goal: 1) Advance shared agreement/understanding of that scenario. 2) High level idea of what needs to be tackled.
- Piotr: A useful discussion could be how to handle the compatibility issues between components.
- Felix: workshop
- Details TBA
- Most likely Thursday PM
Agreed Plan
Timing | Topic | Lead | Notes |
1 hour 20m Christian 10m Felix 30m Discussion | Building Bridges with a common Data Middleware: How to enable Data Sharing and Collaboration across different Domains | Christian / Felix for presentation, Steve facilitating | Return of experience from BMW/MongoDB on their investigations into using a common data centric architecture across different domains. Followed by a discussion of the points raised and the data-science big picture of leveraging VSS. |
40-60 mins | Deployment Scenarios | All | Take one of the Deployment Scenarios diagrams to the next level.
If the prior session is going really well in terms of moving the data-science discussion on then this may be compressed. |
15 mins | Wrap up |
- Paul: We should ensure the data scientists are in the room.