The GENIVI Program Committee is pleased to announce several additions to the speaker line-up at the upcoming GENIVI Member Virtual Experience on 26-30 October.  Please visit the latest online agenda and registration portal for the latest information and to sign-up for the free event open to all interested parties in the automotive industry (including non-members of GENIVI).  Unlike past member meetings that tended to be 2.5 or 3 days long, this virtual event will span the entire week with portions of the event reserved for working sessions of current GENIVI projects.

Monday (26 October) will kick off with a moderated, thought leadership panel comprised of GENIVI Board member representatives discussing three trends in future vehicle systems including: 

  1. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (Matt Jones, Wind River)
  2. Digital twin concepts as applied to vehicle data (Dimitrios Stavrianos and Rainer Lang, both from Bosch)
  3. Consolidating vehicle functions in a software defined architecture (Tero Salminen, OpenSynergy).

The audience will also hear from Roger Lanctot, Strategy Analytics, about the impact of Google in the cockpit and from Georg Doll, McKinsey, about cost implications to vehicle software complexity.  Another trend discussed by Thom Denholm fromTuxera is solving data storage challenges in the automotive projects of tomorrow.  And the final session of the day will be panel moderated by John Moon, Connected Travel on car commerce and in-vehicle payments with panelists from BWM, HERE Technologies, MasterCard, and Postmates.

Tuesday (27 October) will be given to the continuation of a multi-year, productive collaboration between GENIVI and W3C in the vehicle data and web interface areas that has resulted in two industry standards.  Both the Vehicle Service Specification (VSS) defining an extensible model for vehicle data and the Vehicle Interface Service Specification (VISS) defining a web interface to exchange vehicle data with the cloud are being adopted in the industry and are expected to expand in a newly announced, joint project called Common Vehicle Interface Initiative (CVII).  The day will start with an OEM-led panel (Ford, Volvo Cars, Renault Software and BMW) arguing in favor of the initiative to create common approaches to collect, manage and exchange vehicle data both in the vehicle and in the cloud.  Two one-hour workshops are planned after the panel to continue to define the scope and work breakdown of the CVII.  If you have any interest in the future of vehicle data, these sessions are essential.  A second, Asia-friendly replay of the CVII content with live Q&A is being planned for Thursday morning (0900 CET).  

Because of contributions by Asia-based colleagues, Wednesday (28 October) will have two primary program tracks, one starting in the morning CET and the other in the afternoon.  The GENIVI project defining an Audio Hardware Abstraction Layer (A-HAL) associated with Android Automotive will be the focus of the morning sessions, led by representatives of BMW and TietoEvry.  The afternoon track will focus on automotive cybersecurity with talks and panelists including the Chair of ISO's 21434 Committee, General Motors, Irdeto, NCC Group, Strategy Analytics and Automotive News. 

Thursday (29 October) will be given to the GENIVI project called Cloud and Connected Services (CCS).  This project has been active for some time and is exploring not only the usage of a standard vehicle data model (VSS), but also a common reference architecture for vehicle to cloud communications. Kevin Valdek, CTO of High Mobility, will lead the working sessions.  And finally, Friday (30 October) will be dedicated to the other important project of the Android Automotive SIG, namely the Vehicle Hardware Abstraction Layer (V-HAL) development work.

In addition to all of the relevant and informative program content, the event will be an great opportunity to network with current and prospective colleagues and customers through the Swapcard platform.  Used during the recent TU-Automotive event, this platform enables registered participants to request connections with other participants, to freely chat and to support virtual business meetings between interested parties.  We would also like to thank our event sponsors, Hyundai Motor Company and LG Electronics for their generous support of the event.   

Please take time today to review the latest online agenda and to register for this free event at the registration portal.

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