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  • Agenda discussion - anything that needs to be added?
  • Prioritized Topics:
  • Decision on old open PRs
  • Open Pull Requests VSS
  • Open Pull Requests VSS-Tools
  • Issues VSS
  • Issues VSS-Tools
  • Discussions VSS
  • Discussions VSS-tools
  • Prioritized topics for next meeting

Agenda  2024-06-04

  • AMM Info
    • Novi, Detroit-area, USA
    • 25-26 Sept, on 24th opportunity to have technical F2F sessions, related to VSS or other
    • Paul: Good to take the opportunity F2F
    • Erik: We need to start thinking on possible topics, especially for the 24th, also for 25-26th
  • VSS Release Status - VSS 4.2 released -
    • OK to remove pre-release tag
  • Presentation - Sending VSS data with Protobuf Thesis worker (Adnan)
  • VSS Release Status
  • Events? Adnan?
    • By Kaan Bulut, Student at Techn Univ Munich, Thesis done in collab with BMW
    • Multiple options
      • Generate messages for all leafs (flat)
      • Generate all message as key (key-value pair)
      • vpec2protobuf -hierarchy of messages
    • Compaibility - backward/forward/full

Image Added

Image Added

Meeting notes  2024-05-28
