Many of us are being forced to "go virtual" in our work and even in our interactions with friends and family.  With my adult children spread across four different US states, I've instituted a weekly virtual family gathering to stay in touch and to provide a way of openly sharing our lives while we endure various levels of "quarantine".  While going virtual may be significantly affecting your work lives, the work of GENIVI continues by leveraging online and virtual tooling for our active collaboration.  With that said, we will miss convening face-to-face during the (now rescheduled) All Member Meeting, originally planned for 12-14 May in Leipzig.  We will have to wait a few months (until 26-28 October) for that happy gathering to occur.

In the meantime, GENIVI is proceeding with a Virtual Technical Summit on the original dates of the AMM.  Day one of the Virtual Summit (12 May) will feature a welcome keynote by the GENIVI President followed by brief overviews of active GENIVI technical projects and teams.  The day will close with industry experts presenting "forward looking" topics like cockpit domain consolidation, edge computing in the vehicle and common vehicle interface.   Days 2 and 3 will be given primarily to technical workshops for two active projects including the Android Automotive Special Interest Group (AA SIG) and Cloud and Connected Services.  Day 2 schedule will also include a presentation on shared testing and a presentation on a new security standard (ISO-21434).  Note that all presentations (i.e., all of day 1 and the two presentations on day 2) will be recorded for replay.  Due to the length of and interactive nature of the workshops, these will not be recorded.

During the week of 6 April, GENIVI will post a near-final schedule with session speakers and abstracts for your review and planning.  To make best use of virtual event tooling, we request that you register in advance for the Summit so that you have all of the information for all sessions available on the days of the event.  Registration will also be available next week.  Because of the recent increase in "Zoom-bombing" and other disruptive online behaviors, we will enforce passwords for all sessions, making preregistration all the more important.

For now, please mark your calendars for this important connection point for the GENIVI membership and beyond.  The opening keynote will begin at 1500 CET on 12 May and again, all presentations will be recorded on that day for playback for those who are in time zones that are not convenient for live participation.  Other sessions on subsequent days, like the AA SIG's Audio HAL workshop, will be more conveniently scheduled to an Asia- and Europe-friendly time (i.e., morning CET).  Stay tuned for a full schedule next week and please be safe and well!

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