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  • project recap
  • extra meeting discussion
  • dev org
    • recording task list
  • AoB

Related projects walkthrough (every week):

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  Skipped - no Bosch engineer this week
  • W3C VISS specification (v2)

Ted as backup 

Ulf: Volvo starting on "explainer" of v2 which is a needed deliverable for finalising the v2 spec. Discussions about enhancements for access between ECUs concluded cost/benefit of allowing sensor values to be set by VISS were too high.

  • WAII VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf No change - WAII fully implements VISS v2 spec so no plan for large functional enhancements currently

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
(Erik J or Sebastian S as backup)

Some signals in private branch of standard catalog have uncertain license and useage. Decision taken to delete for now.
Work on re-formatting of standard catalog signals to fit tightened guidelines continues.

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

Published first working draft.

Considering how best to handle workshop - something at AMM? MS willing to do DTDL talk about mapping. Ted will talk to Paul offline

  • VSC & Tools
GunnarDiscussions about Wiper ECU test case continue.
  • CCS-components
Ulf  No change - expected as CCS meetings suspended as discussions about extra CVII Tech Stack meeting, in which CCS may be merged, continue.
  • AOS
No major change. Fuller documentation being worked on. Various smaller source update.
  • Android Automotive VSS→ Vehicle Properties
    Code Generator

Discussion about improvements to the packaging of the converter.

  • Covesa GraphQL components
Alexander Domin (BMW)

Skipped - Alex not present. Its noted there have been some fixes pushed to the components.

(proposed.  worth tracking in CVII call?)(Thomas S) Skipped - no Bosch engineer this week
StevePublished data model for simulator in vspec. Working on code generator


  • Extra meeting discussion
    • Steve: I emailed a proposal to the list
      • After the extra meeting discussion last week I thought of one proposal on how to run them. In the Hypervisor group we would have what we called "deep dive" topics. A meeting dedicated to a single subject. We could do the same for the extra meeting. It would be on a set day and time to be agreed for continuity. However it will only go ahead if a topic has been agreed ahead of time, in the regular meeting. This avoids the trap of unproductive meetings and allows people to be selective about their interests.

    • Ulf: I like it.
    • Paul also supports the idea.
    • No other proposals made,
    • When?
      • AI: Paul will put up a doodle to identify some options of when ppl are available
      • Old CCS time should be one option: 4pm CET Monday
      • Time zones. More than one time slot may be needed. Doodle might gives us a couple of options from which we could select depending on topic participants.
    • Why?
      • Ulf: Integration of CCS scope including PoC for tech stack and CCS architecture diagrams.
      • Similar with Tech Stack work to date.
      • Anchoring discussions in shared architecture and terminology. Mapping prop
    • Naming
      • Weds: Tech Stack - eco-system/project coordination/sync
        • 1st half: recap
        • 2nd half: design work
      • New meeting: Tech Stack - detailed design
    • Topics backlog:
      • AI: Steve add page to add topic descriptions
      • (Alex) GraphQL implementation with VSS data feeders and storage. AI: Steve ask Alex to expand
      • Gunnar: Can translation is common request.
      • Gunnar: Refer CVII component list, e.g. protobuf, grpc.
      • Steve: Interfacing VSS Data Storage to VSS Data Servers
  • Dev org
    • JIRA tickets
      • List things people can pick-up
      • In-progress collaborative development, e.g. VHAL project showing what tasks are planned, which in turn defines when work is done.


Related projects walkthrough (every week):

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  Skipped - no Bosch engineer this week
  • W3C VISS specification (v2)

Ted as backup 

Final stages towards v2 spec. Discussions about enhancements for access between ECUs.

Ted: Looking for industry feedback on VISS protocol. Whats' good, what's missing. Etc.

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf No change

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
(Erik J or Sebastian S as backup)

Adding FAQ documentation
Update vss-tools submodule
Updates to standard data catalog to follow new naming conventions, etc.  (some things still pending)
Weird fundamental bug/problem:  keywords like "on" "off" interpreted as booleans (true/false).  Studying formal YAML specification, as well as behavior of python libraries to sort this.

  • VSSo
Daniel W  
Advancing onto formal standards draft
Planning to hold couple day workshop. See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-automotive/2022Feb/0001.html
  • VSC & Tools
GunnarGood session preparing these ideas:
  1. Introducing VSC-interface reference in AOS definition of service containers.  (Still needs to be discussed with AOS leads)
  2. More examples of useful services in a standard catalog.  Bosch is proposing Wiper functions (concrete proposal not yet)
  3. Plan to reach out to interface-tooling/methodology team at Bosch (OpenAPI ↔ more generic interface language)
  • CCS-components
Ulf  No change
  • AOS
No change
  • Android Automotive VSS→ Vehicle Properties
    Code Generator

Stefan Wysocki at TietoEvry taking over

  • Covesa GraphQL components
Alexander Domin (BMW)

GraphQL fixes. Android VHAL team can now check their issue.
Small patch to improve build process.

Eclipse Kanto
(proposed.  worth tracking in CVII call?)
(Thomas S) Skipped - no Bosch engineer this week


  • Sebastian S (Bosch)


  • Project coordination
  • Android VHAL

    • Ted: W3C talking to Google Cloud ppl. They want to learn more about VSS to AOSP VHAL properties converter. Who to loop in to explain to them?

    • Paul: Loop me in.

    • Gunnar: Stefan from TietoEvry leading the work.
  • VSC
    • Heads up on discussions in VSC call.
    • Followed by illustration from Gunnar on specifying protocol and access control for VSC APIs and mapping the latter to existing systems, e.g. in GraphQL and VISS.
  • Extra meeting
    • Continue discussion of whether to repurpose the CCS meeting into a wider CVII Tech Stack meeting dedicated to deep diving design discussions. Do we do want to do it? If so when?
    • Ulf, Steve would like to see it continue. Alex is interested but is time constrained.
    • Two CVII Tech Stack meetings:
      • Weds: CVII Tech Stack: project coordination
        • This call. Coordination update as already done, followed by general discussion with time remaining.
      • TBD: CVII Tech Stack: detailed design
        • New call. Scope is deep dive on tech stack topics not specific to the VSS, VSC specific calls. Engineering focus. Will be small # of topics, known in advance.
      • AI: Create Doodle for timing
    • Deep dive topic list:
      • Alex: Discussion of connecting VSS Data Store to GraphQL
  • Remaining 10 mins:
    • Southbound x2VSS conversion and code generators

      • Outline of two methods we currently have for conversion:
        • Android VHAL design pattern using JINJA template and yaml conversion description
        • vss-otaku is looking at a varient to the VHAL pattern that uses VSS vspec rule set to define the source data model. Outcomes will include pluses (vss-tools function set) and minuses (need to avoid polluting VSS standard catalog with source data types and units) of that approach.
      • We expect to need to expand the VSS Terminology set to include converters and generators. Please consider what they should be. A good set will ease coordination in and outside the group.
    • In-vehicle VSS Data Store

      • Steve outlined the direction of travel for VSS Data Store investigations in vss-otaku
      • Some universal themes to investigate collectively for Tech Stack such as connections between VSS Data Feeders, Data Stores and Data Servers.
      • Alex: I would really like to have a deep dive on the VSS Data Store and how it relates to what we are doing with GraphQL. To share our viewpoint and align.
      • Steve: Would love to. Your production/OEM perspective would be invaluable to guide later work connecting Data Stores to Data Servers.
      • Steve: This would also be a perfect topic for the proposed CVII Tech Stack Detailed Design meetings. Added it as a starting topic above.


Related projects walkthrough (every week): SKIPPED


  • Ulf, Thomas, 

Agenda / Minutes

  • Project updates (skipped this week)
  • New person introductions
    • Andreas Warnke (EB)
    • Alan Freedman (Autonomic/Ford)
    • Dimitri (Zync)
  • Meeting structure
    • VSC - Vehicle Service Catalog - IDL language and catalog content
    • VSSo and VSS meeting - Vehicle Signal Specification - VSS model / catalog-content
      • + VSSo breakouts
    • CCS (not currently, restart or replace?)
    • W3C Automotive and Transportation WG 
      • Primarily working on VISS but it is starting to be complete → new topics come up
    • CVII Tech Stack (this meeting)
      • Reports/Updates on all projects 
      • Technical architecture and software discussions, solving problems
      • + Breakout meetings when the need comes up

  • Service definition (VSC) in comparison to AOS service definition format
    • Service API definition
      • Improve the description of data-services in the service definition format.
      • Related aspects: resources, device, permissions
        → CVII related sub-tasks that we ought to work on:
      • Better description of which protocols are used
      • ... and the exact interface if it is a RPC protocol (i.e. reference a "VSC interface")
      • ... and a common methodology for permissions definitions.
Attribute.Body.Vehicle.VIN : "r"
Attribute.Body.Vehicle.VIN : "r"
  • VSS data protocols
    • Methods, access control etc
  • VSS Data Stores
    • VSS Data Server backend abstraction layer possible?
    • Comms between zone controllers
      • DB data (sync, replication, partial send) vs Data Server protocol (e.g VISS)

Wednesday 2022-01-26

Related projects walkthrough (every week):

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (tick)

Sys arch documentation to clarify use of VISS for reading and writing data (ref previous week's discussion)


  • W3C VISS specification (v2)

Ulf  (tick)
Ted as backup 

No discussion about spec
(presentation MongoDB instead)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Nothing this week.

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

Removing min/max in standard catalog because they appeared arbitrary.

Added new signal for SAE autonomy level.

Tools versioning , and how it relates to versioning of VSS standard catalog

Recommendation for allowed_values names/strings.  Used in standard catalog (whenever it is possible to define it from scratch, not constrained by system already).

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

Switched to W3C reSpec tooling.  New version including signal definitions derived from VSS catalog.  First public working draft hopefully within a week or so.

Discussed W3C workshop (virtual) in early March and/or in-person meeting in combination with COVESA AMM (Leipzig, end of April)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  Narrowing down tech solution to promote Franca IDL + YAML format as core description format.   (Strategy to allow interchange with other technologies of course still in place)
Increase catalog scope with more proposals to gather interest.
  • CCS-components
Ulf  Nothing new
  • AOS

  • Android Automotive VSS→ Vehicle Properties
    Code Generator

Maintenance may be taken over by Stefan at TietoEvery
Eclipse Kanto
(proposed.  worth tracking in CVII call?)
(Thomas S) Possibly focus next wednesday?


  • Project update (above)
  • AOS update, more comprehensive:
    • AOS code now in GitHub
    • Apache License 
    • Framework to orchestrate containers
    • Several services in different repositories
    • Working on code coverage for CI tests
    • Follow the README documentation
    • Already used on some production projects
    • May lead to standards for orchestration, control, etc.
    • This covers all the software that runs on the embedded systems
    • meta-layers for Yocto
  • Thomas:  Can we get a demo?  To understand the concept better?
  • Artem: If you have a Renesas starter kit or similar.  You can also try it in a VM on desktop.   Yes to demo (in a week or two)
  • Artem: We have our own CNI for plugins, firewall, = networking configuration for containers.  
    ... not using docker.
    ...Using crun currently (previously runc but now crun).  
  • ...Working on introducing standard K8S APIs
  • Artem: Data side, we wish to stay with CVII work and VSS specifically
  • Artem: We have a YAML based description format. Also monitoring any OCI standards that may apply
  • Gunnar: As noted we should set up a time to discuss overlap of the services description format in AOS and VSC.   
    Gunnar/Artem: Agreed joint desire to consider service description ability using a common language, as VSC project intends to achieve.

  • For information: Data Privacy Initiative
    • COVESA is discussing a Data Privacy oriented project (led by member companies in the legal space)
    • Overview of current rules and regulations, legal risks, counteractions.
    • Create an environment of collaboration to discuss these aspects, in general terms.
    • This topic requires a combination of business management, legal, technical, ...
    • Please reach out to your colleagues (including management, legal) to evaluate interest
    • Likely webinar/Q&A discussion in Feb/March + focus in AMM
  • Meeting CCS → tech architecture.
    1. Meeting 1?  – 30 min overview.  30 min any other topics
    2. Meeting 2?  – Technical work?  Is it implementation focus?  Architecture focus?
    Agendas are important
    One slot is shorter?
    Thomas: Workshop planning - 1h not enough. (4h, less frequently)?
  • Ted: Possibly fewer calls instead?

Relevant links:

Wednesday 2022-01-19

Related projects walkthrough (every week):

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (tick)Upgrade CI infra to GH actions

  • W3C VISS specification (v2)

Ulf  (tick)
Ted as backup 

Feature freeze agreed.  Polishing ongoing.  W3C process steps.
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Protobuf used to encode messages (used as efficient binary/compression of the messages, compared to JSON format) over Websocket/MQTT. Might also be on HTTP.
Compared to JSON as a "compression ratio".

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

enum → allowed_values rename.
(another enum concept is still possible/pending)
Signal list - quality improvements.
Documentation updates 
  • VSSo
Daniel W  
As discussed, document is complete, going through a release process.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  Biweekly to weekly meetings
Exact time TBD, planning process
  • CCS-components
Ulf  (tick)ovds-client (VISS client) updated to also support protobuf feature.
  • AOS
Artem (error)
next week full update
  • Android Automotive VSS→ Vehicle Properties
    Code Generator

Request for new main developer/maintainer.
Eclipse Kanto
(proposed.  worth tracking in CVII call?)
(Thomas S) Thomas will be an ambassador for this project.  Exact VSS connection not known yet.


Wednesday 2021-12-22

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (error)

  • W3C VISS specification (v2)

Ulf  (error)

Ted as backup 

  • All open questions have been resolved (for the moment)

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

Meeting series postponed until January

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

(See previous week)

  • VSC & Tools

Meeting series postponed until January

  • CCS-components
Ulf  -- 
  • AOS
Artem (tick)
Publishing has started on GitHub, and is still ongoing
  • Android Automotive VSS→ Vehicle Properties
    Code Generator

  • "Simple compile check" in CI system (stubbed out dependencies).
    See GitHub actions, currently on this branch here for example.
  • Updated to generate all type=conversion functions on the fly. 
    Track Manu's vss-tools fork / PR for status.
Eclipse Kanto
(proposed.  worth tracking in CVII call?)

not discussed today


Ulf Bjorkengren 


  • Project updates, see above.
  • BMW / GraphQL – end 2 end demo
    • https://github.com/COVESA/graphql-vss-data-server is the latest repo (see also related ones).
    • Still to come:  Code generator from GraphQL schema itself.  Classes (stubs) that are implemented by the developers to make the binding connections.
    • The demonstration and part of the discussion was recorded for future use (link pending)
  •  Reminder to review Towards CVII pluggable components, and CVII Tech Stack Terminology to give feedback
  • Also the CVII Tech Stack components area (presented last week)

Wednesday 2021-12-15

Wednesday 2021-12-08

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) Released last month's recent changes into a tagged version.  See changelog.  


  • W3C VISS specification

Ulf (tick)

Ted as backup (tick)

  • Discuss optional features
  • Decision around the API to query feature-capability of the VISS server.

Very few open questions at the moment, so it seems like the specification is starting to be considered "complete", thus starting planning for formal proposal

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Protobuf trials are coming for the payloads (next year)

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

Enum functionality discussion

  • Does the current function suffice?
  • Discussion about extended feature/capability of assigning fixed values, etc.
  • VSSo
Daniel W  (tick)

Documentation up to date.
Publishing plans in January.
Workshops being planned, February.

  • VSC & Tools

meeting delayed

  • CCS-components
Ulf  -- 
  • AOS
no news today, awaiting open-source release
Eclipse Kanto (tbd)
IoT/edge cloud connector piece
(to be determined the association to data-model/services-model)



  • Sebastian: GitHub Packages are recommended, for container images for example.
  • Stephen:  Common implementations?  E.g. AOS has VISS server, KUKSA.val has VISS server, etc.  Upgrades to latest protocol version - shared implementation?
  • Alexander: Additional code is coming from BMW (ref: last week's walkthrough).  The implementation of the actual GraphQL server is coming next.
  • Further discussion on how to organize joint development projects:
  • Provide feedback to component names in: CVII Tech Stack Terminology - temporarily stored on GENIVI Wiki:
  • Also read (again) Towards CVII pluggable components and consider if these are obstacles to collaboration, and which ones we can overcome.

Wednesday 2021-12-01

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) -- 
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error) – 

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (tick)
(Gunnar, Sebastian as backup)

  • v 2.2 tagged (1 week ago)
  • Review update proposals in VSS standard catalog on several points
    (open for review another week)
  • Redefining enum was further discussed
  • VSSo
Daniel W  (tick)

Draft spec proposal for reading

  • VSC & Tools

referring to last week's updates

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)


VSSo was discussed on the WG meeting
Simpler authentication flow, change was accepted.

  • CCS-components
Ulf  – 
  • AOS
Still working on logistics of publishing open source


  • Ulf


  • Project updates
  • Demonstration of end-2-end SOME/IP signal source / GraphQL VSS server (Alexander Domin, BMW)
    • Walkthrough of existing repos, reasons and intentions behind.
    • Live demo
      • Create GraphQL schema with tool
      • Only a single Query / entry point that is matched against the whole Vehicle Tree.  GraphQL schemas can define multiple, but this is how it is done here.
      • Subscription queries are supported
      • Query can include all values of any (sub)type in the tree, or only some, it is very flexible.

Wednesday 2021-11-17

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) 

Thomas Spreckley  

Further development of these components (from Bosch side)
has been halted in favor of building a new infrastructure based on DAPR framework

Rules engine in iot-event-analytics still of interest - either reuse or write similar functionality into DAPR

CES demo

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) Plans are unchanged (not more, not less).   Small feature sprints.  Still being maintained.
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf Nothing this week.  Will be updated soon due to latest changes in VISS spec.

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
(Sebastian as backup)

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

  • VSC & Tools

Nothing this week (biweekly sync meeting) - see last week's minutes

Bosch interface tools - see minutes below

  • W3C VISS specification



Additional updates on access control:
- Optional usage of vehicle-identifier in security tokens.  (Optional when not required such as inside-vehicle access
- only one vehicle is relevant, the one that is "connected")
... but mandatory when required - e.g. access from cloud to (many) vehicles.

- One new flow in access-control model.  Low-complexity flow (PR coming)

  • CCS-components
Ulf  Updated images in README explaining the usage of different component parts
  • AOS

Awaiting open-source code publication


  • Ted – conflicting meeting


  • Project updates according to above table
  • Ted and Gunnar will be presenting W3C, COVESA, CVII and VSS on a Workshop on Future Automotive Research Datasets, organized by SRI international
  • Thomas: Bosch preparing a presentation of interface-related tooling (OpenAPI) to VSC meeting for alignment of IDL needs and definition.  The example will be modeling comfort services.
  • First code repositories created for GraphQL (and more) related tools from BMW.
  • The code is ready to go, but unfortunately the responsible has become ill, so we're waiting for the first code push still.
    Planned content:
    • test-someip-service
      - Example interface for showing the mapping from GraphQL-server to SOME/IP signal source

    • test_franca2vss_mapping_layer - Proposing a VSS layer format to define where each VSS signal can be fetched, from a service interface described by Franca IDL.
        (similar to the ideas in the ongoing VSS-to-Android mapping files)

    • vss2graphql_schema - Tool (generator) creating GraphQL schema definition from a VSS catalog. (Possible inclusion into vss-tools later on)

  • DAPR - looking at connection points
  • (Renesas) - Started development of internal-simulator2VSS mapping job, and Apache IoTDB implementation.
    • Who's behind this, who created, maintain... ?  Renesas?
    • Stephen: It was created at a Chinese university before being contributed to the Apache Foundation.
    • A natural? choice for an embedded time-serie
    • s DB (if you need that).
    • Strong connections to other Apache tools.
  • AVRO serialization status on this branch
  • Proposed:  (shared) C++/and-or other language library - client library / convenience API for data serialization.
  • Reminder: Gunnar update CCS-component picture with proposed changes.

Wednesday 2021-11-10

Meeting minutes pending.

Wednesday 2021-11-03

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) 

Thomas Spreckley  

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) 
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
(Sebastian as backup)

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

  • VSC & Tools

Agreement to include a full-featured error-handling mechanism directly in IDL.

  • W3C VISS specification



  • CCS-components
  • AOS

Next week's agenda



  • Alexander:  BMW publishing code around GraphQL server, mapping VSS to GraphQL, and resolving requests by translating how to get the data from underlying platform (.e.g. through Franca defined interfaces, etc.)
    Also, a demo 

Wednesday 2021-11-03

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) 

Thomas Spreckley  

Devs are AWOL. (wink)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) Devs are AWOL .(wink)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf No code changes this week

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
(Sebastian as backup)

Discussing upcoming PRs (improvements and additions to VSS catalog) but not merged.

  • VSSo
Daniel W  

FYI, (again)
More in-depth workshop planned (mid-January)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  No VSC meeting this week, and no change (see last week's info)
  • W3C VISS specification



Discussions around consequences of MQTT addition.  Also how to identify the vehicle in different usage environments (currently spec uses the "VIN" name, but the actual VIN is considered privacy sensitive, so it should be clarified if pseudo-VIN or other identification is to be used).
  • CCS-components
Ulf  Diagrams in README updated a few times.
  • AOS

Approved to publish open-source licensed code!
Coming soon...

Control-plane APIs still being developed (for deployment more than vehicle data access specifically).  Proposals on what to choose? 
(Kubernetes APIs are gRPC-only...)

Next week's agenda


  • Stephen/Renesas:  plans and thoughts about component development.
  • Manu/Bittium: demonstrate progress on VSS code generator (Android properties)
  • Continued: Towards CVII pluggable components
  • AOB


  • Discussion:  SOAFEE looking somewhat similar to AOS.
  • Reminder: Cool to discuss any overlap of projects, such as deployment-strategies, access-control but looking to be focused on core of CVII Tech Stack = all technologies dealing with VSS and VSC.
  • Stephen presented slide deck as planned, according to agenda.  Discussion, Q&A
  • Manu demonstrated code generator, according to agenda.  Discussion, Q&A

Wednesday 2021-10-27

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (error)

Thomas Spreckley  (error) 

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (tick)VSS release 2.1 file included in download.
Fix on feeder (SocketCAN).  All data sent as strings (JSON format already, VISS)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)--

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA

  • Finally merged the support for adding own units (and changing implementation of existing units).
  • Agreed IgnitionOnState signal which created new discussions about related signals.
  • VSSo
Daniel W  (question) 
Ted  (tick)
  • Intention to bring to first public working draft status soon. 
  • Microsoft meetings resumed at smaller scale. More in-depth workshop planned (mid-January) for planning activities with MS and others.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA

  • First discussion with Bosch on how interface handling (and tools) are done for interface handling.
  • Proposal for Standard Error codes
  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)

Ulf (error)

  • Ashish made presentation of his research into policy control of data access including:  access control, sticky-policies, proxy-re-encryption, prioritization of (computing) resources, etc.
  • Access Control - new proposal (Bosch) considered.
  • BMW input also further discussed (attribute-based access control, and some other details sorted out)
  • INAGO (autonomous vehicles).  Project arrow - implemented VSS+VISS, presentation coming.
  • CCS-components (new name)
Ulf  (error)Repo moved to GitHub/COVESA
  • AOS
Artem  (question) 



  • Thomas Spreckley


1. (Permanent agenda item)
   Report recent progress on each of the relevant* projects.

2) Other discussions

  • Catch-up with TietoEvry (Piotr Krawczyk (tick), Adam Konopa (tick))
    • Piotr:  Plan to set up and test FARACON toolchain, update to latest AUTOSAR and then look into other conversion opportunities.

  • AVRO based binary VSS value encoding:  See serialization branch for latest updates
  • Progress on Android code generation.  (Work in progress PR) Generated code compiles.  Still todo: set up test environment to run it in Android system.

2. Deep dive discussion on the current state of the tech stack work
   Reviewed and discussed Towards CVII pluggable components page further.

Wednesday 2021-10-20

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (question) 

Thomas Spreckley  (question) 

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch)  (question) 
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Minor fixes

Daniel Wilms (BMW)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

This week: VSS-layers discussion.  Refer to minutes below.

  • VSSo
Daniel W  (question) 
Ted  (question) 

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

See presentation from last week's AMM https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/WIK4/Slide+Decks+and+Videos

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted  (question) 

Ulf (tick)

Discussions on how to modify specification to better support in-vehicle web apps.  (Access control)
Questions around Service discovery, versioning of VSS (how to know what "interface version" (VSS) you are speaking to)

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem  (question) 

Completing review towards open source code publication.



1. (Permanent agenda item)
   Report recent progress on each of the relevant* projects.

2. Deep dive discussion on the current state of the tech stack work

Wednesday 2021-10-13

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (error)

Thomas Spreckley (error)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) (error)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Minor fixes

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

This week: VSS-layers discussion.  Refer to minutes below.

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

See presentation from last week's AMM https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/WIK4/Slide+Decks+and+Videos

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (question)

Ulf (tick)

Discussions on how to modify specification to better support in-vehicle web apps.  (Access control)
Questions around Service discovery, versioning of VSS (how to know what "interface version" (VSS) you are speaking to)

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem (tick)
Completing review towards open source code publication.



  • Report out from VSS layers discussion
  • Relatively long discussion on VSS versioning (see note on VISS above)
  • Still preparing/approval process for a set of VSS related tool implementations from OEM.
  • Artem:  VSS, VISS, implementation optimizing for edge-computing (different/comprehensive access control mechanism).  Transports. CNI.

Wednesday 2021-09-29

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) --
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)--

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)
Ted (tick)
Formal publication plans continue.
Transition to W3C working group.
VSSo → DTDL translation (still) exists.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)

Ulf (tick)

Access control PRs moving forward, and some specification text changes.
(more details see last week's minutes on COVESA Wiki)

  • CCS-components
Ulf (tick)Updated picture (PR sent)
  • AOS
Artem (tick)Publishing started.  Hopefully links to source within a week.

Wednesday 2021-10-13

From now on, refer to COVESA Wiki

Wednesday 2021-10-06

No regular meeting due to ongoing AMM

Wednesday 2021-09-29

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (error)

Thomas Spreckley (tick)

Automated package/docker container image deployment. 

Gunnar prefers to delay upgrade of account types (GitHub, Docker Hub etc) until after next week.

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) (error)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Access control and curve logging planned demo for AMM so those features have been tested and some fixes recently.

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

Implementation proposal for unit file.  Close to ready but some details (e.g. where to store config) are pending.

VSS-Layer discussion planned 2 weeks from now

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)
(Preparing presentation for AMM)
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

Parser/generator working with updated service-description file (which includes some changes to the IDL language).

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (error)

Ulf (tick)

Discussion/finalizing updates on access control:

 - bandwidth savings and server-caching of tokens
 - alternative (simplified) access-control model proposal

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem (error)



  • AASIG code gen, some progress.  Working on adding type-conversion into generated code. Code still in Manu's fork.  PR not sent yet.
  • Stephen: Started looking into time-series databases.  Plan to connect VSS data server (using Go-implementation VISS?) to the database APIs.  InfluxDB, IoTDB, ...

Wednesday 2021-09-22

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (error)

Thomas Spreckley (tick)

CI/CD integration mostly finished.  Extended reports (JUnit)

Unit testing working.

SDK bug fix, was not reading config files.

Vehicle Edge - phase 2, seat-adjuster demo.  (Discussions on VSC started, driven from this). 
Focus on internal stakeholders but open-sourcing pending.

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) (tick)Pending PR allowing Kuksa.VAL to load several VSS files at start up (supporting layer idea)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Minor bug fixes

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

Accessory setting for ignition switch was missing, proposed to be added in a PR
Dynamic unit list: implementation needs rework, new proposal next week

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

No VSC meeting this week (biweekly)

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)


Major discussion on caching of access-tokens, mandatory or optional, behavior of server and client if token is used but not found in cache, etc.

Multi-set values (actuators) in a single call still open.

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)Minor fixes.
  • AOS
Artem (tick)
Discussions about how to design edge-computing, with one Tier1 and one IAS provider, with relationship to CVII topics.


  • Florian (DENSO)


  • VSS-tools,  A bit of additional progress in Android Automotive Vehicle Properties  (VHAL code-generation)  (Follow along in code_generation branch in vss-tools (and Manu's fork))
  • Discuss possible automatic unit/scaling 
  • Time-series database implementation, see CVII Tech Stack
    • Discussion with Stephen/Renesas about this point. 
  • Stephen: There is a dataset that exists from previous demos.  (Values and timestamps) that could be used as data (after aligning it to VSS standards)
  • Stephen (sharing screen): Many values look like Snapshots ( according to this definition), i.e. several signals measured the same time.
    • Gunnar:  Yeah, the snapshot format suggests to only store the timestamp once, if it is measured at the same time. 
    • Gunnar; Note "same time"/simultaneous might include a short time interval since the meaning of simultaneous is a bit sketchy in a discrete system.
  • Tom: You can also reduce size of time stamps by transferring a delta-time compared to some reference.  
  • Gunnar: Good point, worthy of adding a note to Data serialization / value formats page.
  • Reminder: Register for AMM if you haven't. 

Wednesday 2021-09-15

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Mike Haller (Bosch) (tick)

Preparing to publish docker images (using GitHub package releases)

Gunnar to support with Docker Hub or GitHub package support for GENIVI organization.

Idea brewing: Educational (University) involvement - build curriculum / community of students?

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) (tick)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (question)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

First presentation of a set of new VSS signals proposed by ExcelFore and eSync Alliance in the areas of SOTA-metrics, Battery Mgmt, ...
Proposal for defining allowable units in a config file is almost done.  Just a rename remaining.
v2.2 release is being prepared.   No breaking changes, but additions and fixes to the catalog.  Also some new contrib tools and such of course included there.

vspec2yaml finally merged.

  • VSSo
Daniel W (question)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

Bosch joined this week's meeting.  Discussion about current state and opportunities.

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)


Continued improvement issues.
Lots of discussion on multi-set values (actuators) in a single call
  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)-
  • AOS
Artem (error)


  • Ted, Piotr, Artem


  • Discussion about how to integrated (tagged) version of VSS into IOTea out of the box.  Generated files are automatically inserted into Hugo documentation and can be downloaded from there, but otherwise using the git tag.
  • (Bosch)  Idea brewing: Educational (University) involvement - build curriculum / community of students?
  • Android Automotive Vehicle Properties  (VHAL code-generation) is now making progress (Follow along in code_generation branch in vss-tools (and Manu's fork))

Wednesday 2021-09-08

Wiki was down so these minutes were taken offline, and later added:

1. Standard project updates


  • Unit tests for gRPC code
  • Investigating switching from Jenkins to GitHub actions
  • ioT-event-analytics / vehicle-edge
  • Working on npm packaging (npmjs organization account now exists)
  • Quality checks/
  • Suitcase demonstrator including hardware, includes gRPC to communicate with Vehicle
  • API. RPi ARM 64 bit.


  • Refine first version
  • A bit more structure to the process
  • Discussions continued with Microsoft, conversion to DTDL


  • Continued discussions on units and datatypes


  • Additional discussions with various stakeholders in industry. Want to get the code and
  • the container (definition) specification into the open. Registration framework.
  • Some inputs drive toward constrained environments. Small efficient implementations
  • required for data-servers The full Go-lang VISS server might not fit, k3s and others
  • might also not "fit".
  • Higher modularity is preferred


  • PR + examples added to master branch in the VSC repository.
  • vss-tools (Android)
  • A document provided to outline plan, and basic file structure
  • Looking for strengthening the implementation team


  • Improvements being done from feedback (pull requests) based on the first public
  • working draft

2. Other minutes

  • Mike Haller (Bosch) introduces himself. New product owner for IoTEA.
  • Artem EPAM might have developers free in 2-3 weeks
  • AMM update, reminder to register

Wednesday 2021-09-01

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (Bosch) (tick)

Integration test pull-request, renamed test APIs.  More friendly integration in CI pipeline

npmjs.org now has a package for ioTEA, with information

PyPi will get a package as well

Prepare release process, 0.6.0 release is imminent

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (Bosch) (error)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)

Daniel Wilms (BMW) (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

Discussing some new topics related to  possibly new strategy for instantiation of branches

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)
Ted (tick)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

Magnus F taking some open issues.
Inclusions of nested namespaces still to be merged/decided.

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (tick)


  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (error)-
  • AOS
Artem (tick)


  • Sebastian and Daniel W, Ulf, sent apologies
  • Thomas working on AMM presentation
  • eSync Alliance, upcoming
  • OPIN, upcoming
  • A bit of progress on AVRO encoding.
  • (Repeated info), ongoing work on Android VSS-to-Android properties
    • The goal is to create something like this:  aasig-vhal-demo/tree/main/src repository ← this should already compile in AOSP (HAL implementation), but that example has a fixed set of signals.  Instead it shall be possible to code-generation from an arbitrary list of VSS signals
    • Here is a planning/background page named VSS to AOSP translation - WBS
    • The code generator implementation will be a kind of combination of VSS-tools (to read VSS) and vsc-tools (that shows how to use Jinja2 templates for generation).  The tools will need to consume also a "VSS layer" (deployment model) that describes how VSS signals are mapped to their respective Android counterparts. 
      Example of such mapping is on VSS to AOSP translation - WBS

Wednesday 2021-08-25

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (tick)

Node.js and python for containerized integration tests. 
DAPR integration demo
Seat adjuster demo.  Developed, not pushed public though.

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)Merged first gRPC, no docs yet and don't ask... :)
First logging feature impl.  Useful for debug/development.
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)Working on TLS implementation
  • VSS & Tools

Daniel Wilms (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

For values that are defined in model (default, or min/max limits), shall "0" be valid if the signal datatype is float, or shall we require it to be "0.0"?  Discussion on 

Structured datatypes support?   Major discussion opened, it is a fairly major change if included.  And of course discuss syntax in that case.

Extensible (new) datatypes and units, no progress yet.

vss-tools:  "vspec2yaml" proposal.  vspec is already yaml, but this expands all instances and flattens into a single output file, and includes uuid values.   Not yet accepted, maybe rename tool since vspec is basically yaml already.

  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)
Ted (question)
Rudimentary automated mapping VSSo<->DTDL
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)

Fix needed to use python 3.8 (currently works only on 3.9)
GitHub actions now run unit tests
README updates to document gen() function changes

  • W3C VISS specification

Ted (question)


Feedback on first public working draft:
  • Minor bug - all messages to provide timestamp uniformly
  • Bandwidth usage due to access token sent with every request.  Discussing if the token could be used like a session, for example by sending only the signature as a reference to a token that had already been authenticated.  Traditional session-cookie possibly going out of style in the future?
  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)-
  • AOS
Artem (tick)


  • New participant: Francisco Uribe.  Quick roll-call/introduction.
  • Project updates, see table.
  • (VSS input)
    • Alexander: Is OBD branch really required?  Is it useful to model the data according to the channel where it is distributed.  (For example vehicle speed could be fetched on OBD, but also in other contexts)
    • Gunnar: Understood and it is a known issue, but this is not only about the channel of distribution but also of the signal definition.  Sometimes an existing defacto list of data already exists, and occasionally it might be useful to reproduce it without changing it so that people recognize the signals they are used to.  We are aware there are certain cases where this would lead to the same signal value being in more than one place, so it's a continuous discussion.  If the majority thinks the OBD branch should not be there, then it can be changed.  For every case, bring the discussion to the specific VSS call on Tuesdays.
  • Update/plans on upcoming open source code for tools, from BMW:
  • Alexander D (BMW):  We have for a while explored how to distribute VSS data in our platforms.  MQTT looked at before but we saw benefits with GraphQL.  Flexible queries!  GraphQL "invented" shortly after VISS v1?   Good community.  Implementations exist.   Possibility to tie signal sources in the system (SOME/IP services, REST services, CAN? ... etc.) to a single signal schema.  The schema is hierarchical, following VSS model (but possibly including more signals?)  Created python tools that generate the GraphQL schema from VSS.  There are some local extensions we have made (coming in second wave of tool release).
    • Mapping using a VSS-layer type (deployment model) which explains how to fetch the values from the system via an interface that is described using Franca IDL.
    • With this as input the tools generate code (e.g. resolvers for the GraphQL server)
    • Plan: Define a "ugly" Franca IDL interface and show examples of VSS-signal mappings on it.  The purpose is to include some "misuse" of Franca, or put another way, challenges in mapping VSS to "difficult" existing services.
    • First (partial) release of code fairly soon.
  • Gunnar: First tests on serialization using AVRO.  See branch.  Will investigate python and C++ implementations first.
  • Work started on VSS→Android property C++ binding code.  Just investigating VSS-generators and VSC/Jinja2 generation methods so far.
  • AMM planning → CVII topics

Wednesday 2021-08-18

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (error)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)

gRPC, Visual Studio dev containers for easier development

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)No updates.
  • VSS & Tools

Daniel Wilms (error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

  • Dropped travis file because GitHub actions cover all now
  • Seat signals were sensors, now actuators

  • VSS meeting group continues discussion of extensible datatypes and units (each separately).  At the moment it's basically a fixed list.
    - Which datatypes and units are predefined as part of the standard VSS model?
    - Are these also used in the current standard catalog?  Are there "standard" types that are not used at all?
    - Shall the model allow extension with new datatypes?  ... and/or with new units?
    - If it shall, what is the method of extension?  Shall the datatypes and units be defined in the program source code or read in from a configuration file.

    Progress is being made on these questions but all (many) stakeholders need to have time to weigh in.
  • Early hints on upcoming issues:  Supporting struct data types (or not, as now), and possibly revisiting the definition of the enum type.
  • VSSo
Daniel W (error)
Ted (error)

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)
  • vsc-tools: Generator function now uses type introspection on nodes, so there is no need to specify the node type in the template any longer. (Issue #16 )
  • vsc-tools: Unit test framework in place (pytest) with a first test example (#13)
  • VSC/RPC meeting this week discussed way forward, and outreach to companies for one-on-one input regarding preferences
  • gRPC, OpenAPI, and other standards are important to get into the mix, as well as Franca usage or migration path as described before. A new Franca input parser may need to be programmed from scratch, but this should be straight forward.
  • W3C VISS specification

Ted  (error)


  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)
  • AOS
Artem (tick)

Trying to find common ground around authorization etc.  Need a proposal for community to react.

Service representation spec. also of interest (← VSC (and VSS) related discussion).


  • Several vacation/apologies this week from Bosch, BMW, ...
  • Project updates above, for those that are available
  • Catch up with Artem regarding AOS issues
    • See above
    • Also working on modularity - identifying components for reuse.
  • VSC and tools
    • → synergy opportunities with gRPC support in KUKSA.VAL?
    • Let's discuss "decisions" taken during this development → how to find consistency with the VSC-related work (which intends to integrate gRPC and other technologies as needed).
  • Awareness:  CVII-TS: Binary encoding for VSS-based data transfer
    • → synergy opportunities with gRPC impl. also here?
    • Artem: We have seen some problems with binary encodings, so JSON mostly for now, which is adequate for a lot of the needs at the moment.  We see potential need (for binary efficient encoding) however.
    • Sebastian:  For gRPC we replace some of the JSON protocol parts of course, but data encoding is often still using strings for simplicity at the moment.
    • Gunnar: OK, I conclude this is still important and interesting to together define one or two canonical binary encodings for VSS.
  • Updates/discussion on other priority-list projects:  
    • VISS v2 server Planning / Work Breakdown page
    • Needs a proper "need"/request for resource allocation.  Discussion on if current development frameworks (using python, NodeJS and other) are acceptable in in-vehicle embedded space or if this need actually does  exist already.
  • Android AAASIG update

Wednesday 2021-08-11

  • No meeting this week.

Wednesday 2021-08-04

  • Kuksa; Sebastien reports that students are working on the GRPC binding, no new feature in the pipe for the time being
  • Eclipse: Philippe indicates that the contact is established with the Eclipse Foundation, a new call is scheduled at the end of the month
  • AMM: Philippe indicates that the upcoming AMM will be virtual due to the delta variant
  • Kubernetes: Stephen Lawrence reports that there is an on-going experimement for running kubernetes on R-Car, please look at https://elinux.org/R-Car/k8s(J), this is in Japanese but can be translated using the usual tools
  • there will be NO CALL NEXT WEEK due to Summer low activity period, meeting schedule is the following
    • 11 August -- No meeting

    • 18 August -- meeting as usual (and back to weekly schedule).

Wednesday 2021-07-21

ProjectPerson reportingUpdates
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley  (tick)

(Bootable image):  Working on encoding the documentation of licenses and other needs for binary image release.
Planned docker support in Apertis for (next) binary release based on Apertis

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)

New release https://github.com/eclipse/kuksa.val/releases/tag/0.1.11

  • extra transformations (mapping/math) in DBC feeder
  • last release befre before switching to more VissV2 like responses for get

Work on GRPC on-going

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)
  • VSS & Tools

Daniel W (question)(error)
Gunnar   (tick)
(Sebastian as backup)

vss-tools: (python-fu...) Optimization of reverse-lookup of types among available types
vss-tools: bugfix: include dirs now searched in given order instead of undefined behaviortools: bugfix: include dirs now searched in given order instead of undefined behavior
VSSo tools update merged

Made progress on discussion on "custom" Data-types (leaning towards not supporting, and showing how to get to a solution in other ways).  Similar discussion on Units, pushed to later.

  • VSSo
Daniel W (question)
Ted (question)
VSSo tools update merged, see above.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)
  • W3C VISS specification
Ted (question)(Finalizing details to push first public working draft).  Vacation pause in meetings.
  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (error)
  • AOS
Artem (question)


  • Project updates, see above
  • AMM, discuss candidates for sessions / presentations
  • Follow-up and further planning on 3 prioritized development topics
  • Vacation/attendance planning for upcoming weeks

Wednesday 2021-07-14

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley  (tick)

- Hoping to make Vehicle Edge repo more capable / updated
- Raspberry pi image (as noted last week) is done, and (so far) used internally

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (error)

VSS v2 support?

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)

  • VSS & Tools

Gunnar   (tick)

Sebastian  (error)
Daniel W (error)

Fundamental discussions on flexibility / growth of data types and units.
vss-tools, some bugfix (standard catalog did not make use of this feature)

  • VSSo
Ted (tick)(Breakout call with Microsoft). Design choices still discussed, comparison to DTDL, trying out automated conversions and evaluating the result.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)No news.  Still establishing individual outreach and necessary questions to establish the "choice" of the established IDL.
  • W3C VISS specification
Ted (tick)First public working draft is almost ready to go.
  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (error)

  • AOS
Artem (tick)

Still working on documentation and internal agreements for possibility to open-source.


  • Project updates according to above.
  • Thomas: How/where to host the "ready-to-go" RaspberryPi images mentioned previously?  Let's discuss how to make it more visible.
  • Gunnar: Reiterating that out-of-the box experience is good, but we also need to "break apart" frameworks into reusable components, to promote and help a collaborative tech-stack development.
  • Thomas:  Daniel K has some ideas for APIs for cloud-to-device.
  • Went through the currently three highlighted development projects at the top of CVII Tech Stack
    • VISS server (C++)
      • Artem / AOS likely to plan resources
    • VSC-based proof of concept
      • Bosch interest - Thomas to set up initial chat with Daniel Krippner.
    • Binary serialization specification
      • Call for volunteers
  • Overall, these three seemed to still be high on interest/priority list.

Wednesday 2021-07-07

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley  (tick)Still working on "ready-to-go" Raspberry images (with Ubuntu and Apertis)
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)

GRPC interface: Work ongoing

Eclipse SAAM sldies and talk, also pitching vss available at: https://www.eclipse.org/kuksa/blog/2021/06/24/2021-06-24-eclipsesaam-scr-anti-tampering/  for all SAAM talks check https://events.eclipse.org/2021/saam-mobility/

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)

  • VSS & Tools

Gunnar   (tick)

Sebastian  (tick)
Daniel W (error)

Discussion around units (kph, m, kg,...) and datatypes (int16, string, float,.... : How to "add" new ones, should this really be encouraged, or rather discouraged.

Discussion ongoing

Fixed a small datatype bug in Wheel specification

Small bugfixes in tooling

  • VSSo
Daniel W  (error)No updates. Meeting with MS upcoming (how to map to MS ecosystem)
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar  (tick)Has been discussed during CVII workshop July 1st  CVII Workshop July 1, 2021
  • W3C VISS specification
Ulf (error)

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (error)

  • AOS
Artem (error)

Has been presented during CVII workshop July 1st  CVII Workshop July 1, 2021


Wednesday 2021-06-30

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (tick)Bugfixes in VSCode extension, and a NodeJS spawning fix.
RPi4 image.  A full Apertis image will be created. Added required dependencies for ioTEA/VehicleEdge.  

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (error) 

  • VISS server implementation in Go
(error) awaiting Ulf's return

  • VSS & Tools
Gunnar (tick)
Daniel W (tick)

PRs for documentation improvement, some merged
Progressing tickets and major discussions (still open tickets)

  • VSSo
Daniel W (tick)Break-out discussion, with Microsoft, still working with some postponement (vacations etc.)
VSS2TTL small tweaks.

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar (tick)Preparation for the workshop discussion tomorrow.
  • W3C VISS specification
(error) awaiting Ulf's return

  • CCS-client repository
(error) awaiting Ulf's return

  • AOS
Artem (tick) 

Some licensing discussions.

Updating to VISS v2.


  • Introduction (for Marc mostly) on various topics, organization etc.
  • Artem: There are fundamental topics I would like to have workshop on.  How to identify services.  Authorization....
  • Blackberry+AWS IVY project was mentioned.   Bosch working on setting up a first discussion / onboarding. 

Wednesday 2021-06-23

Fixed Agenda:

Project updates (<= 2-4 min each)

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (tick)

Improved unit-tests (especially on protocol gateway)

Vehicle Edge repo improvements, hardware support (RPi4)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)Perfect.
  • VISS server implementation in Go

  • VSS & Tools
Gunnar (tick)
Daniel W (tick)

GitHub actions

VSS catalog now not using list-format, better consistency

UUID no longer using an input file.

Improved package dependency handling

  • VSSo
Daniel W (tick)

Short meeting → Plan deep-dive this week on format of TTL file (Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language), and checking if conversion tools work, etc.

  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar (tick)

  • W3C VISS specification

  • CCS-client repository

Future: possibly split up parts into repos, prepare for proper "microservices" usage.

  • AOS
Artem (tick) → 
Ongoing discussion about existing code becoming open-source, and identify new collaboration areas.

Project planning, other topics


  • Christian K
  • Philippe R
  • Dirk
  • Stephen
  • Thomas
  • Piotr
  • Ted
  • Gunnar


Subprojects / tracks updates

  • Development projects, in table above

Bosch Framework


  • Is the (old but actively developed) JOYNR project of interest in CVII context?
  • Eclipse Foundation project Tractus-X – worth starting an alignment discussion


  • CVII was presented / discussed with AUTOSAR steering committee today.  (Good Q&A and discussions but further details not shared here)
  • We want to discuss the ability to use AUTOSAR based systems as signal sources
  • Connecting AUTOSAR and "non-AUTOSAR worlds"
  • Can there be a gateway doing (any) necessary translation (if needed), and/or mapping between protocols

Wednesday 2021-06-16

Fixed Agenda:

Project updates (<= 2-4 min each)

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Thomas Spreckley (tick)

Technology transport abstraction (protocol gateway)

C++ support

Integration test framework + test suites

Rust experiments starting (not visible yet)

  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)Paper describing working with Kuksa (gather data from exhaust system and analyze the values)
  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (tick)

Support for Curve Logging.  Implementation better verified now (connected and compared to Geotab Go-device implementation)

  • VSS & Tools
Gunnar (tick)
Daniel W (tick)

Travis broken... (smile)
Discussion on attributes (constants), how often and if they can change (for example between driving cycles)

  • VSSo
Daniel W (tick)vss2vsso → ready to merge.
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar (tick)

PR open tweaks some concepts, nested namespaces, clarifies properties.  Properties = VSS signals.  Similar setup.  Discussion on whether it can be done only "in VSS" instead.

NOTE: Planning  in parallel a "fundamental" discussion on the creation of the common services/interface language likely on July 1 workshop.

  • W3C VISS specification
Ulf (tick)

VISS version 2, process started to send it out as First Public Working Draft (first working group approves to go to this state).

Discussion on if some features should be optional.  Candidates for optionality are in the areas of filtering and access control.

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (tick)

Some smaller fixes after testing in new environment.

Planning to have a tool to transform from Geotab collected data into VSS.  The first step was implemented (to interpolate curve logging formatted data).

  • AOS
Artem (tick)Awaiting big-picture plan first (see below)

Project planning, other topics



  • Quick updates done
  • AOS:
  • Artem: We are working on publishing the appropriate open-source parts.   Protocols, authentication, ...
  •     Authorization service.  Defining access rights.
  •     Gunnar: Definition of access control rights, permissions, etc. are worthwhile to make standard.  Different environment have different needs (e.g. VISS spec, Android Automotive permissions model, etc.) but there are opportunities to design this together.
  • AUTOSAR connection
  • Piotr:  TietoEvry has talked with AR community to propose some concepts.   VehicleGateway (Cloud-to-vehicle connection), conceptual phase started.    Piotr tracking but not part of main design team.  Adam can tell us more.
  • Fill out survey (and ask colleagues who are not as connected to CVII already)
  • July 1 Workshop planning
  • Ted: Best Practices for automotive applications, is progressing well (recent discussions on accessibility aspects).

Wednesday 2021-06-09

Project planning, other topics

  • Student development project (security) – brainstorm implementation topics
  • CVII Workshop planning
  • AOS presentation by Artem


  • 16 participants
  • Florian, Jeff, Johan, Ulf, Stephen, Gunnar, Philippe, Ted, Daniel W, Artem, Christian K, Dirk, Christian H, Ravi
  • Apologies: Iyyaz


  • Development project updates were skipped (missed).  Postponed until next week.
  • Round-table due to new mix of participants
  • Discussed student dev project ideas, link above
  • Discussed CVII workshop plan, link above
  • Artem presented AOS overview
  • Discussions around future plans (overlay architectures from AOS, Bosch-IoTea/Vehicle Edge, CCS and other.  Identify work areas).

Wednesday 2021-06-02

Fixed Agenda:

Project updates (<= 5 min each)

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Lars-Erich?, Jochen?(error)Waiting for the right people next week.
  • Kuksa.VAL
Sebastian (tick)
  • Bugfix on test / validation of VSS
  • DBC feeder improvements
  • Old experiment on permissions removed (newer approach to JWT based access remains)
  • stress test (new student developer)

  • VISS server implementation in Go
Ulf (error)Curve Logging implemented (Ulf can explain more later)
  • VSS & Tools
Daniel W (tick)

VSS: default should be only for attributes, fixed in tools and removed from non-attributes in VSS itself

Documentation generation fixes

vss-tools→new graphql schema generator
vss to vsso converter still under review (PR)

  • VSSo
Daniel W (tick)vss to vsso converter still under review (PR)
  • VSC & Tools
Gunnar (tick)A VSC generation tool/framework exists.  Templates still todo.
Reconsidering the language definition (maybe use standard Franca IDL?)

  • W3C VISS specification
Ulf (error)

  • CCS-client repository
Ulf (error)


Updates on liaisons, alignment track, etc.

Project planning, other topics

  • Starting conversations with/about AOS today
  • CVII Workshop date set for 1 July (1600 CEST, 3h duration)


  • Introductions (Artem's first meeting)
  • Brief discussion on AOS (principles, not the technology).  Embedded parts are planned to be open-source.  Process ongoing (outlook - a few months).
  • Artem to give AOS architecture/tech overview next week
  • Artem mentioned Android HAL using a VISS-protocol external server was implemented and shown by EPAM a few years ago.  
    • Gunnar:  So this was before AASIG was started...  It is good input, although current work has considered GraphQL as the protocol for the internal VSS-data server.
    • => Artem to provide a link to the published code.
  • New table-based tracking of wanted/expected/missing tech stack components was added to the CVII Tech Stack overview page  (warning) Feedback/changes welcome!
    • This could drive priority discussions also
  • Sub-topics moved to separate pages for deeper analysis, e.g. protobuf (already existed), mqtt (new), etc.
  • Eclipse: short discussion on the liaison with Eclipse, to be followed up with the Bosch team

Wednesday 2021-05-25

Project updates (<= 5 min each)

ProjectPerson reportingUpdatesComments
  • ioTEA/Vehicle Edge

Lars-Erich?, Jochen?

  • Kuksa.VAL

VISS server - PR 190 - now apply default values if given in input catalog.

  • VISS server implementation in Go
UlfFull implementation of Curve Logging (see Tech Brief page) included now.
  • VSS & Tools
Daniel (tick)
vss-tools:  Array size support (caused warnings before)
Bug in instantiation code fixed.

  • VSSo
Daniel (tick)

  • VSC & Tools

  • W3C VISS specification

  • CCS-client repository


Updates on liaisons, alignment track, etc.

  • Main topic right now is liaison with ISO group W6 for Extended Vehicle to discuss (potentially) introduction of data model definition in ExVe work.
  • Plan for a small-scale meeting with some engineers involved in the activity.
  • A deeper technical alignment work is required for SENSORiS.  It could be done by a volunteer or a small working group meeting  (doing the work, not talking about what could be done).

Project planning, other topics

  • Upcoming - overlay architectures and plans from VehicleEdge, CCS, AOS, plus the VSS-tools, VSC-tools and various plans discussed in this meeting.  The purpose is to combine these into a view of the full tech stack.
  • Gunnar reached out to EPAM for participation


  • Many vacations in Germany this week affects today's attendance.
  • Gunnar: Some things might need to be repeated next week, but let's run a dress-rehearsal of the fixed agenda today.  Starting with updates.
  • Sebastian: Note the upcoming Eclipse Conference.  There will be a presentation on KUKSA.VAL, but also other interesting things.
  • Gunnar: (Tip from Stephen).  Note also this Embedded virtual conference starting June 3rd (several strong embedded Linux talks in the agenda).
  • AOS, first look for related code:

Wednesday 2021-05-19

  • Sebastian suggests every meeting should start with a project-update from each component development project, including IOT-event-analytics, and others. 
    • Start this next week.
  • Gunnar notes that we should have clearer indication of who is attending/not every week.  Better structure and discipline for attendance, (and for agenda of course).  Time-boxing can be used if people only want to be on part of the meeting.
  • Not much progress on VS* to AUTOSAR tooling this week.  Piotr had to leave meeting.
  • Basic VSC generation framework now on GENIVI github → vsc-tools
  • More VSS-to-bindings tools might come out open-source licensed, from another OEM's development
  • A look at aoscloud.io - Renesas and EPAM.  Some open-source components.  Renesas has used VSS and VISSv1 in previous demos.  We are hopeful for setting up collaborative work on overlapping areas.
  • Collecting up some more related SW project (some older, some newer):

Wednesday 2021-04-21


  • Development related to integrating with AUTOSAR
  • "Plan B" on VSC tooling development - discuss options
  • Bosch I-O-Tea and Vehicle Edge evaluation


  • Integrations to AUTOSAR
    • Tieto platform running, ready to use for investigations
    • Gunnar:  For "Any"2Autosar tooling, first step is usually a definition of the mapping (spread-sheet showing language features that map to each other, where is it simple, where are challenges, etc.)
  • VSS2ara would be basically solving the "autosar side" of the system, similar to how Franca → AUTOSAR XML converter was used with AUTOSAR.
  • Alternative is to first focus on the "non-AUTOSAR" side of systems, e.g. generate a SOME/IP binding directly, or DDS, or other.  (VSS/VSC to SOME/IP binding directly).
  • ASAM service oriented diagnostics seems interesting.

  • "Plan B"
    • The VSC-related tooling is taking even longer time to go through company legal reviews and final approvals for releasing it with an open source license, although there is a clear desire to get it done.
    • A discussion started on how to develop a first set of tools in parallel with waiting for the other.

Wednesday 2021-04-14



  • Iyyaz:  Regarding demo (AMM).  Docker-based stack and Terraform is being developed.

Wednesday 2021-04-07


  • Tieto setting up internal meetings to figure out what to do next with the plans on AUTOSAR interoperability. 

        ... planning to build on VSC tooling
        ... Gunnar: Plan translation mapping and templates can start early

  • Iyyaz has prepared some notes .  E.g. what is "the edge" by definition?

Wednesday 2021-03-31


Wednesday 2021-03-24

  • pipeline and configmanager come from IoT-event-analytics repository = Northbound
  • kuksa val, hal interface+adapter, vss2iotea part of vehicle-edge = Southbound
  • Dirk: There should be some useful UML diagrams.
  • Christian to find the presentations/pictures that are useful here and attach to CVII Tech Stack page.
  • Tieto still working on setting up AUTOSAR environment and planning.
  • Discussed the need to coordinate development plans (e.g. bindings to DDS, SOME/IP, and-or code generators) to avoid overlap.
  • Gunnar create a home page for Vehicle-Edge stack analysis and information.

Wednesday 2021-03-17


  • Update on protobuf tool (merged)
  • Bosch code released for IOT-event-analytics framework, and the vehicle-edge project to bring together all parts of the stack. 
  • Discussion on AUTOSAR tooling
    • TietoEVRY to continue to seek out relevant people, bring into a design discussion meeting.
  • Franca / FARACON vs VSC development
  • VSC code generation framework coming soon. Discussing what to expect.
  • Planning the CVII related sessions at GENIVI AMM, May 4-7.

Wednesday 2021-03-10


  • Updates on topics below
  • Protobuf continued.
  • Bosch


  • Bosch: Code related to the demo on the CVII workshop will be on an open repository within 1-2 weeks.
  • Discussion about organization of the different parts of CVII.  → TODO link for "org.chart" and Common Vehicle Interface Initiative - Activity Matrix.
  • confirming Signal2Service not a likely input to our work (no demonstrator, no plans at the moment)
  • Waiting....
  • Can someone take over leadership?

Wednesday 2021-03-03

  • Adam K / Piotr: AUTOSAR - Signal2Service is not really implemented yet.
    • Some VSS to AUTOSAR tooling seems to make sense therefore
    • Tieto want to start  working on this.  First steps is getting runtime platform setup working. Then the design of VSS↔AUTOSAR can start (and be discussed).
  • Quick look at CVII Tech Stack technologies - Protobuf again.
  • Need for full software architecture focus in this project.
    • Separation of safety-critical technologies and info/entertainment/other.  What is being targeted exactly? 
    • Where in a typical architecture are we working?
    • VSS itself is orthogonal to safety/other question.  However, the chosen technologies and implementations may need to be classified from safety perspective.
    • Clarify where different proposals belong. E.g. "MQTT is unlikely in safety domain, right?"
    • Agreement on which technology to use where.
  • Images to show architecture.
  • Big software release announcement next week...
  • Virtualization important aspect to consider.

Wednesday 2021-02-24

  • AUTOSAR - Tieto/EVRY still interested but other priorities came up so the time plan not clear at this point.
  • Signal2Service - check if spec released and if applicable
  • Look at defining the representation of data in AUTOSAR-XML (to prepare VSS to ARXML conversion)
    • FARACON tool would be one approach.  Create a Franca IDL file with some observable data ("Attributes" in FIDL) and run the conversion, study the result.  There is a comprehensive mapping between Franca ↔ ARXML that should be correct.
  • MQTT 
    • VISS over MQTT (Ulf) has been described in W3C Automotive working group.
      • It is embedding VISS in MQTT with a small control protocol defined (over MQTT).
      • Access control strategy is identical to standard VISS. 
        • Topic needs to be "protected" somehow or anyone could listen/inject to traffic.
      • Give some time to let this idea mature before it becomes part of any official specifications.  New ideas and improvements may come up.
    • A more direct VSS-to-MQTT topic mapping is a different and complementary alternative
    • Sebastian:  Publishing to MQTT is easy.  For writing more work required (because access control details not done yet).
      • Steps:  Define the payload message format
      • Steps:  Describe the access control strategy (clients have access to a subset of topics)
      • Steps:  Deciding implementation language and reuse libraries
  • Protobuf – think about how to represent messages - this page

Wednesday 2021-02-17

Workshop preparation

Shortlist of working items:

  • General efficient message format (JSON and Binary).  For use in many contexts, e.g. MQTT, and SOME/IP and other.
    • For JSON, consider VISS spec
    • VISS spec also has a "compressed" format (unique to VISS)
    • Discussion about having a more "standard" format for binary/efficient encoding.  MsgPack is somewhere in between (like compressed/binary JSON) whereas describing a schema in Protobuf or AVRO or similar will generate an efficient encoding from the schema.
  • Define mapping to AUTOSAR technologies, ARA:COM (AUTOSAR XML) and/or SOME/IP or DDS specifically.  In other words how is a signal definition converted to a 'Service'?  Or should it simply be observable properties (Fields in SOME/IP).
  • The AUTOSAR spec Signal2Service seems still unclear to many.  Perhaps further investigation required.
  • Can we define the actual purpose of the specification?  If so, there is opportunity for any one here to propose potential solutions or to 'unstuck' this activity somehow.

Wednesday 2021-02-10

MQTT (and general design) discussion

  • SSL/TLS setup between MQTT server and MQTT client could have bi-directional authentication (checking also client certificate)
  • Authentication method for the initial CONNECT can be any one that client+server both support. 
  • One approach is to allow any client to get any MQTT topic, but the data itself is encrypted and then only those who can decrypt have access to the data in practice.
  • Another (VISS and other) consider applying filters on the signals (MQTT:topics) that you can actually request.    E.g. Vehicle/Cabin/Temperature.  E.g. Mosquitto plugins can be used for this.
  • VSS Layer (<link) a possibility to define permissions groups (for any of the technology choices or approaches above).
  • Bosch proposes the use of the SSI approach: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-sovereign_identity
    • ... but SSL/TLS is also required in some environments e.g. across internet

Open areas for getting started on implementation

  • Mapping VSS to popular cloud/infrastructure technologies Apache Kafka/Spark/NiFi etc. 
  • What about VSSo?
  • Which existing technologies do VSSo fit into?
    • VSSo maps well to GraphQL (or SPARQL of course).  Web-of-things ← is there an obvious implementation/framework to use in implementing?
      • For GraphQL there is Apollo, Neo4j, maybe others.
    • Protege / Webprotege  ← development/analysis of ontology/data?

Action:  Collect more information from more companies about preferred technologies/implementations.

Wednesday 2021-02-03

US friendly time 17:00 CET


  • project scoping
  • upcoming CVII workshop


  • Christian H, Christian K, Dirk, Sebastian (Bosch)
  • Niclas (Volvo Cars)
  • Kevin (High Mobility), Ulf (Geotab), Iyyaz (Cobrasphere) (GENIVI CCS project participants)
  • Piotr, Michal, Dariuz, Adam, Stefan, (TietoEVRY)

  • Ted (W3C), Gunnar, Stephen, Philippe (GENIVI)


project scoping

  • review of CVII Tech Stack, updated on line

  • Dirk shows latest status of Bosch VAPP project implementation, slide deck can be shared once the code is published in the open

upcoming CVII workshop

Wednesday 2021-01-27

US friendly time 17:00 CET


  • project scoping
  • AOB


  • Sebastian, Christian K, Dirk, Gerald (Bosch)
  • Niclas (Volvo Cars)
  • Kevin (High Mobility), Ulf (Geotab), Iyyaz (Cobrasphere) (GENIVI CCS project participants)
  • Rex (Saferide)
  • Piotr, Michal, Dariuz, Adam, Stefan, (TietoEVRY)

  • Ted (W3C), Gunnar, Stephen, Philippe (GENIVI)


Project scoping

  • discussion starts with MQT, discussion is based on the content of CVII Tech Stack

  • Sebastian:  this is a preferred techno, but what should be the reference implementation for the mapping of VSS to MQTT ?

  • discussion on code vs specs

  • Christian K: code does not lie

  • Ted: but it can have bugs (as can specs)

  • Ted: a server in cloud could return VSS JSON or VSSo RDF (or other formats) through content negotiation from the same end points based on client preferences

  • Christian K: I am convinced there will other standards than CVII in the air, Sensoris for instance, we have already vehicles in development that use Sensoris and I would like to give an opportunity to sync with CVII in the future

  • TODO Christian K to contact Sensoris and make the liaison happen with them

  • discussion on the interface to AUTOSAR
  • Sebastian: we do not need to dig deeply into Adaptive Autosar, our interface point is rather someip for instance

  • Dirk: I would assume both data & service mapping with Autosar

  • Rex: signal-to-service mapping

  • Ted: back to SENSORiS, a mapping may be sufficient for this activity and translators can be created by those who need them. likely would be welcome in GENIVI repo if created, HERE previously showed me some mappings they maintain

  • Christian K: TSN, ARA::COM are deeply embedded when we go so deep, we will lose the opportunity to do any abstraction

  • TODO all to define what are the high level objectives of constructing an AUTOSAR connection

  • Christian K: AUTOSAR  is so much in the safety world that it will be difficult to build cool things with them

  • Sebastian: we want the data from below, i.e. from the safety world, do we want to write safety critical applications on top of VSC ?

  • Gunnar: IMHO VSC can describe a safety critical application but will not implement it

  • Dirk: what is the targeted runtime environment ? is the vehicle computer or a deeply embedded ECU ?

  • short discussion between Christian K, Dirk and Gunnar

  • Gunnar: IMHO the model could apply to any system whatever it safe or not

  • Christian: we will take this offline

  • Michal: VSS to MQTT , what is the preferred language to implement the translation ?

  • Dariuz: I have some experience with MQTT and I am interesting in this translator but not familiar with C++ for instance

  • SebastianLet's all use RUST :)

  • Gunnar: we could start with python first and see where it goes, but if Tieto says we use Rust, please do it, you know the industry better

  • Michal and Dariuz: volunteer for the translator

  • Adam: we can bring some feedback on AUTOSAR for the next call

  • No labels