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Strategizing the future of Digital Data Centric Vehicles

What do we want to achieve?

  • Come to common understanding of where we are today.
  • Identify areas where work is needed
  • Create actionable recommendations and roadmap for work product in COVESA over the next year.
  • Recommendations on how to improve engagement


This includes but is not limited to:  data centric architectures, VSS, common vehicle interfaces, Vehicle Adjacent Domains (e.g. Insurance, EV Charging, commercial vehicles)


9-9:30Arrivals and WelcomeArrive, Coffee, Snacks, Getting settled

9:30 - 9:45am

5Workshop Introduction 

Quick Introductions the workshop:

  • Theme
  • What we want to achieve
  • Topics
  • Agenda Overview
Paul Boyes, Erik Jaegervall, Adnan Bekan
9:45 - 10:30amIndividual Introductions and Motivations 

Participants introduce yourself (think elevator pitch < 2 minutes):

  • Your company
  • Your role
  • Your motivation for attending workshop (succinctly)
    • What would you like to achieve?
Paul Boyes, Participants
  • 41 attendees
    • From 23 member organizations
      • 17 individuals from 8 OEM companies
      • 3 individuals from 2 Silicon companies
      • 6 individuals from 4 Tier 1 companies
      • 15 from 11 Software and Hardware companies
    • Job Titles Included:
      • CEO & CTO
      • Chief Architect
      • Chief Engineer
      • Community Director
      • Connectivity Standards Engineer
      • Connectivity Standards Lead
      • CTO
      • Data Architect
      • Data Strategy Manager
      • Director
      • Engineer
      • Engineering Manager EV Cloud Services
      • Executive Vice President
      • Global Marketing Manager
      • Head of Strategy & Revenue
      • Lead Software Engineer
      • Principal Engineer
      • Principal Research Engineer
      • Product Manager
      • Product Manager, Technical Leader
      • Research Engineer
      • SDV Lead Consultant
      • SDV Software Architect
      • Senior Director Software Architecture
      • Senior Software Architect
      • Senior solutions architect
      • Software Engineer
      • Solution Architect
      • Sr Dir Product Management
      • Sr Software Architect
      • Sr. Dir. Software Defined Systems Architecture
      • Staff Integration Engineer
      • Staff Software Architect
      • SVP Engineering
      • Systems Mobility Engineer
      • Technical Fellow: Commerical Vehicle
10:30 - 10:45amBreak

10:45 - 11:45amOverview of Big Picture

A big picture overview of where we are today:

  • Data centric vehicle and zonal approach (Adnan) - 10 minutes - Presentation
    • Discussion - 5 minutes +++ 
  • Integration with cloud and smart devices (Adnan and Erik) - 10 minutes - Presentation
    • Discussion - 5 minutes +++
  • Providing for architectural evolution (Erik) - 10 Minutes - Presentation
    • Discussion - 5 minutes +++
  • Standardization (Achim) - 10 minutes - Presentation
    • Discussion -5 minutes +++

+++ - Note:  Time boxed discussion after each topic asking the four questions:

  • What is right with it?
  • Where should it be adapted/change?
  • What is missing?
  • Where does you company and you fit?

Adnan Bekan, Erik Jaegervall, Achim Henkel

  • Data-Centric architecture means different things to different organizatiions.  No one accepted definitiion.
  • Variations of zonal architectures are used by multiple oems.  There is no one agreed architecture
  • Cost of data transfer to the cloud is a big factor of what is transferred. 
    • How much processing/use of data in vehicle is dependent on this cost. 
    • Some want to drive more processing to the car.  
    • Having the ability to dynamically configure what is sent to the cloud is desirable.  Some already do this today.
  • A common refrain was focus should be on business and use cases, defining capabilities and function that support them not specific architectures.
    • Outcomes verus data centric
    • Data and services versus architecture
    • Use cases drive arcitectures
  • Why reinvent new standards/ways of doing things if there are existing standards/ways of doing.
    • Response was there is a lot of overhead of fitting automotive into existing standards often.
  • For some OEMs creating useful tooling or code beats specification or creation of standards every time.  There is a need for usefulness (general incremental).  It is much easier to defend than a new undefined standard.
    • Grass roots useful projects where collaboration can occur and grow have best chance of adopton or to become defacto standards
  • Use of Sparkplug was suggested as it is used in industrial internet of things.
  • Consent and privacy were repeatedly mentioned.  However 
    • Need well defined use case  of "EU 7" (GDPR Artical 7?) 
    • Action Item:  Need more specifics
  • Action Item: Query to membership on VSS usage
    • How many are using VSS?  
    • How are they using it? Where in their software stack?  Car?  Cloud?
    • Proof of concept or production?
    • What are the main challenges of using it?
    • What constraints exist from either expanding of adopting it?

11:45am - 12:30pmFeedback and Adaptation of the Big Picture

Group discussion of the big picture.

  • What is right with it?
  • Where should it be adapted/change?
  • What is missing?
  • Where does you company and you fit?
  • How do we increase engagement?

Adnan Bekan, Erik Jaegervall, Round

12:30 - 1pmLunch

1 - 2:30pmPitches for Recommended areas of Focus 

Where Should We Focus or Collaboration and Contribution?  Individuals or groups present there ideas/solutions as recommendations for collaboration and contribution.

  • Vehicle Data Specification?
  • Top down requirement?
  • Cross cutting use cases?
  • Others....

Individual presentations from the round.

Please propose your relevant topics for presentations.

Presentations should be < 10 minutes each. Depending on how many we get we will address the amount of time.

2:30 - 2:45pmBreak

2:45 - 3:45pmTopic Breakouts 

Break out in to groups on topics agreed from "Pitches for Recommended Areas of Focus".  Explore/deep dive the topic preparing to present findings to the workshop  


Potential Breakout Topics included:

  • IFEX - Tooling
  • Interface Design and Standardization(VISS/VIVA + Standardization) **
  • Data Marketplace **
  • Commercial Vehicles
  • Define Use Cases
  • It was suggested we define COVESA problem statements to frame breakouts  For example:
    • How can we use COVESA technologies to meet "EU 7"?
    • How doe we build engineering cultures that let us build better, scalable products faster.
    • Would standardization of COVESA specifications, benefit OEMS?

** Interface Design and Standardization and Data Marketplace were chosen as the breakouts. 

Data Marketplace narrowed their focus to normalization of data in cloud to meet GDPR Artlcle 7 of consumer requests for data.  For now it will be called  EU Data Act Consumer Data Requests with VSS  

3:45 - 4:45pmTopic Presentation

Present findings and recommendations to the group


 EU Data Act Consumer Data Requests with VSS 

Magnus Feuer @Christina Rusk Ted Guild and others please, add/edit/clarify as you needed.

What started as a breakout on Data Marketplace, turned into focus on using VSS to normalize data for GDPR Article 7 consumer requests.

The group came to the agreement that VSS could be a good candidate for normalizing VSS data for the consumer requests.  They agreed to reconvene to explore further in the next few weeks.

Summary of Notes

Is VSS suited for normalizing data to ship off car?

Focus on normalized data in cloud not the car.

Tag VSS data with consent proof

Don't try to get oems to agree on data format, but on normalized semantic.

What is the likely gap between VSS and what is eneded? Like temporal data?

Need to figure out temperal and tagging.

Streaming data is not covered today by the regulatioin.

Next Steps:  

  • Get permission from Volvo
  • Engage other OEMS
  • Create project draft and present to Technical Steering Team and Data Expert Group Chairs.
  • Collect use cases
  • Talk with legal

Active Participating Organizations:

  • Volvo Cars
  • Wireless Car
  • Geotab
  • Aptiv
  • Endava
  • 360ofMe
  • Bosch

Interface Design and Standardization

Henkel Achim Please add anything that I missed.

How to create an international data model and design interfaces that use it?  The linked presentation summarizes the session.  

Presentation with Summary

Whiteboard from the session:

Next Steps:  

  • Present to Technical Steering Team and Data Expert Group

Active Participating Organizations:

  • Bosch
  • BMW
  • aicas
  • Karma Automotive
  • Blackberry
  • NXP
  • RTI
  • TietoEvry

4:45 - 5pmWrap Up

Next steps and wrap-up

Paul Boyes, Erik Jaegervall, Adnan Bekan

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