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Comment: 17th July minutes


Historical note: the minutes for the previous project, the CVII Tech Stack, can be found here: CVII Technology Stack meeting notes

17th July 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • Fall  AMM: We need to firm up plans as the end of month is approaching. This is in part also a discussion of the group roadmap towards the AMM.
  • AoB
    • Christian: Simulators


  • Playground Kanban 
    • Christian expects to make greater progress on Knowledge connector next week
    • Steve is working on an example for the IoTDB data processing PR. He's got ok from RemotiveLabs to use some of their data.
    • Steve has been contacted by Halim from GM. He is checking the uProtocol Simulator status
    • Knowledge Layer Connector
      • Christian asks about connecting to IoTDB in the Playground
        • During development phase can simply connect to the iotdb-service container running the IoTDB server either from host or another containers as you wish.
        • For deployment we will need to discuss how to integrate the connector, but for example it could be a knowledge-layer image that becomes a service in the playground compose.
  • Fall AMM
    • BMW internal meeting was pushed back. Christian should have news next week.
    • Steve: Chicken and egg on workshops. Holding workshop on playground internals will depend on participation else it might make more sense to join the verticals (commerical, safety, insurance) and discuss use-cases and playground use.
  • Simulator
    • Christian: we have been thinking internally about connecting simulators to the Playground, including the information layer and I wanted to discuss this publically.
    • Discussion:
      • Various simulators will be needed.
      • It's agreed its helpful if only minor glue code is needed to make connections. For that to be possible appropriate documentation is needed for interface integration.
      • Some 'playback' will be as simple as ETL style operations of loading data sets into the DB
      • Standalone collection of data sets reusable across examples is a need.

10th July 2024



  • Kanban meeting:
    • Waiting on GM to return from break for uProtocol simulator update
    • IoTDB Data Processing functions: Steve has updated the PR to add online documentation for the changes.
      • Next is Grafana, plus an example
    • Knowledge Connector: Christian explained updates to the PR, e.g. DB router changes.
      • Discussion in the DB Schema section about challenges of maintaining a single source of truth when relating data models as is typically needed with knowledge layer.
      • For the connector itself it seems ok if it uses a particular approach to communicate the wider idea of using Rules based reasoning. That is internal to the blackbox and other approaches could be used in implementation.
  • DB Schema:
  • Fall AMM
  • Summer holidays:
    • Ulf: off next week and 1 after. Probably some further break later in summer.
    • Sven: 3 week break coming up.
    • Christian: Long break from 8th Aug.
    • Steve: will take 1-2 week break, probably in Aug, to match when others are off.

3rd July 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • Docker: Brief summary of my PR above.
  • DB Schema generation: I had some discussion with Gunnar in CVI about this. Basically keeping the meta-data for it with VSS as a layer, rather than dislocated in for example a template language config file. I think ultimately I need to write a fuller proposal that can be discussed, but it perhaps warrants a short discussion if people have input to help form the ideas.
  • Fall AMM: deadline for talks is end of the month. We need to discuss what we want to do, including the possible extra technical day.
  • AoB


  • Kanban stand-up meeting:
    • Knowledge Layer Connector, Christian: Started on skeleten PoC DB router in information layer
    • IoTDB Data Processing, Steve: A WIP PR has been added which adds the optional IoTDB Data Quality Library to the Playground IoTDB docker image and configures IoTDB for access from Grafana.
    • uProtocol Simulator: waiting for update from GM
  • DB Schema Generation:
    • Discussion of providing a mechanism for DB Schema generation for VSS nodes. This would accelerate users ability to more quickly get started with the Playground as it could automate the generation of all nodes.
    • Steve and Christian think this could be useful. Christian in addition raises a similar use-case for the knowledge layer, e.g. SHACL generation. There was some conversion to SHACL in the past.
    • Idea brainstorming:
      • Rough requirements:
        • Input: VSS vspec (a reduced vspec could be input if only a few nodes are required)
        • Generation:
          • Template language + config (config is the description needed to match VSS to the DB)
        • Output: schema for DB X
          • Example: Series of lines to create schema for each VSS node e.g CREATE timeseries.Vehicle.Speed (datatype=INT, compression=X, encoding=Y, meta-data=Z)
      • Steve: In discussion with Gunnar in CVI it was considered that this mapping meta-data could be held in a VSS layer/overlay (closed to the source) rather than in an isolated stand-along config file. If the existing VSS overlay mechanism did not support it, then evolving VSS overlays to be something closer to IFEX layer mechanism could.
    • VSS layer:
      • vehicle.speed DB meta-data=> data-type=INT, compression=squashy, encoding=super-encoding, meta-data="some attribute"
    • Generation / vss-tools:
      • Christian asks about doing this in vss-tools.
      • vss-tools has good set of meta-model functions now, which means generator largely just needs to contemplate output side so could have:
        • vspec2iotdb
        • vspec2realm
        • vspec2shaql
  • Fall AMM
    • COVESA wants technical session proposals by end of the Month.
    • So we need to contemplate:
      • Weds/Thurs Main Conf: Technical Sessions
        • e.g. Outreach etc.
      • Tues Smaller Conf: Workshops
        • e.g. Playground internals
    • Steve will put up the usual page for ideas
    • Paul: COVESA page here All Member Meeting Planning

26th June 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • Docker: I have been working on integrating the IoTDB Data Quality library and Grafana. That raises some questions about configuration of Docker containers and the source for the parts we integrate. That may be worth a discussion to get some feedback. Particularly from the BMW team who may be doing similar work at the moment.
  • @Swen Schisler (Endava) mentioned last week wanting to discuss some of his proposal to the CVI group
  • AoB


  • One possible set of container images for the Playground compose:
    • Image1: iotdb
    • Image2: VISSR
    • Image3: playground-tools/extras
      • Knowledge Connector
        • Info Layer
          • Realm backend widget
        • Knowledge

19th June 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • GM uProtocol Simulator update: two weeks ago GM said they would update us on progress of dockerising the simulator. This would also be an opportunity to advance the integration discussion.
  • Continuation of the two topics @Ulf proposed last time and briefly introduced
    • Playground documentation structure
    • Proposal for integration of VISS into the Knowledge Layer connector
  • AoB


  • Playground Kanban stand-up
    • 0.1.0 blog will be published any day now.
    • Steve reports that he has introduced COVESA and the Playground project to the Apache IoTDB community. Received positive interest in the Playground and willingness to support IoTDB.
  • GM were scheduled to update us on the uProtocol Simulator but no GM representatives attended.
  • Continuation of the two topics @Ulf proposed last time and briefly introduced
    • Playground documentation structure
      • Ulf described his proposed updates to layout of the landing page and organising the examples.
      • Screenshot: Ulf-CDSP-doc-layout.png
      • Steve described original was modelled after the Docker landing page which does a nice job of enabling both newcomers and experts:
      • Ulf's point about seperating the user/ref manuals of the core components would be useful
    • Proposal for integration of VISS into the Knowledge Layer connector
      • Agreement that the pluggable architecture in the WS component for DBs would allow Ulf to attach some of his idea, e.g. he feels he could use OVDS to attach VISS in the cloud.
      • Discussion of other aspects
  • AoB
    • Swen mentioned he could discuss some of his ideas for his project next week

12th June 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • @Christian Mühlbauer @Haonan Qiu will present their idea of a Knowledge Layer connector example
  • AoB
    • @Ulf has proposed two agenda items today:
      • Playground documentation structure
      • Proposal for integration of VISS into the Knowledge Layer connector
    • If there is time at the end of the meeting we can get an overview with a view to progressing discussion next week and or in slack

5th June 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • uServices mocker integration discussion with GM team
  • Time permitting or uServices discussion does not proceed: Knowledge Layer connector example
  • AoB


  • Playground Kanban stand-up
    • Steve has made the 0.1.0 release. Currently working with COVESA marketing to publicise
  • uServices Mocker discussion
    • Halim set the big picture. Mocker in question is the Eclipse uProtocol Simulator. Mocker seems a good fit for the concept of the Playground.
      • From project The up-simulator is a user-friendly web tool designed to make developing uProtocol services and Apps on PCs easy. Its intuitive interface empowers users with features such as Publish-Subscribe, RPC invocation, and the simulation of COVESA Vehicle Services. With a focus on a user-friendly graphical interface (GUI), users can easily navigate through the development and testing phases of uProtocol Apps, ensuring a smooth experience from start to finish.
    • GM engineers demonstrated the simulator for uProtocol and vsomeip traffic.
    • Halim: whilst the simulator supports uProtocol and uServices it can be used to simulate pure SOME/IP traffic.
    • Steve: as the simulator already exists it seems to be a question of how the 'tool' would be integrated and connected to other components to add value. Is it containerised?
    • Simulator is implemented in Python, but not yet containerised.
    • Halim suggests that GM containerises the simulator and that is then used to guage wider interest. This seems like a sensible way forward.
    • Halim: there will be a company stop in around a month for a summer break, so I would like to push the GM team to make some progress in the next two weeks. Let's plan for a progress update from the GM team in the Data Arch call for 19th June.
  • Knowledge Layer Connector example
    • Ran out of time. Pushed back to next week.

29th May 2024


  • Playground Kanban "stand-up meeting": In-progress task status, major new items
  • Knowledge Layer connector
  • GM uServices mocker meeting next week
  • AoB


  • Playground Kanban
    • After discussion with Arnaldo decision taken to move back to the backlog as its currently more narrowly defined as being about Realm as a backend to VISSR. Work on Realm support for other use is currently a part of the Knowledge Connector.
    • Steve has started on the 0.1.0 release. After that he may continue with the work on Grafana and IoTDB data quality functions.
    • BMW have started public work on the Knowledge Connector in their fork.
  • Steve has confirmed with Halim that we will discuss integration of the GM uServices mocker into the Playground in next weeks call.
  • AoB
    • Paul asks for input on marketing projects for outreach
      • Steve: I have been talking to Mary about utilising the COVESA Blog and social accounts. General idea is to semi-regular post updates as new features added or releases made.

21st May 2024


  • Playground Kanban: In-progress task status, major new items
  • Knowledge Layer connector: code directory layout
  • CVI call to discuss GM uServices mocker
  • RL meeting
  • AoB


  • Began Kanban stand-up meeting.
  • Pivoted into longer discussion about Knowledge Layer Connector
    • Ulf and Christian discussed VISS relationship
    • Discussion of code layout and the components. Christian showed update list of components and their functionality.
    • Discussion of upcoming code commits from BMW. They will create a PR. Possibly starting with READMEs for the various parts
  • Ulf discussed earlier work in CCS OVDS database in cloud. Thinks it can be reused.
  • Steve will confirm with Halim about when the discussion with GM team regarding integrating the uServices Mocker will take place and report on Slack
  • Steve outlined positive meeting he had with RemotiveLabs introducing the Playground to them. Follow up required on areas of collaboration.

15th May 2024


  • Playground Kanban: In-progress task status, major new items
  • 0.1.0 release: I would like to make an initial release soon, but would like opinions if anyone has input on what/how
  • Knowledge Layer connector
  • Backlog generation
  • AoB: related projects etc.

8th May 2024


  • Playground Kanban
    • In-progress task status
    • 0.1.0 release
    • Completing project setup
  • Backlog generation
  • AoB


  • Playground status
    • Steve has a WIP PR to add the RemotiveLabs feeder/bridge he created for the Spring AMM. Documentation is next major step
    • Christian presented latest thinking on the Knowledge Layer connector. Extensive discussion of that.
    • Steve: we should look to make 0.1.0 release soon and complete project setup
  • Limited timing remaining but some discussion of backlog generation and the need for use cases for data processing/analytics
  • AoB:
    • Ulf:
      • VISS/VISSR weekly project meetings starting Monday at 4-5pm CET
      • Commercial Vehicle Information Specifications project under Commerical Vehicle BoF being scoped. Starting with Tractor/Trailer trees.

1st May 2024


  • May national holidays in EU meant missing active members so informal discussion held.
  • General discussion of data sets, data processing and need for functional requirement input from industry.

24th April 2024


  • AMM feedback
  • Team backlog


  • AMM
    • Feedback
      • Paul: came up a few times. Uncertain about what relationship to playground
        • Steve: Personally I see the core functionality as being the visual ideation. For that part it could be both a data feeder of VSS data to the playground and a client which uses the playground as a source.
      • Swen: was useful as first time attendee. From CVI discussion yesterday will be sharing mental model of what I perceive as the bigger picture. We need to understand each other to design the right architecture.
      • Haonan: good conference. Good to meet people finally.
      • Steve: Had some interesting conversations in the Showcase with the Playground demo. Some people really got the concept and even talked about using it in their upcoming hackathon. Also had interest from an academic.
    • Thursday workshop
      • Whiteboard:

Image Added

  • Backlog
    • Playground backlog slide from AMM:
      • Next (goal: enhance and use the playground):
        • Review 0.1.0 release and fill obvious doc gaps
        • Socialisation: COVESA groups, Webinars etc.
        • Concrete backlog generation (high lvl points below)
          • Main focus of Thurs Data Architecture team workshop
          • Feeders: VISSR feeder component, RemotiveLabs, etc.
          • Examples: agree data arch team early focus.
          • Connections to COVESA eco-system, e.g. CVI southbound, AOSP northbound
          • Embedded App DB (Realm)
          • DIKW Knowledge layer connector
          • Auto h/w deployment (mid term)
          • Complete project setup: release process etc
  • Discussion in meeting:
    • Need data sets (at rest):
      • VSS data sets (real or simulated)
      • Other data models and rule sets.
    • Next week or two Steve will do some documentation polishing and publish the RemotiveLabs bridge sample code as an example (source is available in his github so ask if you want to know sooner)
    • Discussion of knowledge layer
      • Christian/Haonan are continuing to work on the connector
      • Discussion of rules example Haonan posted to the slack.
      • She explained she's currently bypassing some steps in the processing chain, but is just directly looking at the applicability of processing the timeseries data in RDFox to confirm approaches.

17th April 2024

No meeting due to AMM

10th April 2024


  • 2024 Spring AMM Planning (Data Architecture and Infrastructure)
  • Central Data Service Playground
    • Status reports
    • Release/preview tagging
    • AMM presentation
      • High level near-mid term backlog, e.g:
        • Feeders: VISSR feeder component, RemotiveLabs
        • Examples: agree data arch early focus. see workshop
        • Connections to COVESA eco-system, e.g. CVI southbound, AOSP northbound
        • Embedded App DB (Realm)
        • Knowledge layer connector
        • Auto h/w deployment (mid term)
        • Quality of life improvements: review 0.1.0 release and fill obvious getting-started or doc gaps
        • Agree on and complete project setup: release process, testing etc


  • Spring AMM sessions
  • Central Data Service Playground
    • Status reports
      • Steve:
        • Rebase on upstream VISSR complete and merged.
        • Quality of life Docker Compose improvements (code and doc) complete and merged.
        • Main branch now represents 'playground-core' of 0.1.0 release
        • Current: Now completing IoTDB guide for doc-site (preview here)
        • Next: showcase demo and AMM presentations
    • AMM presentation
      • Agreement on general high level themes for the backlog. Of course list to be actually debated in the workshop
      • Discussion of knowledge layer slides
    • Christian agrees it would be good idea to tag a release.

3rd April 2024



  • Spring AMM sessions
    • Agreement to shorten session on Playground use in favour of discussing it in workshop segment
    • Discussion of workshop topics
      • Steve: add your ideas to the list on the planning page
      • Swen: interested in cloud
      • Christian/Haonan agree to present a few slides to kick-off discussion of knowledge layer
    • Steve has posted a note on LinkedIn advertising the session
  • Central Data Service Playground
    • Status reports
      • Steve has published the Implementation overview page on the doc site.
      • Next steps: point playground to use current upstream VISSR, some clean up and retest, before tagging 0.1.0 release.

27th March 2024


Minutes (retrospective summary):

  • Central Data Service Playground
    • Status reports / Kanban review
      • Steve: Baseline documentation has been published on site. Main content is the logical concept overview. Next will be implementation
      • Steve: Had a look at integrating RemotiveLabs virtual signal platform as a feeder. On hold whilst address issues accessing their cloud system via their CLI through corporate systems.
      • Ulf gave summary of VISSR feeder template
      • Steve: Thanks. I was planning to enable that for IoTDB as part of the backlog.

20th March 2024


  • Spring AMM sessions
    • Weaving in other sessions? Workshop at end of Playground 'use' session?
  • Central Data Service Playground
    • Status reports / Kanban review
    • Documentation site: content, theme
    • 0.1.0 release
    • Knowledge Layer Connector
