Versions Compared


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See COVESA Common Meeting Schedule for meeting link. The meeting is open to anyone.


  • It is expected that all meeting participants have read the compliance statement. Every meeting will start with a reminder.

  • Every meeting will start with appointment of note taker. Notes can be on-line, or off-line and if so mailed to moderator within 24 hours. Fair scheduling, i. e. all should take turn. A reason for not taking it is if one expect to speak much at the meeting.

  • Strive for backwards compatibility. Non-backwards compatibility, anyone can ask for a voting, requires 2/3 of votes to be accepted.
  • VISSR deep technical discussion should be handled on the VISSR Slack channel and its Github Issues page.

Specification development page

The writing of the specification is done at

Welcome and Compliance statement


  • Compliance statement
  • Welcome and agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized Topics:
    • xxx
  • General topics:
    • Open Pull Requests VISS
    • Issues VISS
    • Discussions VISS
    • VISSR information
      • Major PRs
      • Q&A
  • Other
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting

Meeting notes  2024-09-16

Meeting notes  2024-09-02

Meeting notes  2024-08-19

  • Prioritized Topics: 
    • Review JSON schema addition
    • Review PRs
  • Other
    • Review AMM presentation draft

Meeting notes  2024-07-08

Meeting notes  2024-06-24

  • Prioritized Topics: 
    • Roadmap creation
    Prioritized Topics:
    • xxx
  • General topics:
    • Open Pull Requests VISS
    • Issues VISS
    • Discussions VISS
    • Open Pull Requests VISSR
    • Issues VISSR
    • Discussions VISSR
  • Other
      • Three part documentation proposal
        • Steve: In Transport doc - mention for each protocol what is the difference to primary description.
        • Versioning of Payload encoding?
        • Decision: Go with the three document structure (can be reversed if found bad).

Meeting notes  2024-06-10

  • Prioritized Topics: 
    • Roadmap creation
      • New features for the next VISS version, continued discussion
        • Payload defintions instead of transport protocol definitions could be the first feature to add?
          • Keep the documentation structure with two docs - CORE and EXAMPLES?
          • How define the payloads? For each method (get/set/..), define the mandatory and optional payload fields of request/response/subscription messages.
          • Serialization definition? JSON in VISSv2. Needs more precise definition?
        • File transfer support? Download/Upload?
        • More filters - event when buffer is full, ...
      • VISSR issues
        • Polish documentation. Attract more users?
          • Docker containers, open data sets, 
        • AGT not well integrated with Docker
        • Complicated to generate a binary VSS tree. Pre-built?
        • Concurrency bugs in server?
      • ISO standardization of VSS (VISS)?

Meeting notes  2024-05-27

  • Prioritized Topics: 
    • Roadmap creation
      • New features for the next VISS version, continued discussion
        • Payload defintions instead of transport protocol definitions could be the first feature to add?
    • Other
      • Low attendance due to US holiday.
    Prioritized topics for next meeting

Meeting notes  2024-05-13

  • Intro: Names, company, contribution?
  • Prioritized Topics: 
    • Roadmap creation
    • New features for the next VISS version 
      • VISS tied to VSS and passenger vehicles. As there is a need for additional information models, maybe adapt for Hierarchical Information Model (HIM) proposal 
        • ATA TMC (several attendees from their Data Science team in attendance) express interest in additional data models
        • Question on how to accommodate VSS within HIM, explained as a higher level wrapper and backwards compliant
          • Similar rules to be applied to the other data models
          • Resistance to extend VSS beyond vehicle signals
          • Wally: either HIM, VSS overlays or perhaps a third approach could work for ATA needs
            • Suggest we define what we want the model to support to evaluate
            • Stephen: is the first goal is the semantics side - metadata?
            • Diagnostics capabilities, trailer or specialty equipment are the data models being discussed
          • Peter: there are existing services work within COVESA that need alignment with this
          • Ulf: we may end up with merging of ideas or competition and see which prevails 
          • OpenAPI approach wasn't conducive to automotive purposes, hence VISS
      • Define payload that can be transported across multiple protocols, could possibly support OpenAPI (would need to add subscriptions) 
    • Suggest we solicit input from AutoSAR (Erik) and BMW on Android (Adnan or Andre)
  • Meeting split between VISS (specification) and VISSR (Reference implementation of VISS)
    • Informational update on VISSR on regular call, deep technical as time allows or call participant warrants otherwise details will be on slack & github
    • Also welcome questions from participants, can inform the specification work as well
    • Tagged releases
  • VISSR branching/release strategy for next VISS version
  • Policy notes reviewed
    • Paul/Stephen: Reminder to please add company name in your display name.
  • CVIS Charter
