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  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized Topics:
  • Decision on old open PRs
  • Open Pull Requests VSS
  • Open Pull Requests VSS-Tools
  • Issues VSS
  • Issues VSS-Tools
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting

Meeting notes  2023-10-31:

  • Prioritized Topics
    • Static UID - draft PR at
      • New script 
      • Give vspec files as both input and output
      • You can specify prefix with "gen-layer-ID-offset", first 64 reserved for COVESA. WIth id layer 4 bytes, otherwise 3 bytes
      • Adds a staticUID string, like '0x02345678'
      • "--validate-static-uid <old.vspec>" gives option to keep/replace if changed, if compatible (like name check)
      • You maintain static id files yourself
      • Once you have the generated .vspec/ .yaml, then with overlay you can run all other tools, like vspec2json
      • Erik: Can be included in minor release, as it does not affect UUID
      • Pierre: The Blackberry model serves the same purpose, different approach
      • Pierre: How to manage addressing by old name, if name is changed.

Meeting notes  2023-10-24:

  • Prioritized Topics:
    • Summer time alignment
      • Ends Oct 29 Europe
      • Historically COVESA meetings often anchored in European time zone
      • Currently conflict - VSS anchored in european, but CVI anchored after
      • Suggestion - keep european time for VSS next week, move CVI
      • AP Erik Jaegervall to sync with Paul Boyes 
      • AP: Send out reminder on slack
    • Copyright
      • AP: Erik Jaegervall to follow up with Paul Boyes 
      • Conclusion: Go with proposal
      • AP: Erik update PR for next meeting, then please review
    • (U)UID:
    • General info from Paul
      • Please put company name in zoom "user name" - make it easier to understand who you are talking to
