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Monday, October 21


  • ...


  • Philippe


Confirm Tech Summit agenda and participation

Current working schedule:

Tuesday 12 November


16:45-18:15 CET


Cloud & Connected Services Workshop Session One

Toward a Common Vehicle Data Model (Moderated by Benjamin Klotz, Gunnar Andersson)

Abstract: The GENIVI Cloud and Connected Services project intends to define an end-to-end reference architecture between vehicle sensors and the back-end cloud.  Essential to this architecture is agreeing to a common method of representing in-vehicle data.  This session will provide overviews of the W3C Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS), look at gaps existing with other data models and  in the in-vehicle portion of the architecture, explore data in an Android Automotive context and consider ways of consolidating vehicle data modeling approaches.  

For reference but not posting to the public schedule:

  • starting from the data in the vehicle
  • VSS intro, AA Vehicle HAL intro
  • report on the gap analysis (Sensoris, etc.)
  • need for consolidating the models: ask OEMs & participants about it
  • moderated by someone from W3C (plan A) (Benjamin can do it remotely, was asked whether he could attend F2F), Gunnar with VSS stuff (plan B)


19:45-22:15 CET


Cloud & Connected Services Workshop Session Two

The Value of Vehicle Data to Enterprises (Moderated by TBC)

Abstract: OEMs, suppliers and other industry participants have begun to realize the tremendous potential that in-vehicle data affords to their organizations, their customers and their partners.  During this session, participants will hear from Ford, High Mobility and Geotab about the opportunities that vehicle data offers and how the industry can use data analytics to solve real challenges and offer new services. 


  • Blueprint for Vehicle-Oriented, Data Strategy (Kevin Valdek, CTO, High Mobility)
  • Unlocking the Value in Vehicular Data Using Analytics (Amir Sayegh, Geotab)  
  • Industry Standards for Advanced Vehicle Data (John Schmotzer, Emerging Analytics Connected Vehicle Manager, Ford)

For reference but not posting to the public schedule

  • W3C Ted company (need to find the name of the company) Ted oriented Philippe to a contact at BakerMacKenzie (forwarded to Steve)
  • followed by moderated open dialog with the automotive industry participants
  • moderated by TBD
Wednesday 13 November


14:30-16:00 CET


Cloud & Connected Services Workshop Session Three

Capturing Vehicle Data and Communication Framework Design (Moderated by Kevin Valdek, High Mobility)

Abstract: An essential part of an end-to-end, vehicle to back-end cloud reference architecture is the technologies used in the communication framework between vehicle and cloud.  This session will focus on existing standards, solutions and gaps in that essential communication framework to roll-up into the planned reference architecture.

For reference but not posting to the public schedule

  • Kevin as moderator is plan A
  • Kevin can do it remotely

Gap analysis document

Reference Design

  • Feedback from all other participants

JIRA/sprint review

Monday, October 14


  • Benjamin
  • Keith
  • Don (OCF)
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe
  • Steve


  • Guru
  • Kevin


  • GENIVI technical summit preparation
  • Gap analysis deliverable - review feedback of draft sections on VSS, Sensoris, etc.
  • Design concerns wiki page - more feedback
  • Sprint & backlog review (end of Sprint 4)
  • AOB


  • GENIVI technical summit preparation
    • Philippe shows the content that will published on Wednesday this week at 12:00 US Central time
Tuesday 12 November
9:20am-9:40amPlenary20'Cloud & Connected Services Overview - Gerald (Bosch) will deliver the overview


17:00-18:30 CET


Cloud & Connected Services - Data Model standardization - towards a common model

  • starting from the data in the vehicle
  • VSS intro, AA Vehicle HAL intro
  • report on the gap analysis (Sensoris, etc.)
  • need for consolidating the models: we need to ask OEMs & participants whether the consolidation is mandatory or nice to have
  • moderated by someone from W3C (plan A) (Benjamin can do it remotely), Gunnar with VSS stuff (plan B)


20:00-22:30 CET


Cloud & Connected Services - Value of Data to Enterprises

  • company presentation by high mobility (Kevin) Confirmed (Kevin will attend remotely, timeslot blocked on his side), what would be the focus on the presentation ?)
  • company presentation by Ford (John) on value of data To Be Confirmed  topic: engaging the automotive supplier ecosystem and beyond (i.e., other industries) using vehicle data
  • company presentation by geotab (Glenn)Steve contacted Glenn who is interested in making a presentation on this topic: aftermarket vehicle data use case
  • followed by moderated open dialog with the automotive industry participants
  • moderated by TBD: we need a volunteer, please contact Philippe
Wednesday 13 November


14:30-16:00 CET


Cloud & Connected Services - Vehicle Data Capturing - Communication Framework Design

  • Kevin as moderator is plan A
  • Kevin can do it remotely

  • Philippe: we expect to have some kind of BoF meetings on Wednesday afternnoon
  • Gap analysis deliverable - review feedback of draft sections on VSS, Sensoris, etc.
    • Gunnar: has questions on Guru's section on Sensoris, will set up a dedicated teco for it
    • Benjamin and Don reminded about their TODOs (see last week's minutes below)
  • Design concerns wiki page
    • Gunnar: presents the page to Gerald, Kevin and Benjamin who were not at the previous meeting
  • AOB
    • Keith would like to invite a colleague from LGE in Korea
    • Philippe: no issue, please invite him

Monday, October 7


  • Kevin
  • Don (OCF)
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe
  • Steve (partial)


  • Guru
  • Benjamin
  • Gerald
  • Daniel


  • GENIVI technical summit - content planning, additional information
  • https://grpc.io/: is this relevant for CCS ?
  • SAREF presentation review
  • Gap analysis deliverable - review feedback of draft sections on VSS, Sensoris, etc.
  • Design concerns wiki page - more feedback
  • Sprint & backlog review (end of Sprint 4)
  • Enterprise data value: new topic to be added to the project scope ?
  • AOB


  • GENIVI technical summit - content planning, additional information
    • registration link is at https://www.eventleaf.com/TechSummit19ent
    • content will be finalized this week, 3 tracks are planned: Connected Services, Android Automotive, Cybersecurity
    • quick poll on who will attend
  • https://grpc.io/: is this relevant for CCS ?
    • g stands for Google
    • Gunnar: we look at Google rpc in the GPRO project when we did the survey on communication protocols, look at the list of technologies we looked at and the GPRO white paper
    • grprc is built on http2 which never took off, people are rather working on http3, gprc is likely well suited on web technologies, it is one of many choices that are out there
    • from my perspective, it is relevant but not more relevant than anything else, when it comes to protocols that are not REST oriented protocols, MQTT has more relevance
  • SAREF Automotive - https://www.w3.org/2019/09/trans-data-ws/SAREF.pdf
    • Benjamin reviewed the paper presented at the W3C workshop on data models for transportation, his findings on SAREF automotive are here
    • use cases identified in the paper are
      • Platooning
      • Automated Valet Parking (AVP)
      • Cooperative Perception Service (CPS)
      • Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs)
    • Philippe: these use cases fit well into the the future, i.e. much beyond a 5-year horizon
    • Philippe: IMHO currently in the CCS project,  short term is represented by the current High Mobility offering on the market, and the on-going work is rather looking at the mid-term,
    • Kevin: it would be good to ask OEMs what use cases are more tangible to implement
  • Gap analysis deliverable - review feedback of draft sections on VSS, Sensoris, etc.
    • Philippe: I reshuffled the pages a little bit and the draft deliverable appears now in the main CCS page table of content, look at Gap analysis draft deliverable
    • Philippe: Guru and Benjamin have provided their inputs, Guru added his inputs in the wiki, I added the link the CVIM doc prepared by Benjamin to the wiki page
    • Kevin: I reviewed the draft document on VSS prepared by Gunnar, the intro is not specific to VSS but fairly general
    • Gunnar: agreed, we need to ask again for the review work  the VSS doc
    • /TODO/ Daniel/Benjamin/Guru/etc please review the VSS doc
    • Gunnar: I will review the Sensoris section written by Guru
    • Kevin: I will review the CVIM doc prepared by Benjamin
    • Gunnar: Steve pointed us to two other data exchange standards from the Open Group
    • I found them to be mostly similar or related to what OCF might be doing.  I also found them to be fairly thin specs in particular O-DM but the messaging standard might have something useful
    • We are wondering what OCF think about it:
      • Is it used by OCF or not ?
      • Is it out of scope and covering other unrelated things ?
      • or is it overlapping, but OCF have created other standards to cover this instead ? (It might of course boil down to a simple XML vs JSON preference...)
      • Unknown User (don.dulchinos) Do you have any feeling on how well these standards are adopted?
    • /TODO/ Don review these data exchange standards from the Open Group
    • Gunnar: we should consider adding some info on SAREF and the Open Group work in the gap analysis deliverable
  • Design concerns wiki page - more feedback
    • link added to the CCS main wiki page
    • Gunnar: the topics / issues in the design concerns page should be transformed soon in a set of work items described in jira, Kevin has provided his comments already, other comments are welcome until next week call
    • I will also review the existing tickets in Jira that might be relevant to the topics described in the design concerns wiki page
    • Philippe: I will projectize this in Jira starting next week
  • Sprint & backlog review (end of Sprint 4)
    • VCS-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS target date for producing the gap analysis deliverable is 8 November, we will present it at the tech summit
    • VCS-59 - Getting issue details... STATUS /TODO/ Gunnar ping Michael Ger to get a Cloudera architect into CCS project
    • VCS-35 - Getting issue details... STATUS Daniel said he is "back" and should start working on it this week
    • VCS-60 - Getting issue details... STATUS /TODO/ Gerald please do
    • VCS-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS see above design concerns, projectization will be developed further starting next week
    • VCS-61 - Getting issue details... STATUS done, see above
    • VCS-39 - Getting issue details... STATUS no news from Sebastian, Gerald Spreitz can you help ?
  • Enterprise data value: new topic to be added to the project scope ?
    • Steve: when I met with Ford last week, one of their concerns was how to make value out of the vehicle data
    • this is a gap in the CCS project charter according to Ford and GM perspective
    • Steve: it seems to me that these organisations do not fuly understand yet what means a shared platform for capturing and distributing vehicle data
    • Gunnar: one of the criticisms we had with the European OEMs concept of neutral server is that the OEMs will control all the vehicle data, we do not understand what the enterprise data value means for for the US OEMs yet,
    • Steve: theUS OEMs seem to be looking for which strategic partnerships they need to build for the vehicle data
    • Kevin: what kind of uses cases are foreseen , what kind of data rates are considered ?
    • Philippe: I would suggest to ask high mobility (Kevin) to deliver a company presentation at the tech summit because HM business in my opinion exemplifies what the enterprise data value is about

Monday, September 30


  • Ondrej (OCF Cloud Services)
  • Kevin
  • Guru
  • Keith
  • Gerald
  • Don (OCF)
  • Steve
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • OCF (Open Connectivity Forum) Cloud Services WG introduction
  • GENIVI technical summit - announcement
  • Design concerns wiki page - feedback from participants
  • Gap analysis deliverable - status of drafts
  • Sprint & backlog review (skipped)


  • OCF (Open Connectivity Forum) Cloud Services WG introduction
    • Ondrej works for Kitsler, a sensor manufacturing company https://www.kistler.com
    • Ondrej shows a slide deck on OCF Cloud WG, Device API for Cloud Services, Cloud API for Cloud Services
    • Philippe: IMHO the OCF cloud services are to be added as a possible cloud-based framework for poc development & end-to-end integration in the later stages of CCS project
    • Gerald: can we possibly clarify about the mapping of the OCF cloud services to the automotive use cases ? with vendor A = BMW and vendor = GM for instance
    • Ondrej : my car is one of the devices, when I sit in my car, I can see my local (home) data
    • Guru: is there a limitation on the number of vehicles connected ?
    • Ondrej: the implementation is fully scalable
    • Ondrej will share the slide deck and the API specifications with GENIVI (how to share these materials with the CCS participants is being checked)
  • GENIVI technical summit
    • Philippe: announces the date and location for the tech summit - Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 November, in Troy, Michigan, USA and outlines the tech summit content that will focus on Android Automotive SIG, Cloud&Connected Services and Cybersecurity for the Vehicle
    • Steve: has spent last couple of weeks reaching with Ford, GM and FCA, metwith Ford alrealy and will meet with GM on Friday this week and later with FCA
    • Steve: the CCS project charter is close to what Ford thinks about where the market is going
    • Steve: our objective is to engage those OEMs (and their suppliers) in working sessions about the CCS project
    • Philippe:  please all of you put a note in your calendar and check your travel plan ! thanks
  • Design concerns
    • Kevin provided his inputs as comments to the wiki page, look at Design concerns, comments are reviewed online
    • Kevin: the wiki page is a very good thread opener
    • discussion on Kevin's first comment on the protocols, actually rather on the different ways of performing the data capturing from the vehicle to the servers
    • Gunnar: on the protocol for Vehicle => 3rd Party Servers, we need to go out and survey who are the players in the industry and which models of data capturing are acceptable

    • Kevin: : it's a bit of a different case, it could be brought out separately from the in-vehicle infotainment system to third-party servers, because that's the route the data would take.

    • Gunnar: presumably,  yes, it is like an app getting a direct connection and maybe we leave that out the scope and say that's not part of our infrastructure. But at the same time in order to cover all cases, we should consider these points, see what they mean for us and see if we can relate to them in some way in our specifications because otherwise companies tend to work around it anyway, and they end up doing ad hoc things that we might be able to avoid if we actually cover it in our discussions

    • Kevin: actually vehicle to third-party servers connection comes down to connecting to devices or devices in general like a smartphone, this is the obvious example of having a direct access from my mobile device or an application in a mobile device to the onboard systems, that's more of the typical MirrorLink type of solutions, but it is true there is a lack of data protocols there and if this is VSS that the Vehicle Gateway is using and if these are VSS data that are being uploaded to the cloud, then of course if there is a direct connection with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth from smartphone and the vehicle, it makes sense that the VSS model or a certain data model is used there as well.

    • Kevin: One more comment in the OEM server to neutral server part,  we should add a connection from OEM server to third-party servers or developers as in general the OEMs will provide an API both for neutral servers who serve as intermediaries and directly to third parties, that's already starting to become a common practice and should be considered.

    • Kevin: I have another comment that relates to the question Gerald mentioned with big data earlier, in my opinion there are certain (or maybe even larger) design impacts of the system considering personalized data, which are more like small data chunks with high frequency and high velocity rather than big data type of sharing between two different services. Probably the system block-diagrams are to look quite different at some components level.

    • Kevin: in my second set of comments, I added some thoughts about the third-party expectations. This is nothing groundbreaking but more practical things. The callback feature is one thing that third parties expect. Third parties rely a lot on quite up-to-date data. That means that sometimes even one minute old data is not that good because of a business case where you need to act fast on certain data or because of the user experience for instance in electric car charging where you want to get an event as soon as charging is complete.

    • Kevin: with the VSS and the W3C, I've seen websocket protocols are considered, and the system design should have (when we have a Rest API or an SDK) a callback system with web hooks, this was mentioned also in the OCF presentation. Today a lot of these OEM systems that do provide data don't provide callback systems in general and it is a bit of a headache for third parties. Typically there are different request limits that can be hard to meet at the same time, if there are no webhooks, it creates a problem because third parties want to get the latest data at the same time and the OEMs might limit them with their request limits because otherwise they get too much traffic to the servers. This kind of problem needs to be solved with technology and should be part of the system design we are considering

    • Kevin: in the last two steps of my second set of comments, I added a few things about the fleets. In general with data sharing, there is a general consent from the owners of the car, this is more for personal vehicles, when it comes to fleets, there are different considerations. If a fleet owner has 1,000 vehicles for instance, the third party application and the fleet owner are the same entity, in that case how that is handled and how the data querying is handled probably should be also part of the overall system design.

    • Gunnar: I agree with your views, IMHO we should have a list of typical applications / use cases, i.e. something to drive where we need to do different solutions. As you said, the solutions might be different for fleet management applications and user oriented applications. Also what you said about the Big Data statistics being a different one from user-centric data.

    • Kevin: agreed, I could add a list of use cases in the wiki page trying to cover some different verticals.

    • Philippe: we need to ask again Cloudera about their inputs of the system design for gathering vehicle big data

    • /TODO/ Gunnar set up a call with Cloudera to get their inputs of the system design for gathering vehicle big data

  • Gap analysis
    • Gunnar: shares the draft sections on VSS available at this document and asks participants to review it
    • Guru: wonders whether building a huge wiki page containing all the sections of the gap analysis is the right approach
    • Gunnar: for the time being, in my opinion, the sections for each project should be structured according to the wiki page table of content
    • Guru: will finalize the draft sections on Sensoris accordingly in the document he initiated and will call for a review in one day or so

Monday, September 23


  • Gerald
  • Stephen
  • Don
  • Steve
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe

apologies: Guru, Kevin, Ondrej (OCF)


  • W3C workshop on data models for transportation - useful readings
  • OCF (Open Connectivity Forum) Cloud Services WG introduction moved to next week !

  • OCF Automotive update

  • Gap analysis deliverable
  • Jira review
  • AOB


  • W3C workshop on data models for transportation - useful readings
    • the list of presentations (and slide decks) is at: https://www.w3.org/auto/events/data-ws-2019/schedule.html

    • 2 presentations need to be highlighted

      • Towards A Common Data Model Kenneth Vaughn, Trevilon

      • https://www.w3.org/2019/09/trans-data-ws/ITS_Data_Model-W3C-2019-09.pptx

      • Gunnar: introduces the slide deck, we should review with the comprehensive web site, the work seems to be fairly USA centric and ITS-related and related to fleet operation, we might be willing to take this into account in our work

      • Steve (who attended the workshop): it was an interesting presentation, consolidation of info from various specs, navigable on-line site with connection through various data models

      • slide 10: shows all data models in scope of this work

      • /TODO/ Bosch review the slide deck and possibly report on findings for next week

      • jira ticket created

      • Towards a SAREF extension for Automotive Michelle Wetterwald, Netellany

      • https://www.w3.org/2019/09/trans-data-ws/SAREF.pdf

      • this work was pointed out by one of the AutoMat project participants interviewed by Philippe late July

      • Philippe: it refers to the work on data ontologies pushed by EU whose motivation is to define and promote an European standard

      • /TODO/ Benjamin review the slide deck on SAREF (TBC), Philippe will ask him about it

      • jira ticket created

      • Don: was VSS discussed there ?

      • Steve not in the workshop because VSS was discussed in a W3C auto WG scheduled the days before

      • Don: what about VSSo work ?

      • Gunnar: VSSowork  is led by Benjamin and Daniel Wilms (BMW)

  • OCF Automotive update

    • Don: the OCF SC is still considering doing a demo at CES, there is an OCF interop event planned later this year, theme of the possible CES demo will be ratherabout  electrification / charging status in the home

  • Gap analysis deliverable - review of drafts

    • Philippe: Benjamin said it will start working on it on Wednesday
      • Gunnar: before I can start writing my contribution, I feld the need to put down my thoughts on the framework design
      • these can be found at Design concerns that shows the different ways we can think about for the framework design
      • Philippe: I would recommend that you review the architecture and building blocks for the neutral server approach with High Mobility because this is their business and the same for the big data approach with Cloudera because this is also their business
      • Philippe (added offline). Kevin said last week he could add to the initial list questions coming from their experience with 3rd parties at High Mobility
      • Gunnar: we need to spot a technical contact at Cloudera (I will ask Michael Ger)
      • Gunnar: we should also dig a little bit into vehicle fleet data management and impact on the "design concerns" content

      • Gerald: this is what Sensoris has looked into

  • Sprint & backlog review

    • VCS-59 to be checked with cloudera and engineers there

    • VCS-35 Philippe will ping daniel wilms

    • VCS-6 we should start populating it with work items related to Gunnar's thoughts on software designs, Gunnar: will do that, a link to Design concerns pzge added to the Jira ticket

    • VCS-38 /TODO/ @Kevin can you close it ?

    • VCS-39 Philippe will ping Sebastien about the status of the Kuksa project

  • AOB

    • notification scheme in Jira to be checked, Philippe will create a test jira ticket, reminders listed above will be sent by email

    • login Don credentials are working now

Monday, September 16


  • Keith (LGE)
  • Kevin
  • Guru
  • Don
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe

apologies: Gerald


  • Roundtable
  • W3C workshop on data models for transportation - Debrief (Steve) (skipped because Steve could not attend the weekly call)
  • Sync opportunity with Autosar (Keith, Steve)
  • Gap analysis deliverable
  • AOB
    • system design
    • OCF cloud WG


  • roundtable
    • Keith:  LGE has an automotive component division, not quite like Hitachi or Yamaha though
    • Keith is the only person working on Autosar at LGE, US, Keith's role is to be fully active in Autosar
    • 2-3 months ago Keith started raising the awareness around Autosar in the Silicon Valley
  • Sync opportunity with Autosar
    • during this week's meeting with Steve Crumb, the slides he showed sounded very familiar to me because they were close to what I presented the Cloud Services WG to Autosar sometime ago
    • the logical next step is to come with a single standard, in my opinion there is potentially a lot of synergy on the topic of cloud services between the two consortia
    • LGE has a particular interest in cloud services
    • the possible working mode Steve and I identified would be that Autosar endorse whatever will come out from the GENIVI work
  • Gap analysis deliverable
    • Kevin will make his contribution by Thursday
    • Guru shows the (Word) document he is working on for the Sensoris part, he will import it into Confluence soon
    • Philippe recommends Guru to maintain a list of questions to Sensoris, we will have an opportunity to pass them over to Sensoris project lead during the second call scheduled in almost 2-week time
    • Philippe changed the status of the Jira tickets related to the gap analysis work
      • Gunnar shares the content outline for the VSS part of the document
      • Don asks about the status of VSS work and would like to sync with Ted Guild on W3C work
      • Gunnar suggests to set up a call with Ted
  • System Design
    • Gunnar introduces the proof-of-concept for performing the translation from VSS to Franca to Some/IP, bottom-up works better for me
    • Philippe: please look at the minutes of the AASIG Vehicle Data API project
    • Gunnar; the question is whether we make direct conversions from data specs (like VSS) to protocol like REST or do we go through Franca ?
    • Philippe: in my opinion, we should have a list of open questions
    • Gunnar Andersson: /TODO/ Gunnar initiate a list of open questions related to system design
    • Kevin: I can add to the initial list questions coming from our experience with 3rd parties at High Mobility
  • Adjourned: 18:00 CET

Monday, September 9


  • Guru
  • Don
  • Benjamin Klotz
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • Gap analysis deliverable status
  • Sprint & backlog review
    • Closing of Sprint 3
    • additional work items related to Analysis epic to be added to Sprint 4


  • Gap analysis deliverable status
    • assignment of sections to contributors: Benjamin, Guru, Gunnar, Kevin
      • look at
    • Jira tickets updated accordingly VCS-54 to VCS-58
  • Sprint & backlog review
    • VCS-24 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • Benjamin: this relates for instance work in W3C Data TF, look at https://www.w3.org/community/autowebplatform/wiki/Data_tf
      • Gunnar: this is not gap analysis, this is something different, it relates to the glossary / definition of terms, we should create a wiki page describing what these terms mean
      • the W3C wiki page above is one input for this ticket
    • VCS-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • assigned to Gerald for adding a description of the work item
    • VCS-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • discussion on the functional architecture reference diagram
      • Gunnar: the picture is not final yet, it is just an example
      • Philippe: we should ask Cloudera for their vision of the big picture for the big data gathering
      • VCS-59 - Getting issue details... STATUS created and assigned to Michael Ger
    • Sprint 3 completed and Sprint 4 started
  • OCF update
    • Don gives an update of his discussions with OCF leaders
    • there is a discussion with OCF about the level of membership  that should be propose to vehicle OEMS in order to recruit them
    • Don would like to have the OCF Cloud WG lead attend next week's call, an agenda item will be added for this
    • Philippe: provides clarification on the expected use case to be shown at CES2020 from GENIVI standpoint
  • last agenda item: Gunnar Andersson - can you add your notes, since I had to switch over to another call ? thanks

Monday, September 2


  • Gerald Spreitz
  • Benjamin Klotz
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • Kevin Valdek


  • Call with Sensoris
    • very good and friendly atmosphere in the call
    • Prokop seems to be quite open for a coordination discussion
    • He gave a rough overview od Sensoris including business cases and system architecture, business cases are OEM-related and do not intend to provide an open access to the vehicle
    • Sensoris objective is to describe what the car is sensing for the world surrounding it, e.g. number of lanes, road works, traffic signals, outside temperatue (as part of a data set called climate, temperature and weather)
    • Gunnar: VSS (was described by Prokop as...) focusing more on the in-vehicle data and SensorIS more on modeling the outside world that the car drives through.  We have not been through to compare the data models during the call but there seems to be is some overlap in some areas but not in other like map-related data and data with a location-based focus
    • Gunnar: License - Sensoris do not permit derivatives (Using CC-BY-ND).   It could be interpreted as they are only body that can launch Sensoris specs, but also means that flexible reuse is difficult.  They propose openess to anyone who wants to change the SensorIS spec.  
    • Unknown: "This is the way they work with Japanese projects"
    • Gunnar: Sensoris welcome any proposal that would make their data model more complete, but this proposal would become part of the Sensoris data model because of their licensing approach
    • Prokop shows an architecture picture (that includes GENIVI and AGL as a kind of "technology choices" inside of vehicle.  Explanation was made about GENIVI Alliance actual scope and current projects.)
    • Sensoris main purpose is to make sure that OEMs are not delivering different data, they should deliver the same data
    • Prokop said it is out of scope of Sensoris to describe the system and software architecture, however they care about the "how" (e.g. protocols) to some extent
    • Gerald: motivation for having a common data model in Sensoris is for instance the wipers model (e.g. 3 bits on the CAN bus)
    • Gunnar: Gerald had a quite long discussion with Prokop about how OEMs provide the data, Sensoris does not care about the software architecture OEMs will use, more that the data that comes out is according to some shared standard (so that 3rd party developers can engage with more than one OEM).
    • Gunnar: it seems they would reuse whatever architecture is defined by GENIVI
    • Philippe: IMHO we should not fight for having an aligment of the data models, we could likely live with some duplicated representation for the data that overlap between Sensoris and VSS
    • Benjamin: agreed
    • discussion follows on GENVIVI scope vs Sensoris scope, VSS could be considered upstream w.r.t. Sensoris for the data defined in both projects
    • another meeting will be scheduled in 4-week time, we need to do our gap analysis between Sensoris and VSS first
      • VCS-35 - Getting issue details... STATUS   will be added to the new sprint
    • Scrum review
      • VCS-42 - Getting issue details... STATUS done
      • VCS-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS done
      • VCS-31 - Getting issue details... STATUS kept in the backlog, can be activated whenever Don provides us with an update on the OCF Automotive group work
      • VCS-42 - Getting issue details... STATUS done,
      • VCS-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS created, we might be interested in knowing more about the OCF cloud services framework in the future when we start looking at the available technologies for the framework
      • VCS-40 - Getting issue details... STATUS done
      • VCS-50 - Getting issue details... STATUS done, Gerald provided an updated version of the CCS block-diagram highlighting GENIVI components rather than Autosar framework
      • VCS-33 - Getting issue details... STATUS done
      • VCS-35 - Getting issue details... STATUS added to the sprint, new Jira ticket created VCS-53 - Getting issue details... STATUS   with blocking link added
      • VCS-38 - Getting issue details... STATUS updated
        • Gerald: IMHO ISO ExVe is not too exciting, performing a gap analysis between ExVe is to be further discussed with Kevin,
        • ticket is reassigned to Kevin to determine whether it is worth GENIVI buys the access to the specs from ANSI/ISO,
        • Gunnar: then we should likely check the architecture proposed by ISO ExVe can be filled by some components we have identified in the GENIVI communication framework
    • Review of remaining items related to Analysis epic in the backlog
      • VCS-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS actually done with the various surveys completed
      • tickets to be added to the next Sprint starting on 10 September:
        • VCS-4 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        • VCS-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        • VCS-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        • VCS-7 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        • VCS-24 - Getting issue details... STATUS inputs for this work item will be given by the various gap analysis we have identified
    • Gap analysis deliverable
      • VCS-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS updated with subtasks for Kevin, Gunnar, Gerald, Guru, Benjamin, Daniel for describing their contribution to the deliverable, please refer to the GAP analysis outline draft

Monday, August 26


  • Gerald Spreitz
  • Kevin Valdek
  • Don Dulchinos
  • Benjamin Klotz
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • Sensoris
    • Gerald has contacted the project chairman
    • timeslot proposed on Thu 29/8 at 8:30am for a sync call (expected participants: Gerald (call moderator), Gunnar, Philippe, Benjamin), VCS-49 - Getting issue details... STATUS updated and closed
    • Philippe will send an invite once the timeslot is confirmed by Sensoris chairman has confirmed the timeslot
  • discussion on the draft content of the gap analysis deliverable prepared by Kevin: Gap analysis draft deliverable
  • discussion on whether to include CVIM in the gap analysis, even though the results of Automat have not been exploited by OEMs which participated to the Automat project
    • consensus seems to be there are some good stuff in CVIM that is worth appearing in the gap analysis
  • Kevin, Gerald, Gunnar will start populating the deliverable in the wiki
  • report from Don on OCF automotive
    • Don was not able to sync with OCF staff as expected
    • Don showed a slide deck about working mode with GENIVI
  • next week agenda: backlog and sprint review
  • misc. Benjamin's slide deck on his findings on CVIM are available there
  • Adjourned: 17:05

Monday, August 19


  • Gerald Spreitz
  • Kevin Valdek
  • Michael Ger
  • Steve Crumb
  • Don Dulchinos
  • Guru
  • Stephen
  • Benjamin Klotz
  • Gunnar


  • Kevin Valdek opened the meeting and welcomed participants.
  • Discussing the organization of the gap analysis document...
  • Kevin has produced an outline proposal in VCS-48. 
  • Gunnar has put some ideas into a wiki page
  • How do we slice the document.  One chapter per compared (data model) covering all characteristics, or one chapter per characteristics/topic covering all data models.
    • some discussion, no obvious conclusion - but let's write an outline for clearer proposal we can decide on.
  • SC: I would like to see a motivation chapter (for the GENIVI deliverable itself) to clarify document purpose and organization to the reader.
  • Gunnar: Seems like we need to rework this a bit with the given input.
  • Kevin: I volunteer to propose a (new, detailed) outline of the document
  • Kevin will rework the Wiki page that Gunnar started on (because it is now kind of obsolete).
  • Gerald: I can report on my action (VCS-28).  Yes, overall we think CCC digital key is not much in scope. About car data, they are apparently not planning to create a data model / data taxonomy.
  • Gunnar: OK so their main deliverable is requirements, or a design and a programming API?   If a programming API, there can be some similarity between an API and a data exchange model, so I would at least take some look (for overlap) if it is an API.
  • Gerald: ... yes it seems mostly requirements, use-cases, ... maybe more.  I can check a bit more.
  • Kevin/Gunnar: We should include them (any organization that falls a bit out of scope) in the report nonetheless, just to document that we have analyzed them and drawn a conclusion.
  • Gunnar: Let's go through the JIRA tickets so we don't miss anything
  • Kevin: I can do that, I will display...
  • VCS 25 - Gerald: I sent a mail to Sensoris chairman about a joint meeting.  No answer, need to retry this.
  • VCS-50 - (W3C workshop) Steve Crumb: Yes it is confirmed that GENIVI will present the project on the W3C workshop
  • VCS-2  This is Philippe's ticket and looks like a kind of overview tracking ticket (An Epic, sort of)
  • VCS-33 - (SENSORIS vs VSS) Still open only because the presentation has not been published in the Wiki (Benjamin was reminded)
  • VCS-25, Guru working on it.  Keep it open.
  • VCS-34 - Sensoris vs CVIM. We think we can close the ticket.  Overlaps other analysis.
  • VCS-38 - Steve Crumb:  I have an update.  I contacted ANSI via helpdesk.  They require us a site license ($1200) to get the specification and we must put limits on the individuals that may read it.  How many of you can get your own access via your organization?
  • Kevin: I can read the ExVe document.
  • Gerald and Guru: Also we can do that.
  • ...BMW?  (Benjamin can't go on audio, but we assume it ought to be accessible – follow up)
  • SC:  GENIVI might purchase it only for staff since the limited circulation requirement will in that case not allow us to distribute to the members.  Steve will investigate this.
  • VCS-39.  Kuksa. Gerald will contact Sebastian to see status
  • VCS-42.  Automat Security analysis.  Gunnar:  I will try to make sure it is presented to the security meeting this Thursday, as requested.  We assume this ticket stays open until then.
  • VCS-47.  Don:  This is on track.  I am talking to OCF tomorrow.
  • Kevin: Any other business?
  • Meeting adjourned

Monday, August 12


  • Kevin Valdek (High Mobility)
  • Gerald Spreitz (Bosch)
  • Don Dulchinos (eonti)
  • Gunnar (GENIVI)
  • Philippe Robin (GENIVI)


  • Sebastian (Bosch)

Planned agenda

  • Gap analysis deliverable: document owner and contributors, table of content update
  • Sprint 2 closing
  • Various topics according to JIRA (SCRUM sprint review)


  • Philippe welcomes Gerald and Gunnar who are back from vacation
  • Sebastien Schidlt sent apologies, he will try to join in a few weeks
  • Gap analysis deliverable
    • contributors
    • Gerald: yes, Bosch will contribute, but gap analysis topic is TBD, I need to check with Guru
    • Kevin: yes, HM will contribute, quite open about the topic(s)
    • Gunnar: yes, I will contribute
    • Gunnar: when performing the gap analysis, we will identify new topics to investigate in addition to filling the content of the gap analysis
    • Philippe: we are in an agile process, no worries
    • Philippe: we need to get Daniel and Benjamin in the loop
    • Philippe: I added Androif Auto P.Car to the list of projects we will review, the analysis of P.Car is starting in the Android Automotive SIG Vehicle Data APIs subproject, from this work, we expect to get a gap analysis between what AA provides and what the OEMs need w.r.t. the vehicle data APIs
    • /TODO/ Kevin, Gerald, Gunnar initiate a thread offline to decide on the topics assignment, VCS-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS created and assigned
    • Philippe: IMHO we need to start writing now
  • OCF update
    • Philippe: welcomes Don Dulchinos representing OCF Automotive
    • Don: introduces himself, Don is in consulting business - contracted to a security company which is interested in automotiven, tried the OCF Automotive project a year ago, set up an official liaison with GENIVI
    • this year has done some work in April/May, OCF has started a cloud interface WG and wanted to set up a liaison with W3C and this took a long time
    • in June there was an event in Colorado with JLR and W3C where they discuss to have a poc done, OCF has some interest in it but not strong enough
    • then Don organized a call with with Ted and chair of OCF strategy,
      • OCF got recently renewed interest in this automotive group: Honeywell (smart thermostats), interested in the connection to the home
      • use case: someone is driving to his home and wants to get access to the home for setting thermostats
      • Gerald: is there the reverse direction use case ?
      • Don: not an Honeywell use case
      • OCF is interesting in having a demo at CES 2020, there is also an interop event scheduled before in December
    • discussion on demos
      • Philippe: timeline for a Cloud & Connected Services project demo is for CES2021, we intend to work before on a gap analysis between various projects working on the vehicle data access and then we will scope and specify possibly a common framework for the vehicle data access and define APIs
      • Gunnar: back to OCF demo, what are the companies investigating the cloud APIs in OCF ?
      • Don: Samsung, Honeywell for instance
      • Gunnar: IMHO OCF would consider joining the  GENIVI showcase ar CES 2019, you would need to contact the organiser of this event
    • Don: I will talk to the governance of OCF (i.e. companies like Samsung, Intel, Honeywell active in the cloud interface)
    • Don: is GENIVI active with the W3C ?
    • Gunnar: yes, we are very much active, we have some kind of shared memberships, we work closely with them
  • Scrum review
    • VCS tracker https://at.projects.genivi.org/jira/browse/VCS
    • Sprint 2 completed, Sprint 3 started
    • VCS-28 - Getting issue details... STATUS Survey CCC specifications and check for relevance
      • Philippe:  IMHO the Digital Key project is not relevant for our CCS project, my interest is in the Car Data project; is it an active project within CCC ? are there deliverables available ? if yes is it worth looking at them ? if yes, we will determine later how GENIVI can access them. assigned to Gerald
    • VCS-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS Assign gap analysis deliverable sections to ownerscreated and assigned (please look at the list of watchers who are expected to engage in the thread)
    • VCS-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS Survey SENSORIS specifications
      • Philippe: Guru would like to dig further into Sensoris and check on histograms in Sensoris (as a follow up of last week's discussion on automat )
    • VCS-38 - Getting issue details... STATUS reassigned to Philippe for tracking ISO feedback on the access to the specs
    • VCS-39 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sebastian was poked about providing an update on kuksa project
    • VCS-40 - Getting issue details... STATUS Philippe: following last week's discussion on Automat, we need to point the GENIVI security team on Petar's overview, Petar added to the thread on assignment of the gap analysis deliverable sections
    • VCS-42 - Getting issue details... STATUS assigned to Don, Don will provide an update on OCF on 26 August
    • VCS-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS review CCS project charter Done
    • VCS-49 - Getting issue details... STATUS contact Sensoris and ask for a sync call, assigned to Gerald
    • Philippe: Gunnar and I need to go through the backlog and identify which other tickets are to be scheduled in Sprint 3
  • Next week call
    • Kevin will moderate it (thanks)
    • main agenda topic is the assigment of gap analysis deliverables sections to contributors

Monday, August 5


  • Gururaja N (Bosch)
  • Kevin Valdek (High Mobility)
  • Michael Ger (Cloudera)
  • Philippe Robin (GENIVI)

Planned agenda

  • 1- Update on automat project
  • 2- Gap analysis deliverable: document owner and contributors, table of content update
  • 3- Various topics according to JIRA (SCRUM sprint review)
    look at active sprint & backlog of VCS tracker https://at.projects.genivi.org/jira/browse/VCS
  • 4- AOB


Kevin moderates the call. Thanks.

1- Update on automat project

  • Philippe reports the outcome of the two calls he had with Automat project participants last week
    • Renault participant on Wed 31 July
    • Automat cybersecurity WP lead (from Trialog) on Tue 30 July (A,ntonio)
  • call wirh Renault
    • VW had the biggest budget share in the automat project (up to 25%)

    • the VW team involved was from the After Sales division (not from the R&D) and had a very short term vision of their needs

    • VW interest was on what happened in the vehicle before a failure using histograms, because they wanted to minimize the telecom costs for data transmission and therefore the quantity of data transmitted

    • there were actually two competing approaches for the vehicle data telemetry in the automat project: histograms for VW vs time series for Renault and Fiat (CRF Fiat R&D), the time series approach consisted in transmitting as many raw data as possible and processing them offline with big computers

    • At the beginning of the project, HERE proposed to use the Sensoris approach for gathering vehicle data but there was nothing like histograms in Sensoris and this approach was not investigated further

    • Renault did a proof-of-concept using a dongle to gather the data, VW and CRF decided to use existing ECUs (CRF used an existing TCU (communication box)

    • At the end of the project the OEMs decided not to continue.

  • call with Trialog
  • Conclusion on automat
    • Philippe's personal conclusion is that we have looked enough into Automat, unless we have an indication that Autosar will eventually use Automat CVIM as an input to their Cloud Services WG work, we in GENIVI should focus on Sensoris and VSS and ISO ExVe, we will also coordinate with Autosar on this

    • call participants agree

    • Guru: said he will look further into requirements for histograms as defined by automat and check what was not supported in Sensoris
    • However the work done in automat on cybersecurity is good and relates to a big data architecture, Philippe recommends the GENIVI security team to review it and amend it w.r.t. US NIST work and extract possibly use cases to benchmark the MoRa tool

  • Additional information (for Kevin and others)

2- Gap analysis deliverable: document owner and contributors, table of content update

  • Philippe: said he added P.Car (from AOSP) to the list of projects on Vehicle Data APIs we have to consider for the gap analysis
    • P.Car is investigated in the AASIG Vehicle Data APIs subproject which started last week, look here
  • Kevin: asked whether we will have one or several deliverables on gap analysis
  • Philippe: said he is fine with both approaches, we need an executive summary to provide an overview of the results anyway, the format of the deliverables could possibly followed the one of the technical papers published earlier like GPRO white paper
  • Philippe: we need to assign sections / deliverables to contributors and nominate a document owner, we will create the relevant Jira iickets in the new sprint that will start next Monday
    • Kevin: said he (and his team) can do a contribution
    • Guru: will check with Gerald whether Bosch can do a contribution

3- Scrum review

  • VCS tracker https://at.projects.genivi.org/jira/browse/VCS
  • VCS-38 - Getting issue details... STATUS  commented and updated, subtask created VCS-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS on how GENIVI could access ISO specs created and assigned to Steve
  • VCS-45 - Getting issue details... STATUS  closing remarks on automat project added
  • VCS-46 - Getting issue details... STATUS table of content for gap analysis doc reviewed and agreed, closing remark added (see above), done
  • VCS-28 - Getting issue details... STATUS we need to find an owner for the review of CCC specs
  • we will close the sprint on next Monday 12 August

Monday, July 29


  • Gururaja N (Bosch)
  • Kevin Valdek (High Mobility)
  • Michael Ger (Cloudera)
  • Stephen Lawrence (Renesas)
  • Steve Crumb (GENIVI)


  • Petar Vorotnikov (Visteon)
  • Daniel Wilms (BMW)
  • Gunnar Andersson (GENIVI)
  • (Magnus, Melco - vacation)
  • Gerald Spreitz (Bosch) (vacation)
  • Philippe Robin

Planned agenda

  • Review of the gap analysis deliverable content proposal (all)
  • Presentation of a summary of the Extended Vehicle ISO 20078 standard contents
  • Various topics according to JIRA (SCRUM sprint review)
    • look at active sprint & backlog of VCS tracker
    • JIRA kanban is here (Note, Kanban requires login.  This browse project seems to currently work for viewing without login.  Please request login if you are active participant....


Kevin moderates the call. Thanks.

Gap analysis deliverable proposal 

  • Kevin: the proposal from Philippe is good and we already have most of the necessary information about each project to start
  • Guru input:
    • For the scope overlap/gap part we can bring in a table structure that we use for comparison
    • We can define data characters from one project to another
    • We can add information about how each project is being adopted by the industry
  • Steve: when talking about deliverables, can we draw experience from the work being done in the Android Automotive SIG? Data topics are being discussed there as well.
  • Philippe (added offline) : IMHO we could add P.Car as one of the inputs we need to review, to be discussed at the next meeting

Extended Vehicle ISO 20078 summary 

  • Kevin presents - key points:
    • The ISO standard was published end of Q1 this year. It covers concept and specific requirements for OEMs to follow when providing car data access to third parties via web services
    • The standard consists of three different parts:
      • Content (resources)
      • Security framework
      • Access (consent flow)
    • The standard does not enforce or recommend any specific car data protocols
    • Should be useful for the CS project. To consider: if a deliverable should be compatible with the standard
    • Documents are not available in the public domain, but licensed
  • Guru:
    • There’s a lot of info in the document that is useful: Authorisation, REST API etc.
    • As the documents are not in the public domain. Does GENIVI have any type of collaboration with the ISO body, to get access to the information? How could it be done?
  • Steve: will investigate if we can get a license

Monday, July 22


  • Benjamin Klotz (BMW)
  • Daniel Wilms (BMW)
  • Gururaja N (Bosch)
  • Kevin Valdek (High Mobility)
  • Petar Vorotnikov (Visteon)
  • Gunnar Andersson (GENIVI)


  • Michael Ger (Cloudera)
  • (Magnus, Melco - vacation)
  • Gerald Spreitz (Bosch) (vacation)

Planned agenda

  • Update on CVIM / VSS data comparisons (Benjamin)
  • Give feedback and approve project charter (all participants)
  • Various topics according to JIRA (SCRUM sprint review)
    • look at active sprint & backlog of VCS tracker
    • JIRA kanban is here (Note, Kanban requires login.  This browse project seems to currently work for viewing without login.  Please request login if you are active participant....


  • Gap analysis CVIM vs VSS

    • Benjamin: there is a lot of overlap between cvim & vss, it would be good to have someone from the automat project in the call

    • /TODO/ Philippe contact automat project manager & renault (since Renault is one of the project participants)

      •   VCS-45 - Getting issue details... STATUS created

  • Sprint review

    • VCS: Kevin has a login and should be to update the wiki eventually

    • current sprint review

      • VCS-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS  survey sensoris spec is done

        • gap analysis between sensoris and cvim is the next step

        • Guru will add a comment and close the ticket

      • VCS-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS review CS project charter

        • Daniel & Petar will review it

        • Kevin approved it a couple of weeks ago

        • Philippe: deliverables will be added to the charter later

    • VCS-43 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Check OADF forum results

      1. philippe will add the link to oadf and  add some comments on what is relevant,

      2. assigned to philippe

      3. The link to the minutes is: https://login.openautodrive.org/downloads/presentations/20190612oadfminutesv10pdf,

      4. For accessing the minutes, you need to ask for credentials on the OADF web page at: http://www.openautodrive.org/

      5. relevant sections of the minutes in my opinion are

        • section 2: introduction to OADF that contains the architecture overview, the OADF aims to be the global platform for sharing knowledge, networking and collaboration between all stakeholders in the AD (Autonomous Driving) realm
      6. VCS-34 - Getting issue details... STATUS   Gap analysis between Sensoris and CVIM

        • gunnar: we do not need to compare sensoris and cvim data models, we need rather to compare project scope

        • benjamin: sensoris is more about surroundings, cvim is more about the vehicle

      7. VCS-39 - Getting issue details... STATUS Provide an update on Kuksa project

        • philippe will ping sebastian schidlt

    • VCS-38 - Getting issue details... STATUS Survey ISO Extended Vehicle
      • gunnar reports on his review of the paper  on OEM-3rd party telematics
      • guru: BMW presented already the vehicle neutral server at the AMM
      • kevin: with the vehicle neutral server, there is no download of sw into the vehicle, it is only data retrieval from the vehicle
      • philippe: IMHO the way the diagnostic services market develops is not a relevant topic for us
      • /TODO/ kevin will check the status of the exve standard status (still a release candidate)
      • see ticket for status of actions (several comments added)
      • Unknown User (kevinval) , can you possibly review the ISO doc if you have downloaded it and provide an overview ?
      • www.neutralvehicle.com/ (yet another start-up company)
        • /TODO/ contact ted to know about the background of the story

        • gunnar and philippe will need to sync on this

Monday, July 15


  • Gerald Spreitz (Bosch)
  • Michael Ger (Cloudera)
  • Benjamin Klotz (BMW)
  • Daniel Wilms (BMW)
  • Ilios Galil (Obigo)
  • Gururaja N (Bosch)
  • Kevin Valdek (High Mobility)
  • Petar Vorotnikov (Visteon)
  • Gunnar Andersson (GENIVI)


  • Philippe Robin (GENIVI) (vacation)
  • (Magnus, Melco - vacation)
  • ...

Planned agenda

- review of OADF workshop minutes
- discussion on gap analysis deliverable content
- feedback on project charter
- JIRA kanban is here (Note, Kanban requires login.  This browse project seems to currently work for viewing without login.  Please request login if you are active participant....


  • Presentation of Michael Ger and other participants.
  • Gunnar: I'm hoping Cloudera will provide great input to the "Big Data" flavor of the technical architecture (which likely complements the on-demand protocols like W3C VSI).
  • Gerald went through the minutes of the OADF meeting and through that described the different topics that are discussed in that forum.
  • Guru presented analysis of current Sensoris work (Analysis document *)
  • Benjamin presented AutoMat overview (slide deck *)

*  please find links to material from the corresponding ticket in the JIRA project if not provided here. 
Over time the material ought also be summarized as results of the project on the parent Wiki page.


  • Michael Ger asked for login.  Gunnar answered via email.
  • Gunnar asked every presenter to update their corresponding JIRA ticket.  If anyone is still having issues with login, email Gunnar and/or Philippe (on vacation this week).
  • Benjamin's presentation was a little short on time.  Decided to follow up next week on more detailed discussion on comparing the data models.
  • Gunnar will create a ticket for "gap analysis" accordingly.

Monday, July 8


  • Benjamin (BMW)
  • Gerald (Bosch)
  • Guru (Bosch)
  • Daniel (BMW)
  • Petar (Visteon)
  • Magnus (Melco)
  • Ilios (Obigo)
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • Kevin (High_Mobility)


  • sprint review


  • review of Jira tickets, Sprint 1 done, Sprint 2 started


    Analyze data and signal specifications

    • We need to start defining the content and format of the deliverables for those analysis activities
    Philippe Robin

    VCS Sprint 2, VCS Sprint 1

    (i.e. carried over from Sprint 1 to Sprint 2)


    Contact OCF Automotive and check for status

    Philippe Robinadded to VCS Sprint 2

    Dissemination of connected services projet results (i.e. deliverables, charter, etc.)

    • new epics created for tracking the publishing of results


    Perform gap analysis of VSS vs. CVIM

    • summary change : comparison changed to gap analysis
    Benjamin Klotzadded to VCS Sprint 2

    Publish AutoMat cybersecurity overview

    Petar Vorotnikovadded to VCS Sprint 2

    Provide an update on Kuksa project

    Sebastian Schildtadded to VCS Sprint 2

    Review CS project charter

    • the charter is attached to the Jira ticket
    • /TODO/ all review the charter and provide comments in Jira
    Philippe RobinVCS Sprint 2, VCS Sprint 1

    Survey AUTOMAT specifications (Common Vehicle Information Model - CVIM)

    • findings should be presented shortly at the next call and then published to VCS-2 recommendation
    Kevin ValdekVCS Sprint 2, VCS Sprint 1

    Survey ISO Extended Vehicle

    Gerald SpreitzVCS Sprint 2, VCS Sprint 1

    Perform gap analysis of Sensoris vs CVIM

    Gerald SpreitzVCS Sprint 2, VCS Sprint 1

    Survey SENSORIS specifications

    • Guru will start looking at the Sensoris specifications now (i.e. before the specifications are published which should happen anytime soon) since as Bosch he has access to it
    GururajaVCS Sprint 2, VCS Sprint 1

    Survey CCC specifications and check for relevance

    • we need someone to take this work item
    UnassignedVCS Sprint 2

Monday, July 1


  • Benjamin (BMW)
  • Gerald (Bosch)
  • Guru (Bosch)
  • Daniel (BMW)
  • Kevin (High_Mobility)
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe

apologies: Petar (Visteon)


  • Connected Services project charter
  • ISO Extended Vehicle update
  • W3C status presentation (Gunnar)
  • CVIM review finding (Kevin)
  • sprint review


  • Connected Services project charter
    • Philippe asks participants to review the project charter and provide comments by next week

    • Philippe: asks participants for their inputs on what should be the project deliverables; he suggests a combination of paper work (likely EA (UML) models, text-based specifications) and code (prototype implementation, proof-of-concept), reminds that Gerald presented the list of outputs of the various sprints identified in the workplan he presented at the last AMM (look here)
    • Kevin: the text is good, the charter will be useful for sharing with the HM team
    • /TODO/ all review the project charter and send comments to Philippe by email by next week
  • ISO Extended Vehicle update
  • W3C work status
    • Gunnar presents the content of the following wiki page Connected Services: W3C VISS/VSI specification status
      • discussion on proff-of-concept implementation of the VISS/VSI
    • Kevin: is there a general plan/timeline for VSS Gen2 ?
    • Benjamin: things will be delayed until the data models for transportation workshop has happened (scheduled on 12-13 September 2019)(look here)
      • current WG charter started on May 2018 and will end on June 2020,  VCS-27 - Getting issue details... STATUS   commented
  • Sensoris
    • Gerald shows a slide deck (link TO BE ADDED) from Bosch describing the status of Sensoris work
    • Version 1.0.0 of the Sensoris specification will be released in the next days under CC-ND license
    • data provided by Sensoris are not only about the vehicles but about the environment
    • Version 1.1.0 will introduce the concept of "jobs"
      • jobs = login jobs running for a certain period of time for a certain fleet of vehicles
    • Gunnar: it would be good to identify how much overlap we have, shows the interest of different domain taxonomies
    • Gerald: it would be good also to set up a call with the sensoris project once we have reviewed the Sensoris specification that will be published soon
  • AOB
    • telco schedule
      • DECISION  we will start scheduling the weekly call on Monday afternoons at 4pm CET next week (8 July)
      • (added offline) cloudera and autonomic.ai which are based on US Pacific coast have been invited to join

Monday 24 June weekly call


  • Petar (Visteon)
  • Gerald (Bosch)
  • Daniel (BMW)
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • automat project security framework:

    • Petar shows a comprehensive and informative slide deck detailing his findings during his review of the cybersecurity framework, look here

    • Philippe asks how much the architecture of the vehicle data access related to the so-called vehicle neutral server (as described in the original ACEA paper)
    • Petar: yes it is relevant, however there are many ways to establish the access
    • Daniel (and his colleagues) will review the slide deck and provide feedback as well, Jira ticket created
    • Gerald: istm automat project is quite open w.r.t. to the data they want to use, the security framework proposed there might be reused with different data sets
    • Petar: the data set that goes with the automat project is the Common Vehicle Interaction Model (CVIM)
  • W3C
    • Gunnar introduces the wiki page he prepared for describing the status of W3C work, he will present the status in the next call
  • Sensoris
    • Gerald contacted his Bosch colleague who attended the Open Auto Drive Forum (OADF) two weeks ago, however his colleague is rather interested in HD maps and not so much by the vehicle sensor data which is Sensoris project focus
    •  For early July the public release of version 1.0.0 under the CC-BY-ND license is planned.

      • Public license: Copyright (c) 2017, 2019 SENSORIS Innovation Platform hosted by ERTICO - ITS Europe

      • This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license which accompanies this distribution, and is available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/legalcode.

    • Also the Version 1.1.0 will be released for members only. This Version includes the specification of "Job Requests".

    • added offline: Philippe spotted a one-year old presentation of the Sensoris project web site, link, reading this presentation is recommended, the presentation shown at the OADF event two weeks was much less informative
  • AOB
    • schedule of weekly calls
    • Philippe: we got a request to shift the call later in the afternoon in order to allow US participants to join. There seems to be possible participants from US Pacific timezone as well
      • quick poll: Daniel 4-5pm CET is the latest possible timeslot, Petar 4-5pm or 5-6pm CET is fine, Gerald 4-5pm or 5-6pm CET
      • this time is ok for US Central/Eastern but is anyway too early for US Pacific, we will likely end up with a second US Pacific friendly call
      • time for the Monday weekly call will be confirmed later this week

 Monday 17 June weekly call


  • Petar (Visteon)
  • Kevin (High Mobility)
  • Benjamin (BMW)
  • Gerald (Bosch)
  • Ilios (Obigo) new participant
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • news

    • project charter

      • Philippe is preparing a project charter for advertizing our work, we foresee to breakdown the project into 2 stages

      • Stage 1 focusing on data, i.e. what we are initiating now with an objective to decrease the fragmentation of the ecosystem with several different approaches to describe the vehicle data and the communication framework to access them

      • Stage 2 focusing on compute, initial though is to look into cloud computing platform to support mobility and vehicle autonomy

      • this charter will be shared with this project participants
    • project tracker
  • new participant
    • Ilios introduced himself, he works for Obigo (Korea) and is their representative in Europe, he is based in Portugal-based representative attended the weekly call, he will be an observer for the time being, we had a discussion on the GENIVI Korea REG
    • Gerald: asked Iliol whether there are public funded projects related to vehicle data in Korea
  • project status
    • we use the Jira tickets of the active sprint
    • Kevin (High-Mobility) has reviewed the automat project Commoin Vehicle Information Model and presented his findings VCS-26 - Survey AUTOMAT specifications (Common Vehicle Information Model - CVIM) In Progress
      • the model describes big data for connected cars, it is quite different from VSS, it goes very deep in data harmonization and proposes several layers like signals + measurement layer + data package layer

      • Gunnar: how is it compared to W3C

      • Kevin: I have not seen the same information than in W3C

      • Benjamin:  we have a metadata Task Force in W3C, it is part of what next generation will do, we will have different kind of meta data, I would recommend to use the best practice, no competition now from W3C because there is no spec on this topic yet

      • Kevin will summarize his findings in the wiki
    • Petar (Visteon) is reviewing the automat project security model VCS-32 - Read AUTOMAT security document In Progress
    • Gerald (Bosch) will spot the colleague within Bosch who attended the OADF conference, objective is to learn about the Sensoris specifications status VCS-25 - Survey SENSORIS specifications To Do
    • Gerald: we need to make a comparison between the various data and protocol specifications
      • sensoris va automat ==> Gerald / Kevin (due date: 3-week time

      • vss vs sensoris ==> not assigned yet

      • vss vs automat ==> Benjamin (after submitting his thesis at the end of the month) , Gunnar

      • Jira tickets created in VCS

Wednesday 12 June

Webinar on W3C Auto WG & GENIVI collaboration, VSS and Vehicle Data definition future steps
      Wednesday, June 12, 1300 CEST


Monday 10 June - informal call

(This call was not intended/schedule and therefore had no official invite.  Therefore only had 3 participants, but we still made progress in discussing the needed steps and plans which will benefit the group for next time)

Participants: Kevin, Petar, Gunnar

Using a Etherpad at Mozilla we captured:

Security guidelines

1. Collect and write down Security guidelines

Idea to produce general security guidelines for different parts of the data-oriented parchitecture.

- For this API type you should apply this type of security...

- For this data link ....
- Web services and Mobile App requirements are different
- High Mobility has input to give here
- GENIVI Security group could review, if we have something written down
  (We discussed to prepare a draft result first since the Sec Team does not benefit from an undefined "open question" at this point)

Data categories

2. Analyze What type of data is needed  for different data users?

- Recognize that fine-grained filtering is needed, and mechanisms for it
but here we rather mean:
- Define names of groups of data, and describe them.

...Service classes that need different refresh rates 
- Define groups and needs 

Data contracts 

- Quick intro to discussion in W3C before.  It came up because it relates to the definition of the needs of each party.  These needs eventually get formalized into contracts and that is the link.
 - Grab-bag of tools/questions/terms to define business contracts or more technical contracts
 - A kind of checklist...
 - Purpose: Simplify business contracts on data, and make sure details are not lost

Tech constraints, technology choices

 What are the Technical constraints that are imposed by the used technology?
 - Communication paradigm and protocols (pub/sub, req/res, REST, MQTT)
 - Middleware and components standing in the data path - caching layer, service layer, service bus

Surveying existing initiatives

- SENSORIS -> await this week's meeting and announcements, and see the outcome before defining actions
- Automat  - Data formats and types and similar things are in their specs.  Read and consider alignment.
- W3C protocol content (being worked on with participation in group - but summarizing and presenting to the group is useful).  Also Webinar tomorrow. 
- CCC - have we confirmed there is nothing to reuse or relate to or is this still active?  Reconfirm with PR and GS.
- ... follow up with the rest of the list 

Question:  SENSORIS - which companies can lead the investigation and alignment?
- not Visteon - Petar did not reach anyone working with it

- not HM - 
- Bosch? ...  figure out this list

- Review existing specs, do they include a Glossary 

- ... and/or just start writing it down

Collecting Information in Wiki to complete the picture

- Action for all:  Populate the Wiki with useful links

- Example of things to link to: 
    Other Projects
    Presentations & Videos
    Implementations of basic technologies (open source projects)

 (green star) Do this on the Connected Services home page: https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/x/PIAVAg
- AUTOMAT Security document looks useful to read in addition to CVIM spec.
Steps/Actions (current and future to be assigned)

- AI(all): First get projects.genivi.org Wiki account if you don't have it (signup link is this one - it is part of JIRA) This is now changed and the old process should NOT be used:  Please read the right column of the Wiki starting page for up to date instructions.
- Read AUTOMAT CVIM specification -- AI: Kevin -- read and summarize, present next week
- AUTOMAT Security document -- AI: Petar -- read and summarize, present next week
- Look at other AUTOMAT docs - are any other important to read?

Monday 3 June weekly call


  • Petar (Visteon)
  • Christian (BMW) (partially)
  • Kevin (High Mobility)
  • Rafael (xapix)
  • Stephen L
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe
  • apologies: Sebastian (Bosch) vacation


  • roundtable

    • Rafael: xapix is a German company based in Berlin trying to create an api automotive platform www.xapix.io
  • takeaway from AMM
    • Kevin: liked to talk about the standardization of car data, VSS, VSS 2
    • high mobility has a different perspective, establishing the framework between high mobility, the car and the cloud
    • a lot of different protocols, not only VSS 2 but also several others
    • discussion on the various protocols
    • Gunnar: at AMM we got a presentation by cloudera on the way data are managed in an automotive api framework (big data architecture)
    • Discussion followed on capturing all the different players/users of the architecture. Third-party "app" development API, is that a programming API or "only" the W3C REST-based architecture?
  • High level vision on the project scope
    • Gunnar: shows this slide deck
    • Petar: agrees totally with slides 3&4
    • one question on how to describe a behavior/service, need to represent different data types, and how to represent data that is made up of combining data from several sources.
    • Gunnar: When it comes to combining signals into more refined data, the VSM project is investigating exactly that. It provides currently a python implementation. This can be useful to run on powerful IT systems, and/or be further refined to a optimized compiled code through code-generation for example.
    • look at: GitHub/GENIVI/vehicle_signal_manager
    • Kevin: I have a more organisational level, question, is VSS 2 more based on REST ?
    • clarification brought by Gunnar on the various topics wip at W3C: VISS, VSS 2, etc.
    • Clarifying VSS (Data Model @GENIVI GitHub), VISS v1 (W3C specification, which does also refer to VSS as the (minimum) data that shall be provided. VISS v2 (ongoing, in combination of augmenting VSS v2 to the needs). VISS v2 primarily focuses on adding HTTP/REST but some augmentations of the underlying features and data models happen in combination with this.
    • Clarifying differences of work in data definition:
      • data-model description (Exemplified by VSS - shared among implementors)
      • actual data names and descriptions (Also exemplified by VSS - shared among data providers/users)
      • actual data names and descriptions (E.g. proprietary extended VSS additional, e.g. OEM private)
    • Notice that VSS provides two different roles - defining HOW to define data, and also WHAT data, but these can be treated separately!
    • There is some talk of "other data models" in W3C, not clear if this is just other proprietary data, described in VSS-like format, or if it is described in some other format. Also not clear what those other formats might be. VSS is generally adapted to match the needs that come up.
    • The fact that some companies are worried to agree that all data names/descriptions are shared tend to block the discussion. We all understand that some data definitions are unique and private and VSS v1 already described private extensions. We understand that we benefit first from a shared way to describe it, and shared tooling, second that we also can benefit from some data being shared and defined (e.g. any "developer API" *requires* that to be defined at some point), and we also agree that companies may have some own unique and private data. Key point: No part should block progress on any other part.
    • Kevin asked about if W3C VISS service covers security access control features. Gunnar answered that it is specified weakly on VISS v1 (but that still allows for implementors to add it), and that in v2 we will see what makes it into the formal specification (timing, progress), but there are some discussions.
  • homework
    • review the draft workplan and Gunnar's slidedeck
    • back to the project naming ==> homework for next week- coin other project names
  • AOB
    • participation to OADF open conference next week in Munich ==> check whether some of your colleagues are attending it

Monday 27 May weekly call


  • Petar (Visteon)
  • Gerald (Bosch)
  • Christian (BMW)
  • Benjamin (BMW)
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • roundtable
  • discussion on the project name, consensus on "connected services"
  • Slidedeck
    • Gerald went again through the slide deck he presented at the AMM
  • Slide #3-4:

    • Gunnar: needs to identify what are the higher level protocols we use on top of radio links

    • discussion on the roles to play by various organizations for the definition of data containers, many organizations are currently competing on this

    • Gerald: where is the most interested area for the genivi group ?

    • Benjamin: I have  multiple perspectives on those topics (slide 3), this is a highly fragmented ecosystem

    • Petar: IoT style communications are more interesting to me, having a connected vehicle does not mean a vehicle is always connected in my opinion

  • slide 6 - ISO ExVehicle

    • BMW: does not know who from BMW is involved

    • /TODO/ each participant find who in their company is involved in ISO work ExVehicle

    • /TODO/ Philippe contact Kevin to check whether high-mobility is implementing an alpha version of the ExVehicle concept and ask him to join the call

    • Gunnar: does everyone has the same understanding of what a neutral server is ?

    • Gunnar: as genivi we need to work on the interfaces between the various parts of the architecture

    • Christian: agreed, we need to define the interfaces and *do it first*

  • slide 6 - Sensoris

    • Gerald: they have something like a neutral server

    • /TODO/ each participatant attend or get information on the OADF/Sensoris workshop scheduled in June

    • The next OADF meeting will take place on June 12, 2019 in the Leonardo Royal Hotel in Munich, Germany. It will be combined with the first NDS Public Conference on the day after at the same location:
  • slide 7
    • discussion on how CCC and W3C sync on those topics

    • Gunnar: in his opinion, this should not be not a constraint for our work

    • /TODO/ each participant find who in their company is involved in CCC work

  • slide 8

    • automat: it is likely a good idea to check this project because there are 2 OEMs involved (VW, Renault) and also there seems to be a comprehensive work on security and privacy

    • Philippe: IoT - FYI genivi has a liaison agreement with OCF

    • /TODO/ Petar look into OCF work

    • Petar: kuksa project  is quite comprehensive

    • Autosar: cloud services - Benjamin discussed this with Sebastianat the AMM

    • /TODO/ Philippe contact Sebastian (Bosch) about the Autosar cloud services

  • slide 11

    • Gerald: thinks we need to pre-integrate some parts of the reference architecture

    • /TODO/ Philippe ask Daniel (BMW) why he has a concern about abstract layers and invite him to join the call

  • Gunnar will prepare a slidedeck delivering his vision of what we should work on (in reference to the 5-level ladder shown in the panel on future vehicle electrical architectures at the AMM, look at slide #3 of future EE architectures)

Monday 20 May weekly call


  • Petar (Visteon) new participant
  • Gerald (Bosch)
  • Guru (Bosch)
  • Gunnar
  • Philippe


  • roundtable
    • Petar: works with Visteon Connected Car team, he is a colleague of Giovanni (GPRO project), he is also based in Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Petar is the solution architect of the team responsible for the overall architecture of the Visteon platform for connected services
    • Petar has 12 year experience in connected services, for the entire stack from infrastructure to Web content end-to-end and for standard compliance
    • Petar is currently more on R&D and prototyping than production
  • Slidedeck
    • Gerald went through the slide deck he presented at the AMM
    • Gerald: session went out very well, better than expected, a lot of experience people attended, Melco (Mitsubishi Electric) which is quite involved in W3C was there and showed a lot of interest
  • next steps following AMM workshop
    • organization of weekly calls (instead of every other week):  agreed
    • /TODO/ Philippe send out an invite for the calls (starting next Monday) to the genivi-projects mailing list and the list of interested participants gathered  at the AMM
    • /TODO/ Philippe initiate a wiki page for the project
  • feedback from today's call participants
    • Petar: workplan is quite interesting, told us he identified interesting work on IoT protocol standardization, the Homie protocol specification  that he came across a couple of months ago. Although it is suggested to be home IoT-oriented, it is generic enough to provide structured data interface for IoT communication, which falls in the scope of Car to Cloud.
    • link: https://homieiot.github.io/
    • Petar: has a question on the authorization work, is it also on the cloud side ?
    • Gerald: yes, you are right, something is needed on the cloud side
    • Gerald: Daniel Wilms (BMW) expressed his concern about piling up abstraction layers
    • Philippe: this has been a recurrent concern from BMW for a couple of years
    • Gunnar: thinks this is a no brainer
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