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Planning for the Data Architecture and Infrastructure sessions/workshops at the 2024 Spring AMM in Gothenburg, Sweden

Data Arch Thurs AM sessions

Topic/TitleTimeDesc / comments
Playground Intro9am-9:40 incl QsSee desc below
Playground Technical9:40-10:10 incl QsSee desc below. Technical leads to use, e.g. can do X with MQTT, or
time series analysis allows data quality/reduction/knowledge Y
Playground Use10:30-10:45 incl QsSee desc below. Make naturally bleed into workshop for 'next-steps'
Workshop10:45-12:15General workshop as we have done in the past
Flexible coffee break10-10:30Covesa arranging flexible period when coffee available

Workshop topics?

  • Playground
    • Backlog
      • What is the content for the next phase?
    • Examples/uses we want to pursue
    • Knowledge layer
    • Schema
    • Data store sync: methods, uses as outlined before.
    • Bridge between complex document/data structure, e.g. NoSQL document and VSS node (key/value)
    • Quality of life improvements:
      • VISS
        • Needs: pre-built Image, dockerfile for 'standard build'
    • Data sets
    • Feeder components
    • Touchpoints
      • Are the old diagrams a sufficient starting point?
    • Playground-aaS

Central Data Service Playground

17th Jan Data Arch meeting discussed sessions address following three tracks (needs polishing):

  1. Intro focusing on the big picture. Why? What? How? Less technology, more intent, purpose, how it can be useful (internals and touchpoints/examples).
    Goal: Leave with big picture understanding of why it was created, current status, roadmap,
  2. More detailed technical readout of the What/How. Level 1/2 technical description of the components and their deployment.
    Goal: Leave with understanding of what it is (internals) and how to get started
  3. Using the Playground. Focus on the using the Playground to illustrate an example or touchpoint under research.
    Goal: Leave with understanding of how it can be used (externals) through an example.

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