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Development notes related to the use of the VISSR (WAII) VISS Data Server in the Playground.

Note: In March 2024 the VISS protocol specification and the associated WAII reference implementation were transferred to COVESA from the W3C. At that time WAII was renamed VISSR by the maintainers.

Table of contents:

Adding additional database backends

Connections to the data store are handled by the VISSR component called Service Manager. Subscriptions are handled internally. To integrate a new database must implement get, set and init methods.

Apache IoTDB example:

  1. Pull requests in W3C git rep: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aw3c%2Fautomotive-viss2+iotdb&type=pullrequests
  2. Pull requests in Covesa git rep - https://github.com/search?q=repo%3ACOVESA%2Fvissr+iotdb&type=pullrequests
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